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2022 Fantasy Football Thread
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Author:  Icecold323 [ Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Jermzhi wrote:
Join my league when I put it up Ice. If he can get your chance at bragging rights lol.

Cool lol. :happy: I want troof in my league tho :rofl: and i dont want yo settings like my settings.

and yess Brother he does lmao. I know Jermz been itching to do some commishing :lol: :lol: :lol: all good tho.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Tue Aug 09, 2022 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Icecold323 wrote:
Jermzhi wrote:
Join my league when I put it up Ice. If he can get your chance at bragging rights lol.

Cool lol. :happy: I want troof in my league tho :rofl: and i dont want yo settings like my settings.

and yess Brother he does lmao. I know Jermz been itching to do some commishing :lol: :lol: :lol: all good tho.

We need another league as a back up plan man lmfao....because almost everywhere some shit hits some fan :hearty-laugh: But ya my league settings will be diff. Itll be 1 QB for openers, and there will be a dedicated TE spot, much to Burowz chagrin. :lol: Ill actually have a chat with him, he has a fair intuitive grasp on league settings.

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Icecold323 wrote:
Jermzhi wrote:
Join my league when I put it up Ice. If he can get your chance at bragging rights lol.

Cool lol. :happy: I want troof in my league tho :rofl: and i dont want yo settings like my settings.

and yess Brother he does lmao. I know Jermz been itching to do some commishing :lol: :lol: :lol: all good tho.

We need another league as a back up plan man lmfao....because almost everywhere some shit hits some fan :hearty-laugh: But ya my league settings will be diff. Itll be 1 QB for openers, and there will be a dedicated TE spot, much to Burowz chagrin. :lol: Ill actually have a chat with him,he has a fair intuitive grasp on league settings.


Author:  Jermzhi [ Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Icecold323 wrote:
Jermzhi wrote:
Join my league when I put it up Ice. If he can get your chance at bragging rights lol.

Cool lol. :happy: I want troof in my league tho :rofl: and i dont want yo settings like my settings.

and yess Brother he does lmao. I know Jermz been itching to do some commishing :lol: :lol: :lol: all good tho.

We need another league as a back up plan man lmfao....because almost everywhere some shit hits some fan :hearty-laugh: But ya my league settings will be diff. Itll be 1 QB for openers, and there will be a dedicated TE spot, much to Burowz chagrin. :lol: Ill actually have a chat with him,he has a fair intuitive grasp on league settings.


:hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: I knew youd like that.

Author:  moemoney253 [ Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Yes like I said I'll do a bho league with anyone as commissioner aside from burrowz and ice like I said...
I love this place I love to compete with bho members

And ice quite honestly I didn't say anything that crazy for u to do wat u did go back and look at the thread...
I never had any beef with any bho commissioner except u, u just bring out the worst in me wat can I say?

Anyway I'm in and let's keep it yahoo jermz and let's do this

Author:  Jermzhi [ Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Yes like I said I'll do a bho league with anyone as commissioner aside from burrowz and ice like I said...
I love this place I love to compete with bho members

And ice quite honestly I didn't say anything that crazy for u to do wat u did go back and look at the thread...
I never had any beef with any bho commissioner except u, u just bring out the worst in me wat can I say?

Anyway I'm in and let's keep it yahoo jermz and let's do this

Solid. Ill get it going bro.

Author:  moemoney253 [ Tue Aug 09, 2022 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Ice u a lieing peace of to man I was 3-0 1st place most pts and dominating nigga and u didn't want me winning cuz u didn't wanna hear my mouth

I didn't say anything about u personally before u did wat u did bro u just have a vendetta against me...
But now that I don't have to worry about u and burrowz crooked ass I'm gonna smash u bums just like I was doing last yr until ur bitchass derailed me

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Tue Aug 09, 2022 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

:hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

This board is the epitome of human devolution. We are a basket of degenerates.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Ice u a lieing peace of to man I was 3-0 1st place most pts and dominating nigga and u didn't want me winning cuz u didn't wanna hear my mouth

I didn't say anything about u personally before u did wat u did bro u just have a vendetta against me...
But now that I don't have to worry about u and burrowz crooked ass I'm gonna smash u bums just like I was doing last yr until ur bitchass derailed me

You know what you said..... :lol:

Author:  moemoney253 [ Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Watever I said ice provoked me man...
I honestly don't remember shit was a yr ago Austin let's be real here

Yr alcoholic ass don't remember wat u had for breakfast on Sunday nigga so please :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

U hit the bottle hard on a daily basis so we all know yo memory been shot ....but all that matters is I'm gonna smash this league and keep quiet just so it's no excuses for anyone to quit or take the title away from me this yr

It's funny how I never had any problem like this with anyone else than all of a sudden ice gets some power and he ruins the league...
Whoever won that league last yr didn't count it's a huge asterisk cuz I clearly had the best team

Author:  moemoney253 [ Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

But we moving on man past is the past and word is born mark my words I'm gonna smash ya niggas this yr like I was doing last yr...

