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Brother Burowz
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Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Thu Feb 24, 2022 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Crazy shit.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Feb 24, 2022 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

That apartment strike was in Kharkiv, 2nd largest city in Ukraine and less than 50 Kms from the Russian Border.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

The President of Ukraine swore off communications with Russia on Tuesday, only to start begging for a call with Putin on Wednesday, and the Russians ignored the attempts Lol.

All of this is a far cry from Zelensky stating before all this about how Ukraine will return to being a nuclear power and stand up to Russia. LOL.

Bend the knee Mayor Vitali, Bend the knee Mr President.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

They taking all the airports because they know thats where the foreign military support will try to come thru.

The only entry points for weapons will be poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova.

Apparently America, Canada, UK and NATO have been shipping arms into Ukraine for months, tons and tons of weapons. All of that weaponry might be on the west side of Ukraine, might be a massive counter attack, we'll see.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Klitchko bros. gonna defend Ukraine. Shit just got real. :smile81:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Here we go, them boys gonna end up dead. :eusa_snooty: Collude with Nazi's while Putin is De Nazifying Ukraine, not a great plan.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Feb 24, 2022 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

This General was 100% spot on

In 15 years, all the US, Europe and NATO had to do was unilaterally pronounce and provide written guarantee that they weren't going build up NATO eastward. But instead they kept pushing east mercilessly and kept telling Russia to accept it, then changed a government in Ukraine and shelled its east most Russia connecting section for 8 years. Most of the Blood right now is on Putins hands, but he warned them....for 15 fucking years!!

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Fri Feb 25, 2022 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

So it looks like NATO is going to send in more troops. Don't know how many. I gotta say, this is not going to turn out well. I mean, Putin is already all in basically, so, anyone who defies him is likely going to get destroyed. Russia has a little over a million active military members and two million reserves. In all honesty, he probably has a lot more than that. Those are just "official" numbers. NATO's Secretary General, Stoltenberg, just said yesterday that they weren't going to send in troops but he sure changed his mind quick.

Also, I just found out today that the current president of Ukraine used to be a stand-up comedian. You can't make this shit up. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Fri Feb 25, 2022 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

They taking all the airports because they know thats where the foreign military support will try to come thru.

The only entry points for weapons will be poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova.

Apparently America, Canada, UK and NATO have been shipping arms into Ukraine for months, tons and tons of weapons. All of that weaponry might be on the west side of Ukraine, might be a massive counter attack, we'll see.

I have a good friend in Romania. I am worried that U.S./NATO is going to start using these countries as proxies to fight a war with Russia. I think that is a distinct possibility. It's scary as hell honestly. I think that the leaders of the U.S. and other world leaders are going to see it as an opportunity to possibly topple Putin. I mean, I am just spit balling here but we both know that the U.S. has no problem with using other countries to fight wars. I mean, look at what Yemen has turned into. The U.S. has been helping Saudi Arabia for years and years fight a proxy war with Iran via Yemen, and Yemen has been the world's largest humanitarian disaster for like six years. But you never hear the news talk about it.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Fri Feb 25, 2022 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Absolutely! I've been getting into arguments with ppl lately who rely solely on the mainstream media who come to me appalled that my heart doesn't bleed for the victims that the news tells them to bleed for. Nobody give a shit about Yemen. But if a suicide bomber from Yemen went into SA and set it off right now, it would be oh pray for SA, those poor poor ppl. It's a fucking mess. Right now it's Pray for Ukraine, but has any of these muthafuckas idone any pray for Donbas during the last 7 years when they were losing 2000 ppl a year due to Ukrainian Militias aggression while Poroshenko and the fucking Comedian were at the helm??? Shit aggravates me man. Ppl are fucking stupid!

But ya, If NATO stays on the extremities then this dont gotta be more than it is. I truly dont think Putin has any designs to go beyond Ukraine. I mean if he did, it would most certainly be poland. None of the other countries has a large amount of russian speakers/russian ethnicities. Therefore going into those places would just be blatant invasion. Russia also dont have the beef with any of the other ones. This shit dont need to be much more than it is.

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Fri Feb 25, 2022 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Absolutely! I've been getting into arguments with ppl lately who rely solely on the mainstream media who come to me appalled that my heart doesn't bleed for the victims that the news tells them to bleed for. Nobody give a shit about Yemen. But if a suicide bomber from Yemen went into SA and set it off right now, it would be oh pray for SA, those poor poor ppl. It's a fucking mess. Right now it's Pray for Ukraine, but has any of these muthafuckas idone any pray for Donbas during the last 7 years when they were losing 2000 ppl a year due to Ukrainian Militias aggression while Poroshenko and the fucking Comedian were at the helm??? Shit aggravates me man. Ppl are fucking stupid!

