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 Post Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:32 am 
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Jermz: Sanders only stands up for things when it's safe

Me: Sanders was the first candidate to support Evo Morales this week

Jermz: That was safe to do

Me: But Tulsi hasn't done it, and that's supposedly her entire thing


What would be the point?

Are you completely bereft with U.S.' history of regime change in Latin America?

You don't know shit.

The dumbest motherfucker alive. :lol:

>Moe>Prime>>Joso>Vendetta> Wlad>>Finito>Victor......................... :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: FUCKS WIT ME!!!

 Post Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 2:13 am 
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Fuck Sanders, he's a bitch. He has all those squad hoes and Michael Moorer backing him now. Yet he cant say anything in support of someone who has gone to bat for him repeatedly even at the cost of her own fucking career. Same fag that told everyone to get behind Hillary. I said it before and ill say it again now. Bernie doesnt have the bottle to fight the establishment. If he got into power he'd capitulate to them, thats what the fuck he does.



A tale of two "anti-war" candidates.



Which one is excusing him?

We all agree Obama was terrible, so clearly Tulsi, who doesn't capitulate to power supported a primary of him, right?


Of course not, just Sanders. Literally the only one.

If you hate Sanders because he's old, that's cool. He's old as fuck. But the things that you have claimed to care about, he's better than Gabbard. And the things you're holding against Sanders, Gabbard is worse. I don't know what else to tell you, bro.

>Moe>Prime>>Joso>Vendetta> Wlad>>Finito>Victor......................... :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: FUCKS WIT ME!!!

 Post Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 2:07 pm 
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Jermz: Sanders only stands up for things when it's safe

Me: Sanders was the first candidate to support Evo Morales this week

Jermz: That was safe to do

Me: But Tulsi hasn't done it, and that's supposedly her entire thing


What would be the point?

Are you completely bereft with U.S.' history of regime change in Latin America?

You don't know shit.

The dumbest motherfucker alive. :lol:

I await Tulsi's response to it. I don't even have a response to it to be honest, although I do lean towards it being more regime changing bullshit. Regime change stopping is definitely her thing, but Syria was one she personally undertook, so she had a lot of first hand information on what was going on there. I'd rather her gather facts and then come to a conclusion than rush it out because people want a response in step with their own, immediately.

That said, Bernie jumped into this immediately, but dragged Maduro in concert with the american establishment, so theres that. Tulsi is still way ahead of Bernie in this regard.



 Post Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 2:37 pm 
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Fuck Sanders, he's a bitch. He has all those squad hoes and Michael Moorer backing him now. Yet he cant say anything in support of someone who has gone to bat for him repeatedly even at the cost of her own fucking career. Same fag that told everyone to get behind Hillary. I said it before and ill say it again now. Bernie doesnt have the bottle to fight the establishment. If he got into power he'd capitulate to them, thats what the fuck he does.



A tale of two "anti-war" candidates.



Which one is excusing him?

We all agree Obama was terrible, so clearly Tulsi, who doesn't capitulate to power supported a primary of him, right?


Of course not, just Sanders. Literally the only one.

If you hate Sanders because he's old, that's cool. He's old as fuck. But the things that you have claimed to care about, he's better than Gabbard. And the things you're holding against Sanders, Gabbard is worse. I don't know what else to tell you, bro.

Tulsi did vote for Hillary, she admitted this quite easily, but she also didnt campaign for that bitch, can't say the same for Bernie there, which is exactly why there was so many castoffs across the spectrum who now say #neverBernie, hell I even said it at the time that his decision to endorse and campaign for her was going to create fractures in his base(id be one of them if i was an american), to which I got "oh well he has to play the game". Couple that with Tulsi basically saying everywhere, 'fuck the game, it's rigged', that fracture is hemorraging support, daily.

As for Biden, I dont know what you are seeing there, she's not excusing anything, she's highlighting that he was wrong and that he admitted it. That's barely if at all a defense more than it is a refusal to drag her friend for public masturbation material.

And for that last one, Bravo, Bernie spoke up, Kudo to him there for sure. But if that's meant to say he did while Tulsi didn't I think it's important to highlight that Tulsi around that time had just returned from service and was serving on the Honolulu city council. A novice, and not in any position of power or expertise to go after anyone.

