Boxing Hideout

Joe Rogan
Page 4 of 5

Author:  Jermzhi [ Mon Feb 07, 2022 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

How do you know whether another man has experienced anything, unless you ask them the question first? Did you ask either Shaq or Jermz, or have heard them state they haven't experienced what it is you say they haven't experienced?

:lol: :eusa_snooty: I think I should just reply to it in another thread man. I dont wanna subject yall to pages of back and forth ofBurowz' tryna white washing of history, when this shit supposed to be about Joe Rogan.

I'm not white washing anything...I am telling you what the facts are. You may not like those facts but they are what they are. I mean, what would be considered a very large form of systemic racism in America today? Sub prime mortgage loans??? I assure you that banks will fuck over anyone and everyone.

I'm putting the bullets in the chamber, come back later for my response to your other post, but for saying that the bank will fuck over anyone does not at all excuse or dismiss the fact that the banks have done so to specifically and orders of magnitude greater to black folks over the course of US history, and still do, simply because they are black! You're saying racial discrimination, has not been rife in the banking system! That's funny B.

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Mon Feb 07, 2022 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

How do you know whether another man has experienced anything, unless you ask them the question first? Did you ask either Shaq or Jermz, or have heard them state they haven't experienced what it is you say they haven't experienced?

:lol: :eusa_snooty: I think I should just reply to it in another thread man. I dont wanna subject yall to pages of back and forth ofBurowz' tryna white washing of history, when this shit supposed to be about Joe Rogan.

I'm not white washing anything...I am telling you what the facts are. You may not like those facts but they are what they are. I mean, what would be considered a very large form of systemic racism in America today? Sub prime mortgage loans??? I assure you that banks will fuck over anyone and everyone.

I'm putting the bullets in the chamber, come back later for my response to your other post, but for saying that the bank will fuck over anyone does not at all excuse or dismiss the fact that the banks have done so to specifically and orders of magnitude greater to black folks over the course of US history, and still do, simply because they are black! You're saying racial discrimination, has not been rife in the banking system! That's funny B.

Leaving the South was the greatest mistake blacks in America ever made. There is strength in numbers and they displaced themselves by leaving their homeland. You cannot turn back the clock though. What you have to ask yourself now though is how come the Michael Jordan's and Oprah's of the world will not form any kind of black collectivism movement in America. Hard to do when there has been generation after generation of blacks raised by the government. Now, if you want to say that the American government is systemically racist and has tried to keep blacks down, then I would agree with that.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Mon Feb 07, 2022 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

They didnt leave, they were forced out, but I'll get on you soon enough and explain dont worry.

But back to the whole Joe Rogan racist thing, its funny how those ppl are driving 100 right now on Joe being "racist" while the continue to soft soap Whoopi Goldberg being suspended from the view for 2 weeks for spitting some actual racially insensitive shit about Jews in Nazi Germany.

This broad said Hitler and nem and the holocaust wasn't about race, basically in her mind Jews are white so it was just white on white crime. Meanwhile it was plenty about race with the actual Nazi's, because they was out there calling themselves the master race, and had a muthafucka who wrote a whole book "mein Kampf" about the shit!!! Fuck Whoopi Goldberg, she's a stupid fuckin racist!!!

Author:  Jermzhi [ Tue Feb 08, 2022 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

You know what, fuck it, i'll put it here.

They may have experienced certain instances where racism was present but it had nothing to do with anything systemic.

This statement right here undermines a good portion of your premise. If the racism was present because the system engendered, nurtured, or allowed the racism, then the racism is systemic. So like I said, our real difference of opinion is what we individually define as systemic.

As an outside observer looking back in retrospect

So it's not okay for me to be an outside observer, but you arrogate onto yourself the right to be an outside observer looking in?

I will give you an example of just how ass backwards black America is with "progression". In the 1800's, black farmers owned more land than every single black person in America currently does in 2022 (by a wide margin). By the turn of the 20th century, blacks owned between 16 million and 19 million acres of land. Black farmers actually owned more land per capita than their white counterparts. These are facts. Some postulate that this is because blacks wanted to 'remove' themselves from the soil, so-to-speak. I wonder what black America would look like right now if the Great Migration of six million blacks northward had not occurred and blacks maintained their land and presence in the south?

