Boxing Hideout

Brother Burowz
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Author:  Brother Burowz [ Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Ukraine is just gonna have to eat losing Crimea and Donbass, maybe even more areas. If separating Kosovo from Yugoslavia for the sake of peace and to avoid further acts of either blatant genocide or a slow creep to it, then the same solution should apply in Ukraine, because the Ukrainian power can't seem to steer themselves from ethnic strife and othering white ppl who are not ethnically Ukrainian. Putin is fucking right on the money when he says....what the fuck else should we wait around for before we act?...outright genocide of ethnic russians??

Nah, DeNazify that whole fuckin place, turn the lights on and step on them cockroaches!

I mean shit, how much of a Nazi are you that you're white and othering a fellow slavic white person and opting to shoot shells at them rather than grant them autonomy and getting the fuck on with life?

For real man. Us honkeys gotta stick together.

They're fucking cousins bro, genetically, COUSINS :eusa_snooty: Thats how racist them Ukrainians is man :hearty-laugh:

Fucking Christians man...I swear to god. :rofl: :rofl:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz


Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Yeah, so the story has been confirmed by multiple sources now, in addition to some Jamaicans I know second hand who had to evacuate. They been hassling black folks trying to evacuate. Denying them access to the trains. White men, women, and children getting priority over all black people. The shit is on video.

And it's not just Black. Indians, Syrians, Arabs. But Putin said he goin in to De Nazify Ukraine, and everyone said he was crazy to put it like that. I wonder how those ppl who got on the train felt at the time, happy for the privilege I bet.

It's bad enough that invasions of non white countries dont get nearly as much press and sympathy, especially when America is front and center doing the invading, bombing, killing, levelling, but suddenly in this situation where its a white country being invaded by Russians, it's propagandized as the worst thing since the cold war and WW2, but now, they just engaging in flagrant racism in the evacuation. Yeah...verdict is in for me...

#FuckUkraine. I hope Vladimir gives them the business.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

2 sides to every story,

Are these white ppl lying, and the others who are only wailing now the ones telling the truth? Donbas ignored for 8 years. Dying at a United Nations confirmed 1600-2000 annually due to Ukrainian shelling.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Mar 02, 2022 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

How do you figure out what to believe? Find a good historian and let him tell you the story, and then find the people who seem more interested erasing or ignoring the history...and rejoice because you've likely found your liar.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

DeNAZIFY then Vladimir!!! :smile81: :smile81:

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Wed Mar 02, 2022 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Commodities are fucking exploding. Shit is crazy.

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Wed Mar 02, 2022 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Yeah, so the story has been confirmed by multiple sources now, in addition to some Jamaicans I know second hand who had to evacuate. They been hassling black folks trying to evacuate. Denying them access to the trains. White men, women, and children getting priority over all black people. The shit is on video.

And it's not just Black. Indians, Syrians, Arabs. But Putin said he goin in to De Nazify Ukraine, and everyone said he was crazy to put it like that. I wonder how those ppl who got on the train felt at the time, happy for the privilege I bet.

It's bad enough that invasions of non white countries dont get nearly as much press and sympathy, especially when America is front and center doing the invading, bombing, killing, levelling, but suddenly in this situation where its a white country being invaded by Russians, it's propagandized as the worst thing since the cold war and WW2, but now, they just engaging in flagrant racism in the evacuation. Yeah...verdict is in for me...

#FuckUkraine. I hope Vladimir gives them the business.

That's a great take. You should have your own political podcast. The Jamaicans, Indians, Hungarians, Syrians, ethnic Russians should come together and body these fools. And I know just the man to lead them to the promise land.


In Soviet Ukraine...SCREWFACE screw YOU!!!!!!

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Mar 02, 2022 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Yeah, so the story has been confirmed by multiple sources now, in addition to some Jamaicans I know second hand who had to evacuate. They been hassling black folks trying to evacuate. Denying them access to the trains. White men, women, and children getting priority over all black people. The shit is on video.

