Boxing Hideout

The past 2 years...what it was.
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Author:  V [ Sat Nov 26, 2022 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  The past 2 years...what it was.

So, the elephant in the room I'll address. I was wrong about some things but I think mostly in the right seeing how the C thing came to be a thing.

The C thing was used as a launching platform and driven by the WEF to bring about what they see as the future.

You will own nothing.
You will have no privacy.
And you will be happier than ever.

I can't make that shit up. That's in writing...They said it.

Digital passports, you rent everything, AI rules, ESG corporations, social credit scores.... we are to be 2 classes...bug eaters and then the more evolved class (transhumanist shit)
The economy...the world being driven into the dirt like this inflation we got worldwide.
They don't give a fuck because they don't feel it.
It's about beating us into submission slowly but what they see as surely.
We are fodder...the consumer..the bug eaters like the cattle we eat.

Trudeau and Macron said it out loud as well. 1 governing body. The WEF said it too...1 world government. But who elected these fucks and yet they have infiltrated every fucking government.

Anywho...that is the start of bigger convo if someone whats to chime in.

And.... no this mRNA shit isn't safe...that's another story.
And BurrowZ was right. This C thing was lab-made.
This is the biggest coverup and remaking in human history and its just getting started.

Author:  DaTruth [ Sat Nov 26, 2022 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The past 2 years...what it was.

You're still alive!

:smile81: :smile81:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The past 2 years...what it was.

Crazy. Just glad you're alive bro! Missed ya! Thought covid, a bear, or the authorities took you out!

Author:  Jermzhi [ Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The past 2 years...what it was.

I also need you back around here in your necessary function of Jermz covid conspiracy buddy because Burowz been running out of steam out there in BFN Indiana, and them two Jersey boys groan anytime I bring up the vaccine. Welcome home V, we gonna get back to business and exchange notes!

Just gotta figure out where that Negus E9 is, if he made it out of shoulder surgery or if he on the run from the law or some shit.

Author:  V [ Mon Nov 28, 2022 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The past 2 years...what it was.

Did he disappear too?
Jail? :lol:

Ain't funny to think about with them kinds of sorrows.

I hope he shows back up.

I swear. The last 2 years have been like wandering around in a fog.
The world just doesn't seem right but I'm personally more ok than ever.
That's been the irony of my life. :lol:

When the world was in better shape I was all fucked up.

I have to go back and read the old COVID threads and see how they stood up til now.
In all my years though...I have never seen such fucking criminality and kool aind drinkin'.

People have smashed their brains against the rocks and decided to let feelings get in the way of any good sense.

You let me know you want to go with a thread on this silly state of this epidemic virus. Matter of fact, I think we all were ahead back then of where most are now with a few catching up to what we posted over a year ago or more.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Dec 01, 2022 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The past 2 years...what it was.

Im ready to restart a covid/vaccine thread. I read this shit daily.

Author:  V [ Fri Dec 02, 2022 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The past 2 years...what it was.

YOu start it where you want and we'll go from there.

The odd point currently is that more vaccinated people are dying now than non-vaxxed.
Furthermore, Pzifer and CDC fully acknowledge that it was never tested to stop transmission which we knew over a year ago because during a senate committee hearing a doctor said as much that it was never designed to stop transmission noting where the virus replicates (throat and nose) versus the vaccine (if you can call it that by the new definition) that works in the body.

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