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 Post subject: To all public schools...
 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:57 pm 
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DO NOT fucking send home a letter at the beginning of the school year stating my child is not longer to bring peanut butter to school. FUCK YOU!!! What if that's what my kid likes? What if that's all I can afford? How the fuck are you going to dictate to my what my kid can and can't eat at school? If you got little faggots that are allergic to peanut better, that's their fucking problem. Teach them not to trade lunches. Shit happened to my nephews, the aren't allowd to have anything peanut butter related in a PUBLIC school because 2 kids in the entire elementary school are allergic to it. I swear i want to have the kids roll around in peanut dust before going to school. FUCK YOU SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS, and FUCK YOU parents of kids who are allergic, Do your fucking job and teach them what they can and can't eat.

 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:02 pm 
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I dunno man, its shitty, but kids are crazy allergic to things now that even if they smell the shit, they start reacting.



 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:05 pm 
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It's the schools responsibility to create a safe environment for the kids, not create an environment where the parents can send peanut butter sandwiches for their kids to eat. So I gotta side with the school, however annoying it would be that my kid couldn't eat peanut butter at school anymore.



 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:05 pm 
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I dunno man, its shitty, but kids are crazy allergic to things now that even if they smell the shit, they start reacting.

Man, when did everyone turn into little bitches? So if my kid has some fucking obscure allergy to candy, you gonna tell parents, don't let your kids bring that to school? Fuck that. WHY must we always accomodate the lowest common denominator to the detrement of everyone else?

 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:07 pm 
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Is the school gonna provide me more money to buy things other than peanut butter for my kid? If my kid is allergic to cotton, you gonna tell every parent there don;t send your kid to school with clothes containing cotton? fuck that. put those little faggots in their own class room.

 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:09 pm 
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I dunno man, its shitty, but kids are crazy allergic to things now that even if they smell the shit, they start reacting.

Man, when did everyone turn into little bitches? So if my kid has some fucking obscure allergy to candy, you gonna tell parents, don't let your kids bring that to school? Fuck that. WHY must we always accomodate the lowest common denominator to the detrement of everyone else?

People didn't turn into little bitches by choice though, there is something physically wrong, and there is nothing that can be done about it. There are other things to eat besides peanut butter.



 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:12 pm 
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Is the school gonna provide me more money to buy things other than peanut butter for my kid? If my kid is allergic to cotton, you gonna tell every parent there don;t send your kid to school with clothes containing cotton? fuck that. put those little faggots in their own class room.

I get you, I do, but peanut allergies are prevalent and increasing, cotton (and other) allergies aren't. It was probably something that they saw happening at an increasing rate, so rather than try to segregate kids based on peanut allergies (which would be difficult to do and maintain) they did the easiest and thus most sensible thing, ban peanut products. It sucks, but its the best option on the table given that food alternatives are vast.



 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:14 pm 
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I hear you man. i just hate that someone is gonna tell me, as a parent, what i can and can't send to school for lunch with my kid. At a PUBLIC school. Private school, I understand, they can make their own rules. Just don't understand how and why schools interject themselves into the home of the kids. It's not right. And if i was a parent (wear those rubbers boys!) then i would send my kids to school every dat with PB if that's what they wanted to eat.

 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:16 pm 
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I mean, when dealing with a school of several hundred kids, and 2 are allergic, put those kids in a seperate room for lunch. inconveneice the 2, not the 600.

 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:16 pm 
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And it might get worse, soon kids might have to stop bring all kinds of different foods. There is really no easy solution. Turning kids away because they have peanut allergies is not an acceptable solution bro. You have to change the environment to accommodate the kids in these scenarios, not vice versa, if you do it the other way, then on a very low level you are teaching them that segregation is an acceptable practice.



 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:21 pm 
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i don't know man. Don't like it. Pussification of america. The government, local, state, federal, should not be able to tell me what i can and can't feed my kids. You wanna stock the school with epi pens, go for it. Educate the kids on what they can and cant eat. Educate the kids how to use the pens, great. just don't tell me in a public school my 7 year ikfkid can't eat peanut butter and jelly for lunch.

 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:22 pm 
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I hear you man. i just hate that someone is gonna tell me, as a parent, what i can and can't send to school for lunch with my kid. At a PUBLIC school. Private school, I understand, they can make their own rules. Just don't understand how and why schools interject themselves into the home of the kids. It's not right. And if i was a parent (wear those rubbers boys!) then i would send my kids to school every dat with PB if that's what they wanted to eat.

