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Vince McMahon
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Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Sat Jul 09, 2022 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Vince McMahon ... llegations

Does Vince have "No Chance" of beating these allegations??

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

See the difference between how Vince is being treated compared to Deshaun Watson?

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Vince is out there making public appearances and smiling and receiving standing ovations. :lol:

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Sat Jul 09, 2022 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Vince is out there making public appearances and smiling and receiving standing ovations. :lol:

So, where is your vitriol for Vince? You have been pretty vocal about Deshaun being guilty or whatever.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Sat Jul 09, 2022 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Well we are talking about it because I'm the one who posted it. :lol:

Given all the stories that have circulated over the decades within the wrestling industry, Vince being a POS human being would be a shock to nobody. This is the same man who watched one of his wrestlers die during a live show then decided to continue the show anyway. :kopfpatsch:

And I've been more so adamant about DeSean being a dumb ass no common sense having perv more than anything else.

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Sat Jul 09, 2022 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Well we are talking about it because I'm the one who posted it. :lol:

Given all the stories that have circulated over the decades within the wrestling industry, Vince being a POS human being would be a shock to nobody. This is the same man who watched one of his wrestlers die during a live show then decided to continue the show anyway. :kopfpatsch:

And I've been more so adamant about DeSean being a dumb ass no common sense having perv more than anything else.

You do see the difference in the media though, right? There are hardly any stories on Vince circulating meanwhile Deshaun is still getting fucking buried and he could still end up getting suspended for the year or perhaps longer because of alleged behaviors that fall under the NFL's conduct policy. Even though two grand juries did not indict Watson--because there is nothing to indict him on.

It's very clear that Deshaun is being railroaded because he is black and nothing is happening to Vince because he is a rich white billionaire.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Yes. 100% correct.

Author:  Icecold323 [ Sun Jul 10, 2022 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Wrong lol :kopfpatsch: :kopfpatsch:

Vince is a billionaire boss running a fake fighting entertainment league. He has already paid the hoes and isn't being sued by 20 something bitches.

Furthermore it aint news that Vince is a scumbag and nobody really cares what he does. Meanwhile Deshaun is playing the most popular sport in the world. Is young and has bosses that can impose fines and suspensions on him.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Sun Jul 10, 2022 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Wrong lol :kopfpatsch: :kopfpatsch:

Vince is a billionaire boss running a fake fighting entertainment league. He has already paid the hoes and isn't being sued by 20 something bitches.

Furthermore it aint news that Vince is a scumbag and nobody really cares what he does. Meanwhile Deshaun is playing the most popular sport in the world. Is young and has bosses that can impose fines and suspensions on him.

Decent points but you can't minimize WWE and Vinces role in it like it's something insignificant and irrelevant. WWE is one of the most recognizable entities ever. And Vince paying them off doesn't minimize his actual actions. And last I checked DeSean isn't a married family man, unlike Vince.

Author:  Icecold323 [ Sun Jul 10, 2022 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

WWE doesn't compare to the NFL at all. Its not even close. Plus Vince already stepped down. Deshaun watson story is more viral cause he is a star QB in the NFL, and was in the middle of a legal battle. And we are all wondering what will happen to him. He missed a year and signed the biggest contract ever. His story is more news worthy.

Deshaun aint worried bout nothing, he, a black man, got the biggest contract in NFL history.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Mon Jul 11, 2022 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Ice, you are pettifogging and justifying man. The shift is deplorable in both cases. But let me tell you why its worse in Vinces case. Vince was in a superior Superior/subordinate relationship with the women he did this shit to, he was their fucking boss.

Watson wasnt anyones boss. He was simply a customer. He had no employment capacity over those broads. They could have said no at any time and walked out at any time and not had their livelihood threatened by it. And there is still no conclusive proof that these broads ever clearly said no and Watson persisted to force them into anything.

Meanwhile there is a clear established pattern that Vince used his position as CEO and head man of WWE to plow ladies on the roster, and ladies in the administrative department.

You're out here talking about other shit and glorifying the fact that the old man had a reputation of a pig so it aint a big deal which is exactly what rich pigs who do these dirty things, the majority of them white men say and bank on people saying so they can do this nasty shit and not suffer hits to their standing in the media circles they need to exist in.

This isnt even arguable. Vince's shit is worse, and it should be looked at and treated as worse, in all circles.

Author:  Icecold323 [ Mon Jul 11, 2022 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Im not defending Vince or debating what's worse or better. Im saying Deshaun is the bigger story. That's all im arguing.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Mon Jul 11, 2022 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Im not defending Vince or debating what's worse or better. Im saying Deshaun is the bigger story. That's all im arguing.

If you're arguing that he's the bigger story. Well okay. But he shouldn't be the bigger story given the more salient facts around it. And the reason why he because he's a black QBs and because Vince McMahon is a rich white male. Plain and simple. Because it's not arguable who did the worse shit here.

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Mon Jul 11, 2022 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Wrong lol :kopfpatsch: :kopfpatsch:

Vince is a billionaire boss running a fake fighting entertainment league. He has already paid the hoes and isn't being sued by 20 something bitches.

Furthermore it aint news that Vince is a scumbag and nobody really cares what he does.Meanwhile Deshaun is playing the most popular sport in the world. Is young and has bosses that can impose fines and suspensions on him.

So you admit Deshaun is being treated differently, thank you.

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Mon Jul 11, 2022 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Wrong lol :kopfpatsch: :kopfpatsch:

Vince is a billionaire boss running a fake fighting entertainment league. He has already paid the hoes and isn't being sued by 20 something bitches.

