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Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card
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Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

Naw im going with Andrews over Nichols, brown skin curly hair and cute. Less ass but thats what pillows under the bell down is for.

thats a classic trifecta right there. with those 2 its the ideal scenario where you'd probably prefer to wife up Andrews and then cheat on her with Rachel lol.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

Naw im going with Andrews over Nichols, brown skin curly hair and cute. Less ass but thats what pillows under the bell down is for.

thats a classic trifecta right there. with those 2 its the ideal scenario where you'd probably prefer to wife up Andrews and then cheat on her with Rachel lol.

You're right!!! :hearty-laugh:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

all them bitches is hot. Nichols more so than Andrews. i actually see no ass on Andrews which is a huge negative regardless of how cute she is. Maria Taylor got it over Nichols though. but none them bitches got it over Diana Russini.:smile81:

Ya with you saying that, I could have predicted the nose :cool:

thats just the icing on the cake homie. :happy:

truth is ESPN got a few OG females on their roster but after that, its clear they go for the eye candy in terms of their hiring practices. so all this talk about black and bv white and different privileges and what not, the real people getting truly discriminated against are the ugly broads that know way more about sports than these sexy ass bitches.

:hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

Author:  Icecold323 [ Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

Who is the top female now tho? Molly? Or Joy? Or someone else

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

Who is the top female now tho? Molly? Or Joy? Or someone else

Joy titties is legendary.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Jul 07, 2021 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

Def Joy. Idk what it is about Molly, but I just aint feelin her. Id hit but smh.

Spade a Spade though, let Rachel cry to me about what she gotta do to fix her current circumstances, and I'd immediately start motioning towards my crotch. I know that bitch require copious amounts of make up to look better than she is, but imma fire one off in every hole, then we gonna come up with a 10 point program to repair her standing in the eyes of the community.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Jul 07, 2021 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

Yo Austin, you know this white dude in New Jersey?

Edward Cagney Matthews? Did you hear about that story man? Wtf is going on in your state man?

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

Jesus Christ. :facepalm-gesture-smiley-emoticon: ... 250/%3famp

yea thats South Jersey, close to PA. mostly white conservatives/hillbillies/racists. well not "mostly" but definitely way more so than North Jersey where I am. i waz actually up in those parts yesterday at the beach. drove by a stand, i shit you not, they were selling "Re-elect Trump merchandise. " :rofl:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

This dude has apparently been a menace in South Jersey since he was a fucking teenager!

He's was trying to paint the picture to the woman that he's the neighborhood authority, that he deals drugs and runs the fucking local police force, so if they wanna deal with things they need to pull it through him or fuck with him and he can fuck shit up for them. WHO THE FOOK IS THIS GUY???

And how the fuck has he been to run like this??? These are the fucking things that piss black people off man! And now the whole fucking police force is standing around with their dick in their hands trying to make up all kinds of excuses. Crazy shit man. Careful at that beach Bro :lol:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Jul 07, 2021 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

Check this. What are the odds are someone with the same 3 name name who lives in NJ, who was 17 in 1993 engaging in armed fucking robberies, which would make him 45 now....isn't the exact same 45 year old fat nasty racist drug dealing muthafucka??? This is him dude!!

BS.JPG [ 59.72 KiB | Viewed 5453 times ]

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

yea. absolute utter nonsense. dude has been carrying on this BS all his life, but motherfuckers wanna defend police killings cause the victim may not have been the most upstanding of citizens. but this cocksucker right here. whatever man. :eusa_snooty:

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Wed Jul 07, 2021 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

Is Nichols really that fat? When did she turn into such a porker? No wonder they want to replace her fat ass.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Jul 07, 2021 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

5Burowz wrote:
Is Nichols really that fat? When did she turn into such a porker? No wonder they want to replace her fat ass.

You know, I thought about that. That they simply put Taylor ahead, aside from experience and ability, simply because of looks and fitness, and you know what, looks and fitness are part of the equation because its fucking live TV. And in that case its even more laughable, because if anyone is gonna complain and make comments that were made, it's an old advantageously woke white feminist with a weight problem like Nichol.

Maybe she should hit the gym in the off season, invest in a personal trainer, she has the money and the time lol.

Author:  Icecold323 [ Wed Jul 07, 2021 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

Bro, they put Maria on cause of the Floyd shit. Point blank period. This was last year. Facts are facts.

Author:  Icecold323 [ Wed Jul 07, 2021 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

But anyway lol this clown Mathews, glad he got rolled up on. Black folks aint fucking around. Even when their wrong lol but in this case this fuckin bum had it coming.

Its a shame the police never arrested him until a protest had to happen. But it is wht it is. I dont even know what the charges are. I know its simply a citation and release later. If they even are gonna charge him. Probably just did that to calm the crowd down.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Thu Jul 08, 2021 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

they not gonna charge him with shit. hopefully he just calms his racist ass down. or just kills himself.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

Bro, they put Maria on cause of the Floyd shit. Point blank period. This was last year. Facts are facts.

You know Ice, I gotta tell you, I am not at all fond of this..."Maria only got this because of George Floyd, let Nichols go she aint do nothin" shit from you, thems some facts.