I totally get what you mean about public vs private, but I feel like that argument doesn't really apply here because we're talking about allergies, shit that kids cant help. To me its a reasonable compromise, because those 2 kids could easily become 4, 5, 6, 10, and maybe a few have the lethal variety of those peanut allergies. Next thing some kid dies in a school because the school thought it was more important for your kid to be allowed to bring peanut butter to school. This is a bad example of schools interjecting themselves into the home of the kids. They aren't teaching your kids bad shit, they are trying to protect a segment of the kids from something that they have no defense against, and if you as a parent really love your child, then you should be sensitive to the plight of all children.

If I had a child and saw that letter, I'd probably be irritated for a half a second, til I think about the concept of my child dying from an allergy because the school or other parents didn't give a shit.



 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:26 pm 
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i don't know man. Don't like it. Pussification of america. The government, local, state, federal, should not be able to tell me what i can and can't feed my kids. You wanna stock the school with epi pens, go for it. Educate the kids on what they can and cant eat. Educate the kids how to use the pens, great. just don't tell me in a public school my 7 year ikfkid can't eat peanut butter and jelly for lunch.

Naw man. There is a pussification of America going on, I agree, but defending children from their own physical weaknesses? How is that pussification??

There is no gray area here, its black or white, and what you are defending here is the kids basically being put in a situation where they are endangered by what they cant help or stop.

You say isolate the other kids during lunch, but that's not gonna prevent other shitty situations where kids (who are generally stupid) go off and eat outside of lunch, or wherever the fuck. Here, the best method of prevention is to simply ban the shit, it sucks, I know, but I think its whats best. They are fucking kids man, they should be protected.



 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:29 pm 
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E90, your stance is asinine. there's a lot of shit worth picking a fight over and a lot of reasons to accuse America of being pussified. This isn't one of them. You really gonna pick a fight over peanut butter?? Get real.

 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:30 pm 
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You gotta also see it as the school covering their own ass, because the school is the one who is responsible for the kids, they are the ones who are gonna get sued when your kids pb sandwich kills some other kid, not you. So on that end, I completely understand and agree with their stance as well.

In fact I feel the opposite, if its a private school and Im paying, they should accommodate what I want, but a public school should accommodate everybody as best as possible, which means banning shit if it poses a danger to even the smallest segment.



 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:40 pm 
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It's like...once upon a time, they used to say prayers in public schools. When communities were smaller and filled with one religion it was an acceptable practice, as shit grew, they took them out because some kids parents weren't about all that. My parents and family were angry about it being removed from schools, and in hindsight Im also angry that the shit isn't in there from these heathen ass kids, but then reason kicks in.....its a fucking public school, its supposed to accommodate everyone, not just you, and sometimes, one thing that a great many like is offensive to a smaller group. To accommodate everyone, you have to remove it if the two cant coexist, unless its a necessity, and guess what, prayers and peanut butter sandwiches are not a necessity in running a public school.



 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:45 pm 
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Asshole, now I want pb.



 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:23 pm 
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i am with you e9 make the pbj fight the power.


 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:32 pm 
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i am with you e9 make the pbj fight the power.




 Post Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:56 pm 
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if my daughter had a peanut allergy and some dad came at me with that 'tough shit' attitude id be ready to fight him on the spot. If the pbj rule bothers you that much then get your kid some home schooling and he/she can eat all the pbjs they want. As Jermz eluded to, a public school has rules in order to govern the children as a collective group, its not each individual child running around doing whatever the hell they want. Nevermind the fact that its not that big a deal and not worth getting your panties in a bunch. In Pre-K we were instructed not to pack a pbj for my daughter anymore after we did the first time, and the situation was explained to us. We said ''Ok no problem.'' My daughter eats plenty of pbjs and has for a good while. Just not at school. We don't have an issue with it and not even she, with her young not fully developed mind, has an issue with it. If anyone out there is really willing to raise a big fuss over such matters they need to check themselves.

 Post Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:26 am 
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I'm with the school in this one. Their job is not only to teach, but also to ensure safety of children when they attend. If peanut butter is affecting the safety of even one child at the school, than it is their job to handle the situation.

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 Post Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:18 am 
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I would whoop your ass Anis, and then throw peanuts at your kid! LOL

 Post Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:43 am 
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Asshole, now I want pb.

Sorry, someone in your town might be allergic, so you can't have any. :shit-storm:

 Post Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:18 pm 
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If that happened to me, I'd walk right up to the school administrator and tell them to suck my fucking dick.

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