You can believe she's worse, I suppose it depends on what you prioritize. I dont think hes better in terms of foreign policy at all. He has gone against american imperialism much for all his time spent in office, and parrots thier lines easily. He parroted syria, he parroted libya, he got iraq right...in about as broad as an anti war world wide campaign as their has been, he parroted venezuela, bravo on bolivia. But he doesnt actively talk about halting regime change operations, and he doesn't demonstrate as far as I've seen a willingness to sit down and talk with other leaders who are seen as deplorables. Tulsi leads him on all of those things, and actively goes at more of the architects of it more so than Bernie.

As for the environment, as far as I've read, the GND is vague and undefined, compared to the OFF act, which was quite obviously ignored so that the GND could be used as a political tool in an election in someone elses hands, which is funny considering Tulsi is shit on for not supporting the GND. Why the fuck should she???

Health Care, Bernie seems better in theory, and I dont know the intricate specifics of both deals, but I do know that both are vastly better than what is present now and continue to evolve. I don't frown at the idea of private insurance being used in concert with publically funded single payer insurance that cant be opted out of, because thats exactly what we have in Canada, and it works! So I dont think that is a bigger deal than foreign policy.

Bernie probably does have her jobs and social security, you could easily sell me on that as you have a great amount of knowledge about Bernies history in Vermont, I'm willing to concede there.

They are essentially the same on israel palestine, with Bernie saying he'd cut funding to israel, but never stating this in all of his time spent in office, only now. Sorry, I'm skeptical.

As for the squad, sorry, I dont think much of any of those broads. In fact, outside of Nina Turner, I feel nothing those 3 women are trying to ride Bernies coattails in a grift operation.



 Post Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 2:47 pm 
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You should be more confused that people have split from Bernie to support the yangs of the world, and other dem candidates, but not Tulsi. It's easy to understand those who broke from Bernie to support Tulsi. They prioritize her FP aspirations, and her willingness to go at the MIC. Bernie turned off a lot of people in 2016.

What bothers me, because I see it daily online, is the constant voter shaming-bend the knee menatlity that is eminating from Berners, much like it did from the Hillary contingent in 2016. This is turning people the fuck off to the point where if Bernie did get the nomination, he'll end up in more of a pickle than you think against Trump in the general.

The atmosphere has been beyond toxic. Nobody else should be running against Bernie because everyone should just get behind Bernie. It's the most arrogant take that can be taken in a democratic vote in a party that is called a democratic one. Right along side the constant accusation that Tulsi is only getting votes because she's jerk off material. All the independents that Bernie would need in a general, are watching, and they are being turned the fuck off. Goodluck winning without them.



 Post Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 3:08 pm 
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There it is. Theres nothing wrong with trying to get facts together before taking a side.

As is, Bernie has spoken out, and on the surface thats good, but its hyprcritical when matched up to his sentiments on venezuela, where he labelled the democratically elected leader Maduro as failed, and accused the election as not free and fair. Well, those on the right and some of the left are now saying the exact same thing about Bolivia and Morales. So Bernie is right, and they are wrong? Meanwhile, Teflon Don just got another bullet to be in the chamber of things to embellishing to get back in the white house if Bernie makes it out as the nominee.



 Post Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 8:31 pm 
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You can believe she's worse, I suppose it depends on what you prioritize. I dont think hes better in terms of foreign policy at all. He has gone against american imperialism much for all his time spent in office, and parrots thier lines easily. He parroted syria, he parroted libya, he got iraq right...in about as broad as an anti war world wide campaign as their has been, he parroted venezuela, bravo on bolivia. But he doesnt actively talk about halting regime change operations, and he doesn't demonstrate as far as I've seen a willingness to sit down and talk with other leaders who are seen as deplorables. Tulsi leads him on all of those things, and actively goes at more of the architects of it more so than Bernie.

