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 Post Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 1:04 pm 
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I really don't cause I will lose a lot of friends in the department but I just cant see this fucking bum ass dirty cops doing stupid shit and getting away with it. No cop likes IAB. I become the enemy. But what is a man to do when fuckers are doing stupid shit. This week in particular has been tough with drunk cops shooting their weapons.

On Tuesday one cop shot his partner by accident when both left the bar after a few drinks. Both were on duty at the time.

On Wednesday, an off-duty police officer got wasted after leaving the NYPD shooting range in the Bronx. During his ride home he unloaded his clip on a car who was next to him. Passenger of that car took six bullets to the arm, lung, torso. He will leave.

That same Wednesday a female Sgt. got into an argument over a fucking parking space at 3:30 am. She shot up the car. She was arrested and charged with DUI.

I cant let these fucks ruin the image of the NYPD. Its too close to my heart. I'm just torn cause every single cop hates the IAB.

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 Post Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 1:36 pm 
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:S How is shit like that not national news?

Especially the one about a cop shooting up a driver driving next to them??? WT SHIT is going on in NYC????

But god forbid one of those drunken cops did some shit and a civilian in self defense lights a cop up, the civilian is set up to be killed by the police, ostracized by soceity, and maybe put on death fucking row or some shit.

On the real man, every cop hates the IAB for the same reason why thugs, gangsters and others hate snitches and stool pigeons, because they want Carte Blanche to do whatever the fuck they wanna do, and snitches are a danger to that.

I went through a long period 2 years ago where i thought about going the cop route. I have a lot of cop friends, and there was a new initiative by the force up here to hire people with life experience and degrees, and they'd basically start up higher in the ranks...and this because of the same shit going on in NYC now, a shit load of cops just abusing their powers, or having too many not having the level headedness to do their job properly. In the end I said no because I forseen myself getting to the point where you are, wanting to snitch on motherfuckers because they aint got no care, no morals, and no fucking shame box.

I dont envy your position man, not at all.



 Post Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 2:14 pm 
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So many great cops out there that make a positive difference, it’s a shame the asshole ones are the face and overall representatives of the police department.

 Post Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 2:26 pm 
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Kaos, you know i;m a ball buster, and i know this is going to come off as me being a dick, but it's not. Serious E90 here...

Don't do it man. You want to make a difference by being a good cop who does things the right way, and sets an example for twhat other cops should look to be, then that's great, go for it. But don't fucking go the rat route. I don't care what world you live in, whether you a cop, your a thug slinging rocks, you part of a crew or a family...rats aren't getting respected. More than that, shits just down right dangerous...and wrong. I;m sorry, im gonna catch shit for saying it. :shit-storm: You want to take or that shit in house, as cop to cop, do your thing, but joining the rat squad aint the way to go.

 Post Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 2:40 pm 
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The one cop who shot up the passenger in the car will face jail for assault, reckless endangerment, DWI, Assault with a deadly weapon, but he evades attempted murder. I want to say his name but if some higher up googled his name and this site comes up with me talking about it that could be my ass. So I cant give that info. But it is on public record. Just google the incident.

I don't want to be a snitch for the job. The higher ups fucks with cops too much as it is. Each cop to them is just a number. No one of the high ranks are friends to the regular beat cop. But I just hate when shit like these incidents happen. Some shit get swept under rug. Sure they pay up to the victim, but lots of times they wont fire the cop who did shit wrong. They just transfer them to other precincts. Some times to other Burroughs. These guys think they above the law. It just doesn't sit well with me.

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 Post Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 2:45 pm 
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Kaos, you know i;m a ball buster, and i know this is going to come off as me being a dick, but it's not. Serious E90 here...

Don't do it man. You want to make a difference by being a good cop who does things the right way, and sets an example for twhat other cops should look to be, then that's great, go for it. But don't fucking go the rat route. I don't care what world you live in, whether you a cop, your a thug slinging rocks, you part of a crew or a family...rats aren't getting respected. More than that, shits just down right dangerous...and wrong. I;m sorry, im gonna catch shit for saying it. :shit-storm: You want to take or that shit in house, as cop to cop, do your thing, but joining the rat squad aint the way to go.

Whos to monitor the police if not the police themselves? And I will say this, if a white cop does something wrong and a black/latin/Asian cop does the same exact thing as the white cop, the white cop more than likely keeps their job. The others not so fortunate. Its double standard in this bitch.

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 Post Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:20 pm 
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I aint saying it's right Kaos, im just laying it out there. nobody likes a snitch, even if they carry a badge. just know what you are stepping into if you are gonna step out from behind that blue wall, because you won't be one of them anymore. you're gonna be the enemy. And don't look to "us" meaning the community to thank you for trying to clean up dirty cops, because to society, you're still a cop, which inherently makes a lot of people not trust you, but now your a cop who rats on his own. Credibility goes down. You're my dude, and i'll ride with you, but if you asking my opinion, and i assume that by posting this you want peoples honest, non ass kissing opinions, i say stay where you are.

 Post Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:42 pm 
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Man, police stay looking to use snitches everyday. I have no issue with Kaos becoming a paid police snitch, except for the personal aspect really. A good cop in theory should have no problem with IAB because he shouldnt have anything to hide.



 Post Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 6:46 pm 
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I think the question is how kaos is going to contribute to IAB.
They already exist and the problems still exist.
I'd say if he goes that route its just a way to cope with the job knowing too much and having a hard time letting go of what is known and seen.

 Post Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 7:32 pm 
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I think the question is how kaos is going to contribute to IAB.
They already