It's funny that you mention the point in US history where blacks held as much land as they ever did in US history....and seem to point to it as blacks squandering the land on their own or chose to abandon it....instead of attempting to digging up the possible systemic reasons why the land loss occurred, I mean if your goal is prove that systemic racism didnt exist, it would make sense to actually look for it, and then in the true absence you draw your conclusion. But dont worry, Prophet Jermz is here to help you dig through the weeds Brother Burowz. I got the shovel, you grab the hoe! Lets go!

Those blacks with property were facing a fight on all fronts. First they had to deal with the the Farmers Home Administration, who favored white farmers and favored those who did not participate in civil rights movements. Black Farmers had to rely on loans from this organization, it's actually a well known fact that individual Black farmers weren't getting good loan terms from the organization, if they were getting any loans at all!

In addition to this, heir property police was splitting the land with every successive generation, and providing a loophole with which the land could be sold (by a systemically racist system) without the consent of the black folks who inherited the land, and was sold at below market rates to boot. And even if those who inherit could clear through those road blocks to keep the land, the legal cost of clearing their title to the land was another pile of straw on the mules back, which again, when compounded with a system that was already not cooperating with them in terms of bank loans, was putting undue pressure on them for no other reason than for being black. A system that with a loophole to sell off whatever property they choose as time went on, and they just happened to choose the black folks! Golly! And also without land titles in these heir property situations, the land could not be used as collateral to gain credit! So they face the legal fees just to try and get the title, which isn't even a guarantee, just to even sniff a loan which they might not even get or get terrible terms on....just from being black! But oh no, it was simply their fault for selling and moving north! So my parents die, the land is passed to my siblings and I, but this situation is invoked, and we now have to put money we dont have into legal fees to get the title just so we can then apply for loans that we are disadvantaged on because we're black, and our only counter to this is to sell for for below market rate and then move where we get the impression we'll get a fairer deal from authorities....which historically back fires at least just as bad.

This shit went on for over 80 years before your country even came around to addressing the issue. How many black folks do you think were off put, financially, economically, socially, educationally, genealogically, from 80 years of the system racism that exists in your example that you dont even want to acknowledge exists, while you claim to be a knowledgeable observer of the history while you dismiss an actual black man who descends from actual slavery in another locale to the degree that he can be knowledgeable of such things because his own family went through it elsewhere???

Next you're gonna tell me that the Tulsa Race Massacre wasnt aided and abetted by systemic racism. And just like the previous example, it took 80 plus fucking years to acknowledge the issues and move to pay restitution to the descends of those black people. And then you wanna tell me that only thing that could be a backbone of shit like this isn't a systemically racist system???

This is only 2. We can keep going through the weeds, and each one of these types of events casts a holy unquantifiable and qualifiable shadow over every Black Descendent of ADOS, and the effects lasting beyond several successive generations. But here you are, saying the systemic racism doesn't exist, while the same wave still oscillates under all of these people!

This reminds me of your whole run down and heart bleeding for the Boers. Same boers who stole land and had the backing of rich white banks in their home countries to enjoy monetary advantage with their land stealing and cultivation. And then when the black farmers get fucked over and badly treated due to being black, you write it off as them just not being able to do the farming as well as the boers did and use it as a justification for putting those greedy motherfuckers in their power positions where they exploit the land that aint theirs and the native black population with apartheid and 2nd class citizenship. You seem to always seem to have it down to black people having a sweet situation and merely making mistakes and pissing it away like it was a bad business deal when the reality was a racist system fucked them out of what they had because the system was hell bent on disenfranchising black people.

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Tue Feb 08, 2022 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

They didnt leave, they were forced out, but I'll get on you soon enough and explain dont worry.

But back to the whole Joe Rogan racist thing, its funny how those ppl are driving 100 right now on Joe being "racist" while the continue to soft soap Whoopi Goldberg being suspended from the view for 2 weeks for spitting some actual racially insensitive shit about Jews in Nazi Germany.