And it's not just Black. Indians, Syrians, Arabs. But Putin said he goin in to De Nazify Ukraine, and everyone said he was crazy to put it like that. I wonder how those ppl who got on the train felt at the time, happy for the privilege I bet.

It's bad enough that invasions of non white countries dont get nearly as much press and sympathy, especially when America is front and center doing the invading, bombing, killing, levelling, but suddenly in this situation where its a white country being invaded by Russians, it's propagandized as the worst thing since the cold war and WW2, but now, they just engaging in flagrant racism in the evacuation. Yeah...verdict is in for me...

#FuckUkraine. I hope Vladimir gives them the business.

That's a great take. You should have your own political podcast. The Jamaicans, Indians, Hungarians, Syrians, ethnic Russians should come together and body these fools. And I know just the man to lead them to the promise land.


In Soviet Ukraine...SCREWFACE screw YOU!!!!!!

Not Screwface :kopfpatsch: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bro if I do a podcast, trudeau will probably lock up my bank account!

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Yeah, so the story has been confirmed by multiple sources now, in addition to some Jamaicans I know second hand who had to evacuate. They been hassling black folks trying to evacuate. Denying them access to the trains. White men, women, and children getting priority over all black people. The shit is on video.

And it's not just Black. Indians, Syrians, Arabs. But Putin said he goin in to De Nazify Ukraine, and everyone said he was crazy to put it like that. I wonder how those ppl who got on the train felt at the time, happy for the privilege I bet.

It's bad enough that invasions of non white countries dont get nearly as much press and sympathy, especially when America is front and center doing the invading, bombing, killing, levelling, but suddenly in this situation where its a white country being invaded by Russians, it's propagandized as the worst thing since the cold war and WW2, but now, they just engaging in flagrant racism in the evacuation. Yeah...verdict is in for me...

#FuckUkraine. I hope Vladimir gives them the business.

That's a great take. You should have your own political podcast. The Jamaicans, Indians, Hungarians, Syrians, ethnic Russians should come together and body these fools. And I know just the man to lead them to the promise land.


In Soviet Ukraine...SCREWFACE screw YOU!!!!!!

Not Screwface :kopfpatsch: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bro if I do a podcast, trudeau will probably lock up my bank account!

Especially if you have my hick ass as a guest. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

We'd set the world on fire lmao.

All day media has been turning on media accusing racism for all the ukraine coverage and I love it. Looks like a little bit of wokeism might give Vladimir some cover to denazify them nazis muthafuckas.

Some moron field reporter at cbs or elsewhere tried to say the diff in ukraine is because its european and is relatively civilized...while tripping over himself. Ukraine Nazis have been running a civil war and this hitler apologizer is on tv calling Ukraine civilized. Almost all of the middle east countries were built up and civilized before they were leveles. They are out trying to whitewash past wars while demonizing this war against white slavic nazis.

And countries are even calling out the hypocrisy at the UN while rejecting their resolution. The hope of them clean sweeping and getting unanimous support are falling by the wayside. I give it 2 weeks and Ukraine better just give it up or run the risk of being forgetten.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Imma get those screwface dreads man :lol:

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Imma get those screwface dreads man :lol:

He's one of my favorite antagonist characters in movies of all time. It's probably actually the best acting in any Seagal film. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Imma get those screwface dreads man :lol:

He's one of my favorite antagonist characters in movies of all time. It's probably actually the best acting in any Seagal film. :lol: :lol: :lol:

No lie, we used to imitate that movie in school when we were young man :hearty-laugh:

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

So it looks like Iran is going to sign a nuclear deal. I guess the west is really desperate to get their oil online since OPEC isn't budging and Vlad has them by the balls with this invasion. I wonder how much Iranian asshole Kamala is going to have to lick to get this deal done?

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Talks have begun between Russia and Ukraine.

Russias only real conditions:

For Ukraine to be a neutral country and for them to not be allowed to join NATO, and for them to stop bombing and attacking the Donbas. The most minimal terms I've ever heard of.

But Ukraine wants to be a USA serf, they wanna be a weapons depot and NATO gas and missile station, and they wanna spend at least as much years as they already have bombing and attacking people in the Donbas.