What are you talking about? Sanders has been the loudest voice on anti-regime changes for 30 years. He met with the fucking Sandanistas. Soviets during the Cold War. He was the biggest supporter of the Iran deal when DEMOCRATS were speaking out against it, including Tulsi! You want to talk about parroting, Tulsi parrots anti-war sentiment, anti-military industrial sentiment, while approving budget increases to Trump. What the fuck is that? Rhetoric is important, but the record is what matters. Tulsi's sucks. You saw her score, dude. That's not opinion. Her record is not good. Sanders is far from perfect, but certainly better than Tulsi's, and sadly the best of any Presidential candidate in our lifetimes. That's how bad our options have been.

As for the environment, as far as I've read, the GND is vague and undefined, compared to the OFF act, which was quite obviously ignored so that the GND could be used as a political tool in an election in someone elses hands, which is funny considering Tulsi is shit on for not supporting the GND. Why the fuck should she???

This is true, which is why I didn't include environment as things Sanders is better at. They're on par.

Health Care, Bernie seems better in theory, and I dont know the intricate specifics of both deals, but I do know that both are vastly better than what is present now and continue to evolve. I don't frown at the idea of private insurance being used in concert with publically funded single payer insurance that cant be opted out of, because thats exactly what we have in Canada, and it works! So I dont think that is a bigger deal than foreign policy.

The reason why the private sector needs to be abolished is because if you included them, as does every plan except for Sanders, they automatically keep a large market share based on work health care plans. If they have a large market share, they have lots of money to lobby, which I don't know if that's a problem in Canada, but is a huge problem in America. If the private health care industry is allowed to lobby and has money to do so, they would lobby politicians to CUT FUNDING of public health care, to kneecap it, to say, "Look, doesn't public health care suck?!?" And it would work. Getting rid of the private sector isn't just beneficial, but necessary for M4A to work. It's also cheaper, freeing up funds to better other social safety nets (like housing and education).

Bernie probably does have her jobs and social security, you could easily sell me on that as you have a great amount of knowledge about Bernies history in Vermont, I'm willing to concede there.


They are essentially the same on israel palestine, with Bernie saying he'd cut funding to israel, but never stating this in all of his time spent in office, only now. Sorry, I'm skeptical.

It's a bit misleading to say he's only mentioned cutting spending now, that's because he was only asked now. He's been a great congress member for Palestinian rights forever. He's voted against the anti-BDS bill. He was a rare voice condemning Israel's actions before he ever ran for President, then was the first to not go to AIPAC in 2016, where a few followed his lead this cycle. Dude has clearly been on Palestinians side. He beat Clinton in Michigan in 2016 because Dearborn, which is the largest Muslim population in America, voted for Sanders at (I think) around 70% because he was such a rare Palestinian rights supporter in previous years, something they obviously were looking into (also Hillary was so pro-Israel).

As for the squad, sorry, I dont think much of any of those broads. In fact, outside of Nina Turner, I feel nothing those 3 women are trying to ride Bernies coattails in a grift operation.

I think that's extraordinarily ignorant. There's easier roads for them grift. They could have done an updated Girl Power bullshit with Warren, a "Hillary, but not awful!" sort of thing and they would have been celebrated significantly more. They actually went on a limb for Sanders because ideologically he's the only comparison (also right after his heart attack, which is not something social climbers do, it was literally the worst time for them to do it, but they did and it actually helped him). AOC was canvassing for Sanders in 2016 (was actually purged from the voter rolls during the primary!), she's not grifting. That's been her preferred candidate. Ilhan Omar doesn't give a fuck. She does what she wants, and I think has by far outshone AOC as a maverick since they both won. She's going to endorse whoever she wants, and has, the ancient Jewish guy who the press hates.

If you believe in democratic socialism or social democracy, Sanders is the only one of those running, so it's not that hard of a choice. I'm surprised you're wavering because Sanders had the audacity to campaign for the only person in between a Trump presidency.

You should be more confused that people have split from Bernie to support the yangs of the world, and other dem candidates, but not Tulsi. It's easy to understand those who broke from Bernie to support Tulsi. They prioritize her FP aspirations, and her willingness to go at the MIC. Bernie turned off a lot of people in 2016.

I don't think there are a lot of former Sanders supporters among Yang supporters. He seems to be getting this weird not-yet-libertarian types, which is the opposite of the Sanders base.