This broad said Hitler and nem and the holocaust wasn't about race, basically in her mind Jews are white so it was just white on white crime. Meanwhile it was plenty about race with the actual Nazi's, because they was out there calling themselves the master race, and had a muthafucka who wrote a whole book "mein Kampf" about the shit!!! Fuck Whoopi Goldberg, she's a stupid fuckin racist!!!


Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Tue Feb 08, 2022 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

You know what, fuck it, i'll put it here.

They may have experienced certain instances where racism was present but it had nothing to do with anything systemic.

This statement right here undermines a good portion of your premise. If the racism was present because the system engendered, nurtured, or allowed the racism, then the racism is systemic. So like I said, our real difference of opinion is what we individually define as systemic.

As an outside observer looking back in retrospect

So it's not okay for me to be an outside observer, but you arrogate onto yourself the right to be an outside observer looking in?

I will give you an example of just how ass backwards black America is with "progression". In the 1800's, black farmers owned more land than every single black person in America currently does in 2022 (by a wide margin). By the turn of the 20th century, blacks owned between 16 million and 19 million acres of land. Black farmers actually owned more land per capita than their white counterparts. These are facts. Some postulate that this is because blacks wanted to 'remove' themselves from the soil, so-to-speak. I wonder what black America would look like right now if the Great Migration of six million blacks northward had not occurred and blacks maintained their land and presence in the south?

It's funny that you mention the point in US history where blacks held as much land as they ever did in US history....and seem to point to it as blacks squandering the land on their own or chose to abandon it....instead of attempting to digging up the possible systemic reasons why the land loss occurred, I mean if your goal is prove that systemic racism didnt exist, it would make sense to actually look for it, and then in the true absence you draw your conclusion. But dont worry, Prophet Jermz is here to help you dig through the weeds Brother Burowz. I got the shovel, you grab the hoe! Lets go!

Those blacks with property were facing a fight on all fronts. First they had to deal with the the Farmers Home Administration, who favored white farmers and favored those who did not participate in civil rights movements. Black Farmers had to rely on loans from this organization, it's actually a well known fact that individual Black farmers weren't getting good loan terms from the organization, if they were getting any loans at all!

In addition to this, heir property police was splitting the land with every successive generation, and providing a loophole with which the land could be sold (by a systemically racist system) without the consent of the black folks who inherited the land, and was sold at below market rates to boot. And even if those who inherit could clear through those road blocks to keep the land, the legal cost of clearing their title to the land was another pile of straw on the mules back, which again, when compounded with a system that was already not cooperating with them in terms of bank loans, was putting undue pressure on them for no other reason than for being black. A system that with a loophole to sell off whatever property they choose as time went on, and they just happened to choose the black folks! Golly! And also without land titles in these heir property situations, the land could not be used as collateral to gain credit! So they face the legal fees just to try and get the title, which isn't even a guarantee, just to even sniff a loan which they might not even get or get terrible terms on....just from being black! But oh no, it was simply their fault for selling and moving north! So my parents die, the land is passed to my siblings and I, but this situation is invoked, and we now have to put money we dont have into legal fees to get the title just so we can then apply for loans that we are disadvantaged on because we're black, and our only counter to this is to sell for for below market rate and then move where we get the impression we'll get a fairer deal from authorities....which historically back fires at least just as bad.

This shit went on for over 80 years before your country even came around to addressing the issue. How many black folks do you think were off put, financially, economically, socially, educationally, genealogically, from 80 years of the system racism that exists in your example that you dont even want to acknowledge exists, while you claim to be a knowledgeable observer of the history while you dismiss an actual black man who descends from actual slavery in another locale to the degree that he can be knowledgeable of such things because his own family went through it elsewhere???

Next you're gonna tell me that the Tulsa Race Massacre wasnt aided and abetted by systemic racism. And just like the previous example, it took 80 plus fucking years to acknowledge the issues and move to pay restitution to the descends of those black people. And then you wanna tell me that only thing that could be a backbone of shit like this isn't a systemically racist system???

This is only 2. We can keep going through the weeds, and each one of these types of events casts a holy unquantifiable and qualifiable shadow over every Black Descendent of ADOS, and the effects lasting beyond several successive generations. But here you are, saying the systemic racism doesn't exist, while the same wave still oscillates under all of these people!

