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Officially out the bho ff leagues!!
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Author:  moemoney253 [ Sun Jul 09, 2023 3:04 am ]
Post subject:  Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

I just checked the chats and it's official I'm out I've been removed....not gonna lie man I'll miss ya even burrowz but I'll always be on here

Good luck in the fantasy leagues this yr to all u guys ...
Please don't let burrowz crazy retarded ass in ban that man from all bho leagues!!
I'll be back maybe in 2025....

Till than good luck to all ya and I'll definitely speak to ya on here let's start that fantasy football 2023 thread

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Sun Jul 09, 2023 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Good luck to you in your other leagues, Moe. So far it's just Ice and myself who have signed up so the chat is basically dead right now. I honestly wish we would all get back to posting here but I total get the convenience factor of just using the chat thread. No hard feelings Moe. You are an excellent competitor. Take it easy.

Author:  DaTruth [ Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!


Author:  Jermzhi [ Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Pretty sure I'm bowing out for the year as well. If the second league is run back, Ill probably just commish it.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Mon Jul 10, 2023 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

I know it won't be easy for yall....but you might have to stagger on without the Prophet.

Author:  moemoney253 [ Mon Jul 10, 2023 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Yea man it's that time...
I ain't gonna lie I'm definitely gonna miss ya on the yahoo chat.but it's that time to retire from the free bho leagues
Maybe 2025 I'll be back but I definitely gotta take 2 yrs off.

I'll see ya on here man good luck in all ur money leagues man it's been real

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Tue Jul 11, 2023 2:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Jermz and Moe both out. Not looking good so far. Lol
Looks like the tradition could be broken. We had a damn good run though.

Author:  moemoney253 [ Wed Jul 12, 2023 3:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Jermz don't be copying me fam....
U never said anything about hanging it up now all of a sudden u out?? Soldier on son :lol: :lol:

Don't be biting me I said a yr ago that was it for me u never said anything of the sort...
U can't quit now with me gone these ingrates need u now more than ever

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Jul 12, 2023 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Jermz don't be copying me fam....
U never said anything about hanging it up now all of a sudden u out?? Soldier on son :lol: :lol:

Don't be biting me I said a yr ago that was it for me u never said anything of the sort...
U can't quit now with me gone these ingrates need u now more than ever

Nah Moe you just wasnt listening when I said it. Ive said it every year and during every season. And after I got cheated out of the title when that buff cincy game got stopped, left a bad taste in my mouth man.

Plus, this is just too busy a year coming up for me, I'm gonna have a new career position, I have several professional courses to take, I have 2 side business ventures to take on, and a house to maintain and renovate, and somewhere in that I have to take care of the bitches man. I dont got time to fantasy ball to the level in line with my current standard.

Author:  DaTruth [ Wed Jul 12, 2023 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

When the core begins to break apart, life takes over, and the regime begins to unravel until it becomes fully undone.

Lucky for this regime, Truth won't let that happen.

Good for you and your endeavors Jermz, hope all goes well with all of that, but with all due respect.... You don't have a choice on whether or not you will be joining the league this year. Trust you understand.

As for Moe, we will address that as we get closer to draft day.

Author:  moemoney253 [ Thu Jul 13, 2023 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Look man bho always gonna survive...
This place will always be around and the fantasy league will always go, burrowz,troof,anis prime ya will find a way to get 10-12 ppl and replace me and jermz

Personally I think jermz full of shit...
He loves this league and he'll find a way to make time
All he gotta do is show up for the draft managing ur team is easy

Put ur waiver claims in Tuesday night football the easiest sport to manage shit ain't rocket science.
I'm definitely out I did wat I wanted to do....