So answer me this, if thats the case, why the Floyd shit aint save Paul Pierce from being fired for living his fuckin life?

Yea, yea, so I tell you what, when ESPN bring back and apologize to The Truth, I'll get on that it's cause of Floyd shit with ya. :cool:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

You also cant have it both ways Ice. If playing Taylor got it because of George Floyd, I'm raising you Nichols got it for being in a rice Jewish family with active involvement in film and media that also owns part of Disney and is the daughter in law of Diane Sawyer.

So lets put both on the scale and we can talk about what's heavier.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

i will say though, and for some reason it did bypass me, but if it was truly written into her contract, if that job was contractually promised to her, then ESPN did do Rachel dirty. and of course when you get done dirty, you are bound to speak out of frustration. and i dont think anyone can argue that she performed her way out of the job. she's good at her job.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

i will say though, and for some reason it did bypass me, but if it was truly written into her contract, if that job was contractually promised to her, then ESPN did do Rachel dirty. and of course when you get done dirty, you are bound to speak out of frustration. and i dont think anyone can argue that she performed her way out of the job. she's good at her job.

That is fine. I caught it and that particular point seemed minor to me from jump. Im gonna paraphrase and exaggerate a bit but the point will still hold.

there's a big diff between "Look, it was written into my contract, so ESPN owes me what it promises or I need to be compensated or there will be issued"


"Look it was written into my contract, it's because ESPN is cowtowing to these niggers and all this wokeness"

Lol. Black people aint pissed for no reason. She could has said the contract big, she even could have said she was better at her job, and it would have been crickets and agreement. But she went out of bounds insinuating what she did.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

i will say though, and for some reason it did bypass me, but if it was truly written into her contract, if that job was contractually promised to her, then ESPN did do Rachel dirty. and of course when you get done dirty, you are bound to speak out of frustration. and i dont think anyone can argue that she performed her way out of the job. she's good at her job.

That is fine. I caught it and that particular point seemed minor to me from jump. Im gonna paraphrase and exaggerate a bit but the point will still hold.

there's a big diff between "Look, it was written into my contract, so ESPN owes me what it promises or I need to be compensated or there will be issued"


"Look it was written into my contract, it's because ESPN is cowtowing to these niggers and all this wokeness"

Lol. Black people aint pissed for no reason. She could has said the contract big, she even could have said she was better at her job, and it would have been crickets and agreement. But she went out of bounds insinuating what she did.

yes. she definitely had reason to be pissed off. Perhaps should've taken a deep breath and handled it better. but then again she did handle it just fine, in public that is. :lol:

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

also Jermz whats your response to Jason Whitlock saying that this was first and foremost a money ploy by Taylors reps. as they knew all about this from last summer but put it all out in public now that Taylor is negotiating a new contract and is reportedly reaching for the stars in her financial demands.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

i will say though, and for some reason it did bypass me, but if it was truly written into her contract, if that job was contractually promised to her, then ESPN did do Rachel dirty. and of course when you get done dirty, you are bound to speak out of frustration. and i dont think anyone can argue that she performed her way out of the job. she's good at her job.

That is fine. I caught it and that particular point seemed minor to me from jump. Im gonna paraphrase and exaggerate a bit but the point will still hold.

there's a big diff between "Look, it was written into my contract, so ESPN owes me what it promises or I need to be compensated or there will be issued"


"Look it was written into my contract, it's because ESPN is cowtowing to these niggers and all this wokeness"

Lol. Black people aint pissed for no reason. She could has said the contract big, she even could have said she was better at her job, and it would have been crickets and agreement. But she went out of bounds insinuating what she did.

yes. she definitely had reason to be pissed off. Perhaps should've taken a deep breath and handled it better. but then again she did handle it just fine, in public that is. :lol:

:hearty-laugh: They got her ass in the bubble, nothing private in the bubble. Idk if you heard by the new hot rumor is Jimmy Buckets fucked her when they were in the bubble. All kinds of loud noises was heard coming from Jimmy's room late, and they were apparently spoked cavorting here and there :hearty-laugh:

You're in media, a media professional supposedly. If you dumb enough to not figure out how to shut shit off before you start berating blk ppl, you get what you get!

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

also Jermz whats your response to Jason Whitlock saying that this was first and foremost a money ploy by Taylors reps. as they knew all about this from last summer but put it all out in public now that Taylor is negotiating a new contract and is reportedly reaching for the stars in her financial demands??

I think Whitlock is a fuckin coon and should be quiet and on code. But it very well could be. But it could easily be that ESPN threw that one out there before the story hit so that THAT very narrative of Taylor being greedy and vindictive could circulate.

All possible.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jermzhi Presents: The Race Card

also Jermz whats your response to Jason Whitlock saying that this was first and foremost a money ploy by Taylors reps. as they knew all about this from last summer but put it all out in public now that Taylor is negotiating a new contract and is reportedly reaching for the stars in her financial demands??

I think Whitlock is a fuckin coon and should be quiet and on code. But it very well could be. But it could easily be that ESPN threw that one out there before the story hit so that THAT very narrative of Taylor being greedy and vindictive could circulate.

All possible.

oh damn. thats a great theory as well. :shock: :hearty-laugh:

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