This reminds me of your whole run down and heart bleeding for the Boers. Same boers who stole land and had the backing of rich white banks in their home countries to enjoy monetary advantage with their land stealing and cultivation. And then when the black farmers get fucked over and badly treated due to being black, you write it off as them just not being able to do the farming as well as the boers did and use it as a justification for putting those greedy motherfuckers in their power positions where they exploit the land that aint theirs and the native black population with apartheid and 2nd class citizenship. You seem to always seem to have it down to black people having a sweet situation and merely making mistakes and pissing it away like it was a bad business deal when the reality was a racist system fucked them out of what they had because the system was hell bent on disenfranchising black people.

yup. classic Burowz shit right there. :hearty-laugh:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Tue Feb 08, 2022 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

yup. classic Burowz shit right there. :hearty-laugh:

Austin, the man said the country isnt systemically racist, and then example he attempted to prove his point with, involved a period in the countries history predating the 1960s. :lol: When it was universally regarded as systemically racist as a muthafucka :hearty-laugh: Hes gotta be trolling me man.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Tue Feb 08, 2022 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

:kopfpatsch: :rofl:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Tue Feb 08, 2022 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

Turns out this whole attack on Joe Rogan about the N word stuff was a hit job pulled off by a group who is partnered with a Dem party super pac. Joe Rogan is being attacked by Joe Bidens parties cronies!

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Tue Feb 08, 2022 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

You know what, fuck it, i'll put it here.

They may have experienced certain instances where racism was present but it had nothing to do with anything systemic.

This statement right here undermines a good portion of your premise. If the racism was present because the system engendered, nurtured, or allowed the racism, then the racism is systemic. So like I said, our real difference of opinion is what we individually define as systemic.

As an outside observer looking back in retrospect

So it's not okay for me to be an outside observer, but you arrogate onto yourself the right to be an outside observer looking in?

I will give you an example of just how ass backwards black America is with "progression". In the 1800's, black farmers owned more land than every single black person in America currently does in 2022 (by a wide margin). By the turn of the 20th century, blacks owned between 16 million and 19 million acres of land. Black farmers actually owned more land per capita than their white counterparts. These are facts. Some postulate that this is because blacks wanted to 'remove' themselves from the soil, so-to-speak. I wonder what black America would look like right now if the Great Migration of six million blacks northward had not occurred and blacks maintained their land and presence in the south?

It's funny that you mention the point in US history where blacks held as much land as they ever did in US history....and seem to point to it as blacks squandering the land on their own or chose to abandon it....instead of attempting to digging up the possible systemic reasons why the land loss occurred, I mean if your goal is prove that systemic racism didnt exist, it would make sense to actually look for it, and then in the true absence you draw your conclusion. But dont worry, Prophet Jermz is here to help you dig through the weeds Brother Burowz. I got the shovel, you grab the hoe! Lets go!

Those blacks with property were facing a fight on all fronts. First they had to deal with the the Farmers Home Administration, who favored white farmers and favored those who did not participate in civil rights movements. Black Farmers had to rely on loans from this organization, it's actually a well known fact that individual Black farmers weren't getting good loan terms from the organization, if they were getting any loans at all!

In addition to this, heir property police was splitting the land with every successive generation, and providing a loophole with which the land could be sold (by a systemically racist system) without the consent of the black folks who inherited the land, and was sold at below market rates to boot. And even if those who inherit could clear through those road blocks to keep the land, the legal cost of clearing their title to the land was another pile of straw on the mules back, which again, when compounded with a system that was already not cooperating with them in terms of bank loans, was putting undue pressure on them for no other reason than for being black. A system that with a loophole to sell off whatever property they choose as time went on, and they just happened to choose the black folks! Golly! And also without land titles in these heir property situations, the land could not be used as collateral to gain credit! So they face the legal fees just to try and get the title, which isn't even a guarantee, just to even sniff a loan which they might not even get or get terrible terms on....just from being black! But oh no, it was simply their fault for selling and moving north! So my parents die, the land is passed to my siblings and I, but this situation is invoked, and we now have to put money we dont have into legal fees to get the title just so we can then apply for loans that we are disadvantaged on because we're black, and our only counter to this is to sell for for below market rate and then move where we get the impression we'll get a fairer deal from authorities....which historically back fires at least just as bad.