I was a man of my word the last 2 yrs I won burrowz and ice league so I went out a winner won every bho league that ever existed that's how u do it doesn't get anymore real than that

Author:  moemoney253 [ Thu Jul 13, 2023 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

I held this shit down more than anybody here real talk...
Held clb down,played every yr in these bho leagues back wen it wasn't always popular wen certain dudes like Ice and burrowz and others didn't want to be involved

So it's time for me now to go away for a few yrs but I'll be here keeping in contact with u guys like I said....
Look jermz least u can do if u really done (which I highly doubt) is pm some bho members here and find suitable replacements for me and u

And not yo bumass cousins either nigga real dudes that's gonna hold it down and take this seriously like me and u always did u owe bho that

Author:  Icecold323 [ Thu Jul 13, 2023 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Oh now that Big Ice is running shit, top dog status, defending CHAMP, highest rated putting that DIAMOND foot in yall ass yall wanna bow out and run off now huh?! Nahh fuck that. Bring yall asses back and catch some more ass whippins :lol: :lol: :shaking-head-no-smiley-emoticon: :happy: :pimp:

Author:  moemoney253 [ Thu Jul 13, 2023 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Ice it ain't about that....
I said before last yrs draft that was it for me.
So don't even act up :lol: :cool:

I'll be back in 2025 bro....
Gotta take a few yrs off to focus on these money leagues.i did wat I wanted to do beat yo ass IN UR OWN LEAGUE TO WIN UR LEAGUE

U prime, troof,anis and burrowz will hold it down till I get back.

I think jermz will be back he'll get that itch

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Thu Jul 13, 2023 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Jermz don't be copying me fam....
U never said anything about hanging it up now all of a sudden u out?? Soldier on son :lol: :lol:

Don't be biting me I said a yr ago that was it for me u never said anything of the sort...
U can't quit now with me gone these ingrates need u now more than ever

Nah Moe you just wasnt listening when I said it. Ive said it every year and during every season. And after I got cheated out of the title when that buff cincy game got stopped, left a bad taste in my mouth man.

Plus, this is just too busy a year coming up for me, I'm gonna have a new career position, I have several professional courses to take, I have 2 side business ventures to take on, and a house to maintain and renovate, and somewhere in that I have to take care of the bitches man. I dont got time to fantasy ball to the level in line with my current standard.

What new career position will you be taking on?

Author:  Icecold323 [ Thu Jul 13, 2023 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Yea you won my jabroni league Moe :lol: :lol: but ya NEVER won the big one. The BHO CHAMPIONSHIP....that I currently hold. I'm the champ. Dont you want to take it from me?! Dont you finally want to win the one league that matters?!! Cause i think im finna go BACK-TO-BACK.

Ima tell you like ya boy Keef told Paulie.....YOU BETTER NOT DUCK ME SON

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Thu Jul 13, 2023 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Oh now that Big Ice is running shit, top dog status, defending CHAMP, highest rated putting that DIAMOND foot in yall ass yall wanna bow out and run off now huh?! Nahh fuck that. Bring yall asses back and catch some more ass whippins :lol: :lol: :shaking-head-no-smiley-emoticon: :happy: :pimp:

And I have already stated that I'm not playing in your league unless you have a Co-Commish. I'm not overly concerned about whether we have a league this year or not because we've played so many years in a row and it has been really fun. If we have to take a year off or whatever than it is what it is.

Author:  Icecold323 [ Thu Jul 13, 2023 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

No years off. Can't be taking life for granted. Yall acting like 2024 or 2025 is promised. And this shit is easy and not really time consuming.

My league is easily the funnest. The two-QB format ia fuckin dope

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Thu Jul 13, 2023 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

No years off. Can't be taking life for granted. Yall acting like 2024 or 2025 is promised. And this shit is easy and not really time consuming.

My league is easily the funnest. The two-QB format ia fuckin dope

I'm actually kinda over the two QB league but it isn't a non negotiable. If everyone still wants two QB's if course I'll still play.

Author:  moemoney253 [ Fri Jul 14, 2023 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Yea you won my jabroni league Moe :lol: :lol: but ya NEVER won the big one. The BHO CHAMPIONSHIP....that I currently hold. I'm the champ. Dont you want to take it from me?! Dont you finally want to win the one league that matters?!! Cause i think im finna go BACK-TO-BACK.