But ya, If NATO stays on the extremities then this dont gotta be more than it is. I truly dont think Putin has any designs to go beyond Ukraine. I mean if he did, it would most certainly be poland. None of the other countries has a large amount of russian speakers/russian ethnicities. Therefore going into those places would just be blatant invasion. Russia also dont have the beef with any of the other ones. This shit dont need to be much more than it is.

I mean, I have no idea what Putin's true intentions are but if they press him on Ukraine and try and prevent him from doing what he wants to do in Ukraine, then who knows just how badly this spirals out of control. I guess I am just pessimistic because they seem to want to resist Putin with force and that will not turn out well for them. And if the casualties start to mount and Putin continues his objective, who knows how many more soldiers NATO/U.S. send in. This shit could end up looking a lot worse than Syria, as an example.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Fri Feb 25, 2022 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Vlad just wants ukraine neutral and kept out of Nato. Its all hes wanted for years. He already has hostile ass georgia to the south.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Sat Feb 26, 2022 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

More info, Aaron Matte spilling on the jimmy dore show

Some bullet points.

-When Biden got the presidency. President Zelensky shut down opposition supporting tv stations and put the opposition group leaders on house arrest in Ukraine.

-Even up to Russian being on Ukraines door step with their massing military, Zelensky openly refused to implement the Minsk peace accord.

-Recently at the Munich Security Conference, and Zelensky openly state there that Ukraine was going to pursue Nuclear Weapons once again.

-All of this in addition to a stepping up of shelling and attacks on east Ukraine before Putin popped off.

Hey, maybe Putin should have stopped at the donbas and not gone further. But he didnt he;s all in :smile81:

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Sat Feb 26, 2022 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

How do you really decipher whats true and what's not??

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

100K Ukrainian refugees have officially crossed over into Poland. The media is trying to sell the idea that the Russian invasion has 'stalled' in some respects.

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

How do you really decipher whats true and what's not??

Research. For me personally, I enjoy researching things. It's a hobby I guess you could say. You definitely cannot depend on the news to tell you the truth.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

How do you really decipher whats true and what's not??

Research. For me personally, I enjoy researching things. It's a hobby I guess you could say. You definitely cannot depend on the news to tell you the truth.

I mean yea, but you're researching news and information. Articles. Its just so much shit out there with every story having all different types of angles and agendas. Idk whats true or not which is why I tend not to care lol.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Sun Feb 27, 2022 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz


Author:  Brother Burowz [ Sun Feb 27, 2022 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz


Change your national flag then bitch!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Brother Burowz [ Sun Feb 27, 2022 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

More info, Aaron Matte spilling on the jimmy dore show

Some bullet points.

-When Biden got the presidency. President Zelensky shut down opposition supporting tv stations and put the opposition group leaders on house arrest in Ukraine.

-Even up to Russian being on Ukraines door step with their massing military, Zelensky openly refused to implement the Minsk peace accord.

-Recently at the Munich Security Conference, and Zelensky openly state there that Ukraine was going to pursue Nuclear Weapons once again.

-All of this in addition to a stepping up of shelling and attacks on east Ukraine before Putin popped off.

Hey, maybe Putin should have stopped at the donbas and not gone further. But he didnt he;s all in :smile81:

Found an interesting article about the Azov last night. ... biden-nato

Author:  Jermzhi [ Sun Feb 27, 2022 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz


Wherever we go...there we are.

The west hates Nazis. Unless they are fighting Russians. Then the west funds and trains them to commit meyhem while giving media and diplomatic cover.

Which is a factor in how WW2 got off the ground, the wests desire for nazis to overwhelm Russia.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz


Change your national flag then bitch!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh shit. :hearty-laugh:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

I care about Ukraine about as much as everyone else cared about Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, various countries in Africa, and Palestine.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

Ukraine On Fire - Oliver Stone

Author:  E907777 [ Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother Burowz

How do you really decipher whats true and what's not??

Research. For me personally, I enjoy researching things. It's a hobby I guess you could say. You definitely cannot depend on the news to tell you the truth.

I mean yea, but you're researching news and information. Articles. Its just so much shit out there with every story having all different types of angles and agendas. Idk whats true or not which is why I tend not to care lol.


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