As for Tulsi's FP aspirations, it's an illusion, dude. He record is the opposite of the rhetoric. That's the grift.

“In short, when it comes to the war against terrorists, I’m a hawk. When it comes to counterproductive wars of regime change, I’m a dove.”
-Tulsi Gabbard

This is a Hindu woman whose closest international friend is a far right Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi, extremely anti-muslim ideology, and Gabbard's anti-war sentiments seem to stop at the war on terror, which happens to be most of the countries America is currently invading. A self-described hawk on the war on terror taking over a military industrial complex in year 18 of the war on terror. I'm sure she'll be different!

I'm not confused by Gabbard supporters, I'm confused by YOU being one!

>Moe>Prime>>Joso>Vendetta> Wlad>>Finito>Victor......................... :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: FUCKS WIT ME!!!

 Post Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 5:09 am 
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Jermz: Sanders only stands up for things when it's safe

Me: Sanders was the first candidate to support Evo Morales this week

Jermz: That was safe to do

Me: But Tulsi hasn't done it, and that's supposedly her entire thing


What would be the point?

Are you completely bereft with U.S.' history of regime change in Latin America?

You don't know shit.

The dumbest motherfucker alive. :lol:

No, I just know and understand how the U.S. takes down nations.

And we aren't even talking about that. We are talking about that bum Bernie Sanders.

It took you a month to conjure up a retort...because you don't have one.

You're nothing more than a Sanders dick licker.

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 5:14 am 
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I never knew Gruber was a full blown socialist.

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 12:57 pm 
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You can call foolish bruh, maybe Bernie has done it for longer, but I just prefer Tulsi's vision, her willingness to talk to people that the entire establishment screams not to calling them despots and dictators. From what I understand, her opposition to the Iran deal was nuanced (wanted it to include missile development etc), and in the end she approved of it when it seemed that there was no better deal.

As for Tulsi having a record that is by numbers less resistant to military spending increases, Im not overly bothered by that. Shes a major, I dont expect her to vote to starve the military, shes not anti war (neither am I), she's anti stupid war. And she's demonstrated more of a willingness to go against the MIC ethos more so than Bernie on the issues of right now. And she doesn't buy into all the anti russia hysteria. Bernie has the sheer stats on paper, but for me the game is played on grass.

I dont think they are on par with the environment at all, until the GND is actually further defined. The fact that the OFF act came before the GND and none of them supported it, but then throw rocks and Tulsi for not supporting the GND tells me that they just dont want her getting the credit, and she has given more to the whole concept while they simply run around using a buzz word to win over the green lobby who will be running away from the green party with Jill Stein not in it.

I won't bandy back and forth all of the theory of health care. There is a lot of knee capping that has to be done of the private aspect to accommodate any version of M4A, and I believe Tulsi will do whats needed without completely doing away with private. I'm a believer in mixed economies, and mixing of public and private in most things, especially in a system where private has dominated as much as yours. So I suppose you dont think private sector employment shock from getting rid of the private aspect of health care? Or maybe you think those will just get absorbed into the public?

Either way, as I said, either or, I don't think it's as big an issue so long as both have the will, and I think that they do.

Bravo on Bernies history where israel and palestine. Personally I dont think either has done enough other than lip service, although better than most, but I dont expect them to while pursuing the job given the power of the israel lobby. I dont think one is really markedly better than the other.

I just dont think much of those girls as politicians, neither as speakers, intellectuals, or as pragmatic politicians. AOC was cringe worthy both when asked about Venezuela and in her shake down of that pompus prick zuckerberg (both are insufferable). They all buy into all that russia gate nonsense. The Tulsi Modi tie is an issue no doubt, and I have no reason to doubt that her handling him with kid gloves inst tied to he faith, her foreign affairs experience, and her personal run ins with Modi. But if you want to bring up Tulsi and Modi, Ill raise you Omar and Erdogan, with Omar playing "politic" as she so said by voting against acknowledging the armenian genocide. When Tulsi's connection actually results in her leaning certain ways when voting in regards to india, Ill throw the penalty flag.

