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 Post subject: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:04 am 
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WF am I seeing online about a homo performer making out with a male dancer at the BET awards? Burro, can you elaborate on this as it seems to be right up your alley?

 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:36 am 
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Lmao ya speak on this Burowz.



 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:41 am 
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There has always been this push to drag black people into the "main stream" where that LGBT shit is concerned, as black ppl have always leaned to the conservative traditional side than the liberal, so they are trying to socially liberalize black folks with it, as it all but guarantees that future black folks will vote a certain way.

On top of the shitty scantily clad non productive non uplifting ghetto ratchet content, Networks like BET are known for...theyve lost my attention decades ago. But people are still suckers for award shows, I seen too many black folks who ordinarily are enlightened, succumb to tuning into that minstrel show. I can't.



 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:11 pm 
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This wave of forcing people to accept homos as natural and normal has reached epic fucking proportions

 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:37 pm 
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This wave of forcing people to accept homos as natural and normal has reached epic fucking proportions

Homos, deviant, trans, feminists, everything in the most intimate ways....epic...fucking...proportions.

I argued with someone online who was trying to big up trans women in womens sports, and when I pitched the biological fairness argument, they responded with "well ppl have advantages in sports as is, so we should care more about inclusion than we do aspects of fairness that we can't control anyway" and they read that shit back and thought it made sense.

If we dont care about fairness, why dont we let all athletes roid up at their fucking whim????

This society is beyond lost. it has been perverted beyond redemption. Aint no fixing it. Trying to integrate into less free societies and hope that they gravitate into a more free but more sensible state is a better look than staying in this current society.

I mean for fucks sake, they wanna force extra curriculm down your kids through, they wanna teach your kids about masurbation, ass fuckin, that critical race theory stuff, as always it'll start small and they'll test the waters, then BAM, it'll be in there full throttle too. And yes, kids should be made aware of racial shit, but I dont at all trust the education establishment to teach that shit to my kids anymore than i do any non essential shit. Shit is just very very ugly. It used to only be at the universities, but they are pushing to get at ppl younger in addition to all the messaging on TV. I dont even think I want kids anymore man.



 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:46 pm 
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On fucking point my man.

 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:47 pm 
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For fucking decades, ppl were called paranoid for saying "well next thing you know, they'll be trying to force it on our kids in the schools" only to be laughed at and told "we dont care about your kids, why would we do that, it's not appropriate for kids anyway" then next thing you know....10-15 years later....

"well the kids need to learn it!!!"

I shutter to think what they'll be trying to force on kids next in 20 years....



 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:49 pm 
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2 dudes kissing doesn't offend or bother me. i aint trying to look at that shit either. :lol: ....but its just the premeditated side show circus act of it all i find annoying. especially when they're simultaneously propping up equality.

 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:54 pm 
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They tryna make everything in this society uniform, and entirely under their control, while simultaneously telling you that you are free.

Let me off of this fucking roller coaster, book me a flight to Saudi Arabia man, or Russia.



 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:55 pm 
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Ya. People confuse equality and equity. People don't really want equality.

 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:00 pm 
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if you gonna be gay just be gay. its cool. but fuck the spectacle.

 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:03 pm 
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fuck the spectacle. fuck the indoctrination. Fuck society trying to tell me its cool

 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:12 pm 
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if you gonna be gay just be gay. its cool. but fuck the spectacle.

The spectacle is what pisses people off!! And trying to whisper shit in their childrens ear in schools and their books.



 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 2:20 pm 
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And the assertion that they want equality. Wrong. If you wanted to be treated like everyone else, then why pride parades, pride month, etc?

 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:02 pm 
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I dont want to attack their pride shit, even though I had while younger. Let them have their shit. But I do find it interesting that for years all i heard is how Pride is a family friendly event and they talked up ppl bringing their children there for years, and every year, Ive heard this validated by gays that some of these homos is actually out there naked and openly fucking in the streets in broad day light. Thats what they want you to bring your kids down to see?