Furthermore it aint news that Vince is a scumbag and nobody really cares what he does. Meanwhile Deshaun is playing the most popular sport in the world. Is young and has bosses that can impose fines and suspensions on him.

Decent points but you can't minimize WWE and Vinces role in it like it's something insignificant and irrelevant. WWE is one of the most recognizable entities ever. And Vince paying them off doesn't minimize his actual actions. And last I checked DeSean isn't a married family man, unlike Vince.

Damn, didn't even think about the marriage aspect of it. Just proves that Vince is even more of a scumbag. Nice catch Anis. I guess the point I am really trying to make is that Deshaun has been getting absolutely dragged in the media and I have hardly heard anything about McMahon, and no one can tell me that it isn't because one is a black man and the other is a rich white billionaire.

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Mon Jul 11, 2022 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Ice, you are pettifogging and justifying man. The shift is deplorable in both cases. But let me tell you why its worse in Vinces case. Vince was in a superior Superior/subordinate relationship with the women he did this shit to, he was their fucking boss..

Bro...fucking exactly!!!! And the thing is, Vince's daughter will just handle things at WWE. Is Deshaun's mama gonna play ball for him? Of course fucking not. Nothing is happening to Vince's money. Nothing is happening to WWE overall as a brand.

What Vince did was way more egregious. And, I'll say it again, if there were 66 women that Deshaun allegedly did this to, how come there ain't a single second of video/audio of these alleged indiscretions?

Author:  Icecold323 [ Mon Jul 11, 2022 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Its not because one is white and one is black lol

Burrow just has a hard on for Deshaun lol and is mad he never got called to massage him.

One is a star QB in his prime, playing the most popular sport in the world. The other is a old scumbag running a fuckin fake wrestling league lmao yall cant be serious.

And both of these stories are pretty much done and dealt with anyway. Vince is getting just as destroyed as Deshaun im willing to bet, you really can't prove Deshaun is getting "ripped" more, but if he was, it's because of what i said.

You crying rivers for the guy who just got the biggest contract in NFL history?! After a year of not playing shit lol did he get that contract cause he black too? Sound fuckin ridiculous. Small town, small minded folks who only see black-white. Broaden your horizons

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Wed Jul 13, 2022 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Its not because one is white and one is black lol

Burrow just has a hard on for Deshaun lol and is mad he never got called to massage him.

One is a star QB in his prime, playing the most popular sport in the world. The other is a old scumbag running a fuckin fake wrestling league lmao yall cant be serious.

And both of these stories are pretty much done and dealt with anyway. Vince is getting just as destroyed as Deshaun im willing to bet, you really can't prove Deshaun is getting "ripped" more, but if he was, it's because of what i said.

You crying rivers for the guy who just got the biggest contract in NFL history?! After a year of not playing shit lol did he get that contract cause he black too? Sound fuckin ridiculous. Small town, small minded folks who only see black-white. Broaden your horizons

It's because one is a rich white billionaire and the other is a young black man.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Jul 13, 2022 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Burowz gets it.

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Wed Jul 13, 2022 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Its not because one is white and one is black lol

Burrow just has a hard on for Deshaun lol and is mad he never got called to massage him.

One is a star QB in his prime, playing the most popular sport in the world. The other is a old scumbag running a fuckin fake wrestling league lmao yall cant be serious.

And both of these stories are pretty much done and dealt with anyway. Vince is getting just as destroyed as Deshaun im willing to bet, you really can't prove Deshaun is getting "ripped" more, but if he was, it's because of what i said.

You crying rivers for the guy who just got the biggest contract in NFL history?! After a year of not playing shit lol did he get that contract cause he black too? Sound fuckin ridiculous. Small town, small minded folks who only see black-white. Broaden your horizons

:hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Wed Jul 13, 2022 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Burowz gets it.

Ice is ridiculous

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Its not because one is white and one is black lol

Burrow just has a hard on for Deshaun lol and is mad he never got called to massage him.

One is a star QB in his prime, playing the most popular sport in the world. The other is a old scumbag running a fuckin fake wrestling league lmao yall cant be serious.

And both of these stories are pretty much done and dealt with anyway. Vince is getting just as destroyed as Deshaun im willing to bet, you really can't prove Deshaun is getting "ripped" more, but if he was, it's because of what i said.

You crying rivers for the guy who just got the biggest contract in NFL history?! After a year of not playing shit lol did he get that contract cause he black too? Sound fuckin ridiculous. Small town, small minded folks who only see black-white. Broaden your horizons

:hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

That one gave me a good laugh too. :lol:

Author:  Icecold323 [ Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

lol you treat black people differently too :lol: remember locking yourself in the car from one. Aneed, who is always talking bout race, is from Alabama. Your from Indiana. Jermz is a black dude in Canada. Im not surprised this is your take lol

Small town and country folk only see black-white. That is factual.

This is a made up story anyway. Aint no proof one is being dogged more than the other.

They both aint shit and i dont give AF either way

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Jul 14, 2022 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

So being Black and from Canada qualifies me as small town/country folk.


Ice has lost it, completely :hearty-laugh: Yall dont work his brain on this one any further man.

Author:  Icecold323 [ Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vince McMahon

Lmao we have to debate, someone has to take the other side. But yea from Canada where the population is overwhelmingly white i would expect you to say everything racist.

Also Deshaun's number of women WAY higher than Vince and also helps create headlines

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