And furthermore, I dont submit to the idea that Modi is the simply the face and figure of all the bad shit going on there with the Kashmiris. Those Indians are voting him in with ridiculous numbers. He's being led by the nose by his own people civilian and military....that country, that culture as a whole has issues!

I have no doubt those girls would have jumped into bed with Warren if the wind blew that way. Unlike a down ass bitch like Nina has always been, and how Tulsi was for Bernie back in 2016.

About the war on terror, I dont have an issue with it being fought. I dont care about whether the word "islamist" or "islamic" is deployed in fighting issues that source from skew brain motherfuckers reading the Quran. So long as they are targeted properly, and with the help of the peaceful practitioners of the religion, and with the approval and invite of said govts. There is nothing to suggest that Tulsi is anti Muslim. Her willingness to be hawkish towards wahhabism has merely dredged up attacks from political adversaries that want to hyperbole the shit out of that into her being some kind of muslim slayer, or those that want to continue the financial relationship with the same wahhabi assholes who america is taking fat dick from for oil, money, and weapons. It's all hot air.

Im past being dragged and dragooned by political categories man, so the whole thing about democratic socialism, or being or believing in progressivism, fascism, communism, I really dont care. I just care about what best gets the job done and who can do that. My instincts tell me that Tulsi will be less willing to let the establishment impede her program where it matters the most.

And she's not that cute either, so nevermind all that sex fetish shit. Her body is tight, but she a solider, of course it is. Her smile is all gums, not my kind of thing, and that face plenty make up.

The establishment is clearly out to knee cap her. They rigged the last debate to save her from decapitating Liz Warrens ass on national tv after she singlehandedly destroyed that pig Harris' campaign, and they are trying to put a mountain between her and Hillary. Joy Behar and the cast of the view minus crazy ass Meghan McCain have conveniently filled up their sched to never see Tulsi on that show again, and I love that shit to death, someone else has to get it next.

But hey, if she gets the job somehow and turns out to be Obama V2, I will drive or fly my ass down there and the long island ice teas are on me.



 Post Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 1:32 pm 
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I am gonna tell you man, I really despise anti russia and anti china rhetoric. Bernie is better than most when it comes to that stuff, but not better than Gabbard who refuses to be pulled down those roads at all turns from what I've seen. That strikes a chord with me....because in a time where russia and china are deploying actual trade initiatives and offering tangibles to acquire resources from countries, while america is deploying their military, regime change assets, and weapons dealing and logistical services in order to do the same thing, it's fucking absurd to submit to such rhetoric, even a little.



 Post Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 7:28 pm 
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Ya, congressbitch omar doesnt give a fuck alright, how could she when she says and backs up shit like this...

omar.JPG [ 69.72 KiB | Viewed 17850 times ]


Same washington post that shes praying in aid, were the first source after baghdadi's death trying to soft soap him as a muslim scholar instead of a murderous terrorist and rapist.

This is the broad I'm supposed to rate?? That wants Assad removed and whats Syria to become another Libya???

Naw Chief, she aint the one!



 Post Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 10:32 pm 
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Also, make no mistake about Bernie, he may be anti war to a degree, but he's not anti intervention.

When a guy makes statements about "working with pro democracy forces around the world", thats basically a nod to the american regime change mission statement.



 Post Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2019 1:55 pm 
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And lastly...I dont fuck with russiagaters. Russiagaters are either rankly dishonest, capitulating surrender monkeys, or just flat out stupid in my opinion....and id never support them. And I dont think Bernie is stupid. So he either knows better or is just surrendering to it all...either way doing to bolster support. No thanks.



 Post Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 1:24 am 
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You can call foolish bruh, maybe Bernie has done it for longer, but I just prefer Tulsi's vision, her willingness to talk to people that the entire establishment screams not to calling them despots and dictators. From what I understand, her opposition to the Iran deal was nuanced (wanted it to include missile development etc), and in the end she approved of it when it seemed that there was no better deal.

As for Tulsi having a record that is by numbers less resistant to military spending increases, Im not overly bothered by that. Shes a major, I dont expect her to vote to starve the military, shes not anti war (neither am I), she's anti stupid war. And she's demonstrated more of a willingness to go against the MIC ethos more so than Bernie on the issues of right now. And she doesn't buy into all the anti russia hysteria. Bernie has the sheer stats on paper, but for me the game is played on grass.