Or on a diff tip when that community tries to make you feel ashamed for eating from a chicken spot who dont stand for their agenda.

They dont want equality, they want supremacy.

I told my ex and her mom that I wouldnt attend her gay sisters wedding, and they both got upset. And I told them the same, that you guys wanna use emotive words like "tolerance", but you're not tolerating MY POSITION on things. That's not equality, that supremacy. You want your position to be supreme over my position where MY LIFE is concerned. Thats what's out and about with all this shit. Supremacy. White Supremacy is not the only supremacy.



 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:13 pm 
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I dont want to attack their pride shit, even though I had while younger. Let them have their shit. But I do find it interesting that for years all i heard is how Pride is a family friendly event and they talked up ppl bringing their children there for years, and every year, Ive heard this validated by gays that some of these homos is actually out there naked and openly fucking in the streets in broad day light. Thats what they want you to bring your kids down to see?

Or on a diff tip when that community tries to make you feel ashamed for eating from a chicken spot who dont stand for their agenda.

They dont want equality, they want supremacy.

I told my ex and her mom that I wouldnt attend her gay sisters wedding, and they both got upset. And I told them the same, that you guys wanna use emotive words like "tolerance", but you're not tolerating MY POSITION on things. That's not equality, that supremacy. You want your position to be supreme over my position where MY LIFE is concerned. Thats what's out and about with all this shit. Supremacy. White Supremacy is not the only supremacy.


 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:13 pm 
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And in the end, its shit like this that will get orange man back into power when the wheel circles.



 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:17 pm 
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Yup. You tip the scales too far in 1 direction, its bound to swing back the other way.

 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:39 pm 
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Right on. I don't mind anyone being gay...go suck a dick...what the fuck do I care. Assfuck...alright...I don't give a fuck.

But it's something else...find gays rude and even more so when they around each other in large groups. I mean I don't tolerate people being inconsiderate and that includes being overly loud or so gah damn flamboyant it causes a scene to cause people to look.

It's the rudeness man. It's like a big mother fucker looking for a fight by pushing his way to the front of the line at a bar. Shit gets on my nerves when people aren't considerate and the point J is making is they just consider their own POV superior to yours. Basically, it's saying "fuck your position" because you are going to live in mine and be subjected to my actions that disregard your existence here.

I seriously don't have a problem with anyone being gay, but I simply can't tolerate rude people who don't give a fuck about the people around them.

 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:50 pm 
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Right on. I don't mind anyone being gay...go suck a dick...what the fuck do I care. Assfuck...alright...I don't give a fuck.

But it's something else...find gays rude and even more so when they around each other in large groups. I mean I don't tolerate people being inconsiderate and that includes being overly loud or so gah damn flamboyant it causes a scene to cause people to look.

It's the rudeness man. It's like a big mother fucker looking for a fight by pushing his way to the front of the line at a bar. Shit gets on my nerves when people aren't considerate and the point J is making is they just consider their own POV superior to yours. Basically, it's saying "fuck your position" because you are going to live in mine and be subjected to my actions that disregard your existence here.

I seriously don't have a problem with anyone being gay, but I simply can't tolerate rude people who don't give a fuck about the people around them.

Most people dont know what tolerance really fucking means.



 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:13 pm 
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Tolerance is how much I can drink and not appear fucked up. RIght? :lol:

 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:55 am 
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I have a question off this award show...

when is the last time yall seen a white male singer kiss another man on the mouth in the middle of an awards show performance aired in front of millions of people?!?



 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:02 am 
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I have a question off this award show...

when is the last time yall seen a white male singer kiss another man on the mouth in the middle of an awards show performance aired in front of millions of people?!?


 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:13 am 
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if a male singer did this to a female back up dancer, shit would be called rape

 Post subject: Re: BET awards
 Post Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:53 am 
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I have a question off this award show...

when is the last time yall seen a white male singer kiss another man on the mouth in the middle of an awards show performance aired in front of millions of people?!?


There is a concerted effort to faggify and emasculate the black male



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