This shit went on for over 80 years before your country even came around to addressing the issue. How many black folks do you think were off put, financially, economically, socially, educationally, genealogically, from 80 years of the system racism that exists in your example that you dont even want to acknowledge exists, while you claim to be a knowledgeable observer of the history while you dismiss an actual black man who descends from actual slavery in another locale to the degree that he can be knowledgeable of such things because his own family went through it elsewhere???

Next you're gonna tell me that the Tulsa Race Massacre wasnt aided and abetted by systemic racism. And just like the previous example, it took 80 plus fucking years to acknowledge the issues and move to pay restitution to the descends of those black people. And then you wanna tell me that only thing that could be a backbone of shit like this isn't a systemically racist system???

This is only 2. We can keep going through the weeds, and each one of these types of events casts a holy unquantifiable and qualifiable shadow over every Black Descendent of ADOS, and the effects lasting beyond several successive generations. But here you are, saying the systemic racism doesn't exist, while the same wave still oscillates under all of these people!

This reminds me of your whole run down and heart bleeding for the Boers. Same boers who stole land and had the backing of rich white banks in their home countries to enjoy monetary advantage with their land stealing and cultivation. And then when the black farmers get fucked over and badly treated due to being black, you write it off as them just not being able to do the farming as well as the boers did and use it as a justification for putting those greedy motherfuckers in their power positions where they exploit the land that aint theirs and the native black population with apartheid and 2nd class citizenship. You seem to always seem to have it down to black people having a sweet situation and merely making mistakes and pissing it away like it was a bad business deal when the reality was a racist system fucked them out of what they had because the system was hell bent on disenfranchising black people. ... ican-land/

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Tue Feb 08, 2022 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

yup. classic Burowz shit right there. :hearty-laugh:

Austin,the man said the country isnt systemically racist, and then example he attempted to prove his point with, involved a period in the countries history predating the 1960s. :lol: When it was universally regarded as systemically racist as a muthafucka :hearty-laugh: Hes gotta be trolling me man.

It isn't. You are taking my long post and taking it out of context. When I brought up the 1800 land ownership, that wasn't an example. I said it was an example of how ass backwards black America is TODAY because blacks today do not even own half of the amount of land that blacks collectively owned more than 100 years ago. So, you are twisting my words. To your point, yes, back in the 1800's, America was systemically racist, but niggas still owned almost 19 million acres of land back then.

You didn't address anything I said with regard to land ownership and that is because you likely do not understand the relation that land ownership has with regard to upward mobility of a people.

Author:  PrimeTime21335 [ Fri Feb 11, 2022 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

Rogan the right winger

Author:  Jermzhi [ Fri Feb 11, 2022 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

PrimeTime21335 wrote:
Rogan the right winger

:hearty-laugh: anyone who calls rogan right wing doesnt know shit about left right politics man, all they know is what the woke media tells them.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Fri Feb 11, 2022 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

Rogan wont be doing the ppv tomorrow night due to a "scheduling conflict." uh huh. sure. very unfortunate. but i guess he just wants shit to blow over and not become a distraction.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Sat Feb 12, 2022 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

Austinholic_3:16 wrote:
Rogan wont be doing the ppv tomorrow night due to a "scheduling conflict." uh huh. sure. very unfortunate. but i guess he just wants shit to blow over and not become a distraction.

:hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

Austinholic_3:16 wrote:
Rogan wont be doing the ppv tomorrow night due to a "scheduling conflict." uh huh. sure. very unfortunate. but i guess he just wants shit to blow over and not become a distraction.

:hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

he was probably afraid of doing the Derrick Lewis interview. :rofl:

"yo Joe i heard you like saying nigga, wont you drop that shit for me one time my nigga." :rofl:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

Austinholic_3:16 wrote:
Rogan wont be doing the ppv tomorrow night due to a "scheduling conflict." uh huh. sure. very unfortunate. but i guess he just wants shit to blow over and not become a distraction.

:hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

he was probably afraid of doing the Derrick Lewis interview. :rofl:

"yo Joe i heard you like saying nigga, wont you drop that shit for me one time my nigga." :rofl:

omg :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

Its really the wrong approach. Joe need to get out there and get ahead of all the bullshit. Black folks will always respect that more than running and hiding like a bitch.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Sun Feb 13, 2022 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

Dana White completely threw Rogan under the bus, saying there was no "scheduling conflict" and Joe couldve easily did the PPV. I mean, its obvious what happened, but damn, Dana really keeps trying to prove how much of an epic POS he is.

Author:  Icecold323 [ Tue Feb 15, 2022 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

Dana's not wrong here. Joe is. Joe shoulda just said he aint ready or the distraction shit or just worked. Not some bullshit "scheduling conflict" .

Joe is his employee and he feels he coulda worked. Joe probably has people telling him lay low for a min. Which happens. But this whole mess is Joe's doing.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Tue Feb 15, 2022 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

Joe shoulda just said he aint ready or the distraction shit

and im pretty sure he said exactly that to Dana himself. so Dana shouldve had his back instead of publicly shitting on him. like damn, have your boys back after all that he's done for the UFC. its not like Dana was up against a corner and had to come out with that shit like that. he could've "no comment" that shit like he's done plenty other times when he had Conor, Jones, Lesnar, or Rondas back. but no, since there's no self interest angle involved, Dana gonna throw Negus under the bus. :eusa_snooty:

Author:  Icecold323 [ Tue Feb 15, 2022 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

Joe shoulda just said he aint ready or the distraction shit

and im pretty sure he said exactly that to Dana himself. so Dana shouldve had his back instead of publicly shitting on him. like damn, have your boys back after all that he's done for the UFC. its not like Dana was up against a corner and had to come out with that shit like that. he could've "no comment" that shit like he's done plenty other times when he had Conor, Jones, Lesnar, or Rondas back. but no, since there's no self interest angle involved, Dana gonna throw Negus under the bus. :eusa_snooty:

Well we dont know what Hoe told Dana, if anything. And we can flip that, its really more for what the UFC has done for Joe rogan. Rogan was some crum bum receiding hair line failed actor and TV show host when he got in UFC. Fear factor got cancelled. UFC saved him and gave him that huge following. Dont get me wrong he has done a good job. But you can find other announcers, finding another UFC not so much.

So obviously Dana didn't like that Joe didnt work so why be fake, may not be the friendliest approach but most bosses aint friendly.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Tue Feb 15, 2022 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

Joe shoulda just said he aint ready or the distraction shit

and im pretty sure he said exactly that to Dana himself. so Dana shouldve had his back instead of publicly shitting on him. like damn, have your boys back after all that he's done for the UFC. its not like Dana was up against a corner and had to come out with that shit like that. he could've "no comment" that shit like he's done plenty other times when he had Conor, Jones, Lesnar, or Rondas back. but no, since there's no self interest angle involved, Dana gonna throw Negus under the bus. :eusa_snooty:

Well we dont know what Hoe told Dana, if anything. And we can flip that, its really more for what the UFC has done for Joe rogan. Rogan was some crum bum receiding hair line failed actor and TV show host when he got in UFC. Fear factor got cancelled. UFC saved him and gave him that huge following. Dont get me wrong he has done a good job. But you can find other announcers, finding another UFC not so much.

So obviously Dana didn't like that Joe didnt work so why be fake, may not be the friendliest approach but most bosses aint friendly.

thats exactly the type of attitude that got Dana and the UFC paying their fighters pennies. :lol:

Author:  Icecold323 [ Wed Feb 16, 2022 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

Dont put Joe in the same class as a fighter lol nobody is watching the UFC for Rogan. They watch for the fights

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Feb 16, 2022 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Joe Rogan

Im actually with Ice, Joe shoulda went and did his damned job. Joe making Dana and his brand to pay for the backlash from his podcast shit, Dana is right for throwing his ass under the bus, at minimum he's justified. And I rarely side with Dana on anything.

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