She literally voted to keep troops in Iraq, the stupidest, most senseless war of our lifetimes that has killed no less than 600,000 Iraqi CIVILIANS. So what the fuck are you talking about? You're conceding her records is worse on American imperialism, which okay, you say you're against American imperialism then support someone way worse, that makes zero fucking sense. Then to boot, you say her voting for military budgets doesn't "overly bother" you. That INCREASES American imperialism. She admits to being a hawk for the War on Terror, which is a farcical war. You know this. This is also where the bulk of American military force is, which she supports, openly admits it, so what exactly part of American imperialism is she resisting? You like her rhetoric on Russia. Okay, I guess. That seems like an odd thing to prioritize compared to supporting a drone program which kills 90% civilians, or keeping boots on the ground for an illegal war in its 16th year with hundreds of thousands of deaths. I think you're prioritizing the wrong things.

You also keep doing this thing, you concede Sanders has the better policy, but then say something to the effect of it's not that big of a difference or a priority, which is odd. To keep picking the lesser plan, nearly down the line. You did it with Israel/Palestine, Health care, Voting records on the topic you claim to prioritize. It's just fucking odd to keep taking the lesser plan and then give a whack reason like "she's anti-stupid wars!" You're choosing rhetoric over action. I find this enormously stupid.

About the war on terror, I dont have an issue with it being fought. I dont care about whether the word "islamist" or "islamic" is deployed in fighting issues that source from skew brain motherfuckers reading the Quran. So long as they are targeted properly, and with the help of the peaceful practitioners of the religion, and with the approval and invite of said govts.

But it's not that. It's never been that, and it never will be that. It's now a drone war, and drones literally only get it right 10% of the time. That number came out under Obama, I imagine it's worse under Trump. Then you go into fantasy land like America is ever going to do this "peaceful practitioners of the religion, and with the approval and invite of said govts." The next time that happens would be the first.

There is nothing to suggest that Tulsi is anti Muslim. Her willingness to be hawkish towards wahhabism has merely dredged up attacks from political adversaries that want to hyperbole the shit out of that into her being some kind of muslim slayer, or those that want to continue the financial relationship with the same wahhabi assholes who america is taking fat dick from for oil, money, and weapons. It's all hot air.

Yeah, it's hot air when it's coming from most democrats. Do you think it is coming from Sanders, though? Because that's the comparison. As far as I'm concerned the Dem Primary has three people worth talking about; Sanders, Warren and Gabbard. Everyone else is absolute trash. They're not worth talking about. And Warren is trending towards the trash pile in a hurry. My confusion has always been, why you would choose Gabbard over Sanders while conceding that Sanders has better policies near down the line? For it to be due to him campaigning for Hillary, the same Hillary that Gabbard voted for, simply because they BOTH found Trump to be particularly repugnant, and has proved himself to be, seems short-sighted, and once again, an odd thing to prioritize over everything else. That's all. I mean you mention being in favor of mixed economies and then support the person who identifies as a capitalist(is a capitalist) over the democratic socialist whose entire economic identity is mixed economy. It's all very befuddling to me and seems misguided, but you're obviously entitled to it.

>Moe>Prime>>Joso>Vendetta> Wlad>>Finito>Victor......................... :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: FUCKS WIT ME!!!

 Post Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 2:05 am 
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Show me exactly what vote she literally made on iraq. I'm not going to engage that point further without the particulars.

I never once conceded that Sanders has a better FP. Not once. Ill wait a cut and paste of where I actually did. Most of his policies are better depending on what you prefer, including the M4A. The only one I said he's probably better on and I concede or defer on is social security and employment, which I only conceded because you seem to have extensive knowledge on Bernies, and Tulsi hasnt led hard on hers.

But it's not that. It's never been that, and it never will be that. It's now a drone war, and drones literally only get it right 10% of the time. That number came out under Obama, I imagine it's worse under Trump. Then you go into fantasy land like America is ever going to do this "peaceful practitioners of the religion, and with the approval and invite of said govts." The next time that happens would be the first.