And every single person who is cheering leading Ukraine, is supporting such actions.

So easy to mislead people.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

As for the mass support worldwide for Ukraine and against Russia, the most is not always whats right.

When apartheid in South Africa was a thing, the only major country on the earth that was fighting in defense of Black South Africans, was the Soviet Union. Not the US, not Britain, not Germany, not France, not any of those motherfuckers. No, they were calling the Black africans terrorists and shouting down and demanding sanctions against anyone who was rightfully boycotting Apartheid. And what do you know, it's 2022, and all the same muthafuckas are on the wrong side of shit once more.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

So it looks like Iran is going to sign a nuclear deal. I guess the west is really desperate to get their oil online since OPEC isn't budging and Vlad has them by the balls with this invasion. I wonder how much Iranian asshole Kamala is going to have to lick to get this deal done?

:hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: Oh Kamala gettin raped by the Ayatollah man, she finna be wearing a hijab shortly.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

"Putin may surround Kyiv with tanks, but he will never win the hearts and mind of the Iranian people."

Joseph The Invalid Biden, US President

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

So it looks like Iran is going to sign a nuclear deal. I guess the west is really desperate to get their oil online since OPEC isn't budging and Vlad has them by the balls with this invasion. I wonder how much Iranian asshole Kamala is going to have to lick to get this deal done?

:hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: Oh Kamala gettin raped by the Ayatollah man, she finna be wearing a hijab shortly.

Shit is comical man. Iran is typically the defacto public enemy #1 to the U.S. unless Kim Jong Un is testing missiles or Russia is invading countries. It's like the douchebags in the Pentagon just shuffle a card deck every morning and turn over a card and whatever country is on that card that is who the enemy is going to be for the day.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Id love to know the terms of the agreement. If Iran got a better deal than last time..its embarrassing as fuck for Uncle Sam.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

So it looks like Iran is going to sign a nuclear deal. I guess the west is really desperate to get their oil online since OPEC isn't budging and Vlad has them by the balls with this invasion.I wonder how much Iranian asshole Kamala is going to have to lick to get this deal done?

AYE AYE AYE That's my fuckin COUSIN you talkin about man!!! Have some respect!!! :hearty-laugh:

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Thu Mar 03, 2022 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Id love to know the terms of the agreement. If Iran got a better deal than last time..its embarrassing as fuck for Uncle Sam.

The thing is, it doesn't even come close to the amount of oil that is being taken offline because of Russia, so, it's basically irrelevant.

Author:  PrimeTime21335 [ Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

I can not get past how, on a fundamental level, Russia is killing civilians in an attempt to overtake a sovereign nation.

I understand the basics surrounding it. Russia operating in the interest of protecting their borders.

I dont want to hear about how "the US is bad too!"

Russia is trying to orchestrate a hostile takeover of a country that is in no way a threat to their sovereignty and is killing innocents in mass.

You cannot escape that fundamentally.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Mar 03, 2022 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

I can not get past how, on a fundamental level, Russia is killing civilians in an attempt to overtake a sovereign nation.

I understand the basics surrounding it. Russia operating in the interest of protecting their borders.

I dont want to hear about how "the US is bad too!"

Russia is trying to orchestrate a hostile takeover of a country that is in no way a threat to their sovereignty and is killing innocents in mass.

You cannot escape that fundamentally.

Ok Bro Prime. I won't say "The US is bad too", despite the US doing far worse as a function of quantity, and quality, and being the primary mover in creating all of this mess. But I'll leave them out of my next statement entirely.

Ukraine was killing as much as 2000 ethnic russians a year for 7 years and displacing over 1 million before this. It's a precipitating event to this. Where was your moral and ethical quandrying in the last 8 years?

If the mexican govt was killing 2000 ethnic americans a year and was talking about becoming a Russian serf and pursuing nuclear missiles, and Uncle Sam went in there to dish out some old fashioned get right, I highly doubt you'd feel the same way that you do about Russia.

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