That's all that's it man let's do it fellas.
Draft should be 7-10 days before the season opener which is September 8th or if ya wanna wait a few days before that game that's fine by me to

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

It's still fresh enough that you're still butt hurt about it but you don't remember. Ok. You remember. We all remember. Everything. And it was epic. :lol:

I had a bacon egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast on Sunday. I skillet toast the bread in a lil bit of bacon grease. Thats my secret recipe. :lol:

Author:  moemoney253 [ Wed Aug 10, 2022 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

I remember coming out my face much more after he actually locked my team than really before he did tbh...
But watever

It's been proven burrowz and ice shouldn't have the power to ever run any league dudes do and allow shady trades and lock dudes teams...
And in burrowz case he steals players and gives himself trophies literally wat he did was the gayest shit ever

Bottom line is they can't ever be trusted again

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

But we moving on man past is the past and word is born mark my words I'm gonna smash ya niggas this yr like I was doing last yr...

That's all that's it man let's do it fellas.
Draft should be 7-10 days before the season opener which is September 8th or if ya wanna wait a few days before that game that's fine by me to


Author:  DaTruth [ Wed Aug 10, 2022 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Man. Could you imagine if Moe joined, and him and ICE met for the CHIP, an impossibility now that I'm in the equation, but still, just imagine....
That shit might make it to ESPN, or Dateline :lol:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread


Ice for his bluster and trades ain't really trending in the right direction. More was a fkin force In his league last year before the disaster show :lol: but Moe always find a way to lose in bho leagues under the bright lights. Maybe a first round or a semi lol.

Prophet Phallus gonna put the big on all yall.

Author:  Icecold323 [ Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread


Ice for his bluster and trades ain't really trending in the right direction. More was a fkin force In his league last year before the disaster show :lol: but Moe always find a way to lose in bho leagues under the bright lights. Maybe a first round or a semi lol.

Prophet Phallus gonna put the big on all yall.

My league was innovative and fun lol. Moe is a loudmouth pussy who gotta learn everyone aint bout to deal with his shit. He was used to bossing around Jermz for years and thought he was gon talk slick to Commisioner Ice lol now that nigga a Bronze level player :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Icecold323 [ Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

The BHO QB Club gon pop off again this year. 2 Qbs super flex full point PPR scoring all day!!

Moe thought it was his year after 3 wins :lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl: FUCK MOE. Like Jermz said he gon find a way to fold AS USUAL. Every year. He had the chip the year before when Waller was ballin. Traded Waller away for bum ass AB :kopfpatsch: :kopfpatsch: :lol: :lol: cost him his shot.

Author:  Icecold323 [ Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Burrowz name is fuckin hilarious :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Ice said fuck im 0-2, trades are back on! :hearty-laugh:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Donny is in now Ice. He said the invites are shaky when done via mobile, might be why you had the same problem in the other league that he did in yours.

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Ice, are you going to adjust any of the settings or am I wasting my time by mentioning it? My suggestions are reasonable.

Author:  moemoney253 [ Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Ice u just a bitch nigga that couldn't handle losing and seeing me win that's all it was u can lie all I want but we all know the truth

Nigga u was 0-3 and I was 3-0 in first place and u had to be the bitch nigga and go back on ur word and put trades back on wen we agreed to no trades and that's the only reason I came out my face with u

I never did that to jermz or bossed him around innere disrespected him in anyway ...
Nigga please I don't find ways to lose even if I kept waller I would have still lost I did the math added and subtracted the pts trust me

Waller didn't do anything in the playoffs so it didn't matter regardless that yr...
Whenever I lost in any bho league,I didn't fold or choke I lost to Brandon or prime or the nigga that won that had them boys reeling off those 30-40 pt games in the playoffs nigga it's that simple

Ice bottom line moral of this story is that u were wrong period....all u had TO DO WAS BE A MAN AND STICK TO THE RULES OF NO TRADES THAT U AGREED TO


Author:  moemoney253 [ Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

And just for the record man I'm saying this now in any bho league I'm in from now on if any rules get changed after the rules start just take me out and switch ownership over cuz I don't wanna ever deal with this again

I'm a nigga that plays by the original rules and settings that were agreed to before week 1 I'm a honorable guy unlike ice and some other ppl here with now morals just thirsty to win at any and all costs

So I'm done with this topic man I just hope it's no sideshow shenanigans this yr ...if niggas just play and follow the rules and don't do any underhanded tactics I'm gonna win end of story period

I ain't gonna choke or fold, because I know how to do this now in these bho leagues I figured it out

Author:  Icecold323 [ Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2022 Fantasy Football Thread

Shut up bitch you started shooting out shitty trade offers as soon as I opened it up. So all that shit you writing MEANS NOTHING. Your point is invalid.

I made a mistake with no trades, I'll admit that. I love trading and allowing trades. Yahoo doesnt even have the option to disable it. So fuck that shit trades are on and poppin.

Burrow yea I really dont mind the points suggestions. I think I already have kickers being deducted and defenses scoring crazy. I may even tone that one down. But as far as the TE's i like the challenge of trying to find a decent TE so they shall stay.

But maybe we can take out the 3rd WR spot and make it another flex

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