What exactly is the point of any of this if you dont believe something cant change? I could make the same argument about the american health care system but I don't because it's asinine. Tulsi says she has a plan and has outline nations she has issues with, and I believe her and agree with her because i held those same opinions before I even knew who she was. So I repeat, I'm okay with a war on terrorism. You're in the mist if you think its only an issue because the US is over there at this point. Decades of US policy created he conditions from it, cleaning it up cant be done with kid gloves, or a continuance of the same policies, while trying to export the message of worker uprising.

I'm at least glad you acknowledge that everyone else isn't worth shit, including Warren who is the actual safe pair of hands in this...and Hillary V2. But I didnt concede at any point that Bernie is better than Tulsi down the line, only that there are things he's better on, and that there are other things I prioritize that come up Tulsi. And as I said before, the little things matter to me. Bernie does a little too much capitulating. Bernie campaigned for Hillary, Tulsi didnt. Tulsi is stepped out of that DNC position and has been on the fuck you tour since, Bernie keeps his head down when they are brought up and tap dances. My instincts see someone in Tulsi who has more Iron. Not to call Bernie soft, he's harder than most. But I dont see a much fight in Bernie, I dont.

The debate will be interesting tomorrow either way, lets see how it goes down. Gabbard could very well sink herself with a mis step. Her support is far less a personality cult at this point, and will desert her if she steps wrong.



 Post Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 3:21 am 
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Show me exactly what vote she literally made on iraq. I'm not going to engage that point further without the particulars.

"Directing the President, pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution, to remove United States Armed Forces deployed to Iraq or Syria" Gabbard votes no.


She also voted 3 times against Repealing the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force, which was the Bush era bill that makes it possible for President to attack countries without declaration of war and/or congress approval, which has been the biggest enabler of American imperialism this century, all in the name of "counter terrorism"

http://thescore.peaceactionwest.org/vot ... si-gabbard

I never once conceded that Sanders has a better FP.

You said, "Bernie has the sheer stats on paper, but for me the game is played on grass." Sorry if I took that the wrong way considering FP is decided on paper and not grass. I honestly have no idea what played on grass means. Am I meant to believe she's going to go to Iraq and talk it out with people?

What exactly is the point of any of this if you dont believe something cant change? I could make the same argument about the american health care system but I don't because it's asinine. Tulsi says she has a plan and has outline nations she has issues with, and I believe her and agree with her because i held those same opinions before I even knew who she was. So I repeat, I'm okay with a war on terrorism. You're in the mist if you think its only an issue because the US is over there at this point. Decades of US policy created he conditions from it, cleaning it up cant be done with kid gloves, or a continuance of the same policies, while trying to export the message of worker uprising.

The thing that I'm saying can't change is the war on terror itself. They're not going to get it correct all of a sudden in Year 17, and there is no correct anyway. What can change, however, is leaving. Sanders goal is to leave Iraq, Tulsi's has not been that. She didn't vote for it when she had the chance. Is that her goal currently? Maybe? "Hawk on terrorism" gives me concerns, and sounds like the exact policy of the last three Presidents. You're telling me she's different, but that's closer to what's been the status quo.

I'm at least glad you acknowledge that everyone else isn't worth shit, including Warren who is the actual safe pair of hands in this...and Hillary V2. But I didnt concede at any point that Bernie is better than Tulsi down the line, only that there are things he's better on, and that there are other things I prioritize that come up Tulsi. And as I said before, the little things matter to me. Bernie does a little too much capitulating. Bernie campaigned for Hillary, Tulsi didnt. Tulsi is stepped out of that DNC position and has been on the fuck you tour since, Bernie keeps his head down when they are brought up and tap dances. My instincts see someone in Tulsi who has more Iron. Not to call Bernie soft, he's harder than most. But I dont see a much fight in Bernie, I dont.

Bernie's an independent Senator invading the democratic party. He's never governed in their bullshit party, Tulsi has. And they literally had to rig the last primary to beat him last time around. Now he's doing it again, has a heart attack, campaigns more than before and goes up in the polls. That's fight, dude.