Ima tell you like ya boy Keef told Paulie.....YOU BETTER NOT DUCK ME SON

Dam bro u know it's wild wen dude calling his own league the jabroni league :hearty-laugh:
Same jabroni league that u was first place in and wanted and tried to win

U ain't fooling nobody ice but it's cool....
I'm definitely not taking yrs for granted.
But I firmly believe I'll be alive and well in 2025 as well as all of us here.

But maybe ur right man Brandon and kaos was gone very unexpectedly....ya will hold it down till I get back.

Author:  moemoney253 [ Fri Jul 14, 2023 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

If anything this is best for our actual site cuz with the yahoo chat we have totally abandoned the bho board here we got way to comfortable....
Maybe it's best we get back to posting on here the actual site,get back to our roots it definitely can't hurt

Prime,grubs,dbo,it has to be some other bho heads that play fantasy football jermz and u just gotta search around here and find them is all.
Ice u had a great YR man but still u was very lucky and fortunate to win that league

U lucked out on that bills Cincy game my dude u would have lost if not for Hamlin so stop acting up :hearty-laugh:

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Fri Jul 14, 2023 12:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Damn no more FF chat. That sucks.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Fri Jul 14, 2023 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Jermz don't be copying me fam....
U never said anything about hanging it up now all of a sudden u out?? Soldier on son :lol: :lol:

Don't be biting me I said a yr ago that was it for me u never said anything of the sort...
U can't quit now with me gone these ingrates need u now more than ever

Nah Moe you just wasnt listening when I said it. Ive said it every year and during every season. And after I got cheated out of the title when that buff cincy game got stopped, left a bad taste in my mouth man.

Plus, this is just too busy a year coming up for me, I'm gonna have a new career position, I have several professional courses to take, I have 2 side business ventures to take on, and a house to maintain and renovate, and somewhere in that I have to take care of the bitches man. I dont got time to fantasy ball to the level in line with my current standard.

What new career position will you be taking on?

Well not new, it's the same old. But Im trying to get some certifications and switch into cyber security. And I'm also gonna start doing some online educational content. These kids spend so much time on gender foolishness, they miss out on actual math and science. That and their learning styles are all fucked because of the modern style of doing shit, so I plan on getting to them at their fucked up level and having youtube and other platforms pay me.

Have a few more ideas.

Maybe we should fit our podcast in there in between!!! Is it time??? :hearty-laugh:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Fri Jul 14, 2023 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

I think jermz will be back he'll get that itch

It's been known to's not herpes...

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Fri Jul 14, 2023 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Officially out the bho ff leagues!!

Jermz don't be copying me fam....
U never said anything about hanging it up now all of a sudden u out?? Soldier on son :lol: :lol:

Don't be biting me I said a yr ago that was it for me u never said anything of the sort...
U can't quit now with me gone these ingrates need u now more than ever

Nah Moe you just wasnt listening when I said it. Ive said it every year and during every season. And after I got cheated out of the title when that buff cincy game got stopped, left a bad taste in my mouth man.

Plus, this is just too busy a year coming up for me, I'm gonna have a new career position, I have several professional courses to take, I have 2 side business ventures to take on, and a house to maintain and renovate, and somewhere in that I have to take care of the bitches man. I dont got time to fantasy ball to the level in line with my current standard.

What new career position will you be taking on?

Well not new, it's the same old. But Im trying to get some certifications and switch into cyber security. And I'm also gonna start doing some online educational content. These kids spend so much time on gender foolishness, they miss out on actual math and science. That and their learning styles are all fucked because of the modern style of doing shit, so I plan on getting to them at their fucked up level and having youtube and other platforms pay me.

Have a few more ideas.

Maybe we should fit our podcast in there in between!!! Is it time??? :hearty-laugh:

So basically what you are going to be doing is trafficking vulnerable kids and you are going to use your refurbished pad as a trap house of sorts.

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