The debate will be interesting tomorrow either way, lets see how it goes down. Gabbard could very well sink herself with a mis step. Her support is far less a personality cult at this point, and will desert her if she steps wrong.

I think Gabbard is extremely useful in debates. I think much less of her than you, obviously, but I don't want to see her go away. She's got nothing to lose, which is why she can be more aggressive. She ended Kamala, which was great. I think she can do a similar thing to Buttigieg and Warren. She's actually enabling Sanders to play it nice because she's there to play dirty, and I say dirty as a compliment. I kind of wonder if her and Sanders are still in cahoots, actually. Good cop/bad cop type thing.

>Moe>Prime>>Joso>Vendetta> Wlad>>Finito>Victor......................... :bb: :bb: :bb: :bb: FUCKS WIT ME!!!

 Post Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 2:36 pm 
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We can go back and forth on this shit, dissecting and dissembling. Here it is, AFAIC.

You've been on Bernie for a long time now, there is probably more fandom in your support for him than me for Tulsi, time does that, we're human, attachments grow over time. Tulsi and Bernie could do some shit we dont approve of and its likely I'd drop Tulsi before you drop Bernie.

You prefer the old man that you've been following or years, that you believe in good or bad predominately good, who lines up best with your politics, who rightfully draws crowds, has been at it long enough to form a mass movement, pounds his fist on the podium, remains nice to his greatest adversaries, and will turn on a whim if his support say so. Who's support clamors for others to shoot sniper shots at Bernies rivals, instead of demanding that Bernie do so himself, and then actively participating in smears and attacks against said sniper.

I prefer the young hardened underdog, whos politics and personality I prefer. Who literally sacrificed a lucrative position and future to throw a finger to the democratic establishment in support of said old man, and then seized the moment despite the odds to make a run at the job herself, who has no problem getting in the gutter and rumbling with any of those same corporatist dem assholes tryin to keep the party in their own personal safe zone, the same fucks that Bernie is too good to rumble with. Same person dont care what network she goes on to spread her message, or which "despot or dictator" she gotta talk to if she feels some talkin is needed. That aint gonna have her speech pulled into giving tantamount approval to all this russia gate shit and all this orange man bad garbage.

But I tell you what, I've argued with 'she should just drop out and endorse bernie' voter shaming berners in the last few month to know that the bernie support is worrying about her far more than they should instead of the other assholes in the race. And I am quite positive at this point, if/when Bernie loses, it'll a large mass of burners playing he HRC support role this time, blaming Gabbard and her supporters for not getting in line and voting by edict instead of their conscience and preference. Wait for that moment, it's coming.



 Post Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 7:01 pm 
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Corbyn broken in the UK, and Bernie will be next on this side, whether its the primary or the general.



 Post Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 1:38 pm 
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Sanders sucks.

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 9:54 pm 
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I cant wait if he becomes pres...to see his supporters to mental gymnastics to white wash the easy at which the mic and deep state dragoon him into regime change ops. Bernie has supported every single one of them for the past 25 years outside of iraq...and all they had to do was feign humanitarian catastrophy. Bernie is weak on FP...the perfect sock puppet.



 Post Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 11:38 am 
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Now that Joe Biden is showing more voter support than they thought and the party is rallying around him....the Berners are already taking pages from the Hillary Clinton voter shaming playbook! Love it!



 Post Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 11:40 am 
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Its getting ugly, which is exactly what Trump wants. Dems are fucking retarded. Long live The Don.

 Post Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 12:57 pm 
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That CUNT Liz Warren is finally dropping out.

 Post Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2020 1:26 pm 
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Oh ya, and its interesting as fuck now. WHo is she gonna endorse? Some of the Berners are turning bitch ass demanding the endorsement after Warren been knifing Bernie in the back on the trail, now they want Bernie to kiss the ring in the hope that they can turn all her support.

Berners are bitches man, they want the power and they'll do every desperate thing to get it. "Everyone should drop out of endorse Bernie to fend off Biden. Tulsi should go on the debate stage and savage Joe Biden (her friend) so that Bernie has an easier time of it (here Tulsi, attack Tulsi, sit Tulsi, fetch Tulsi)."

I want Biden to win this point just to teach Berners a lesson about being half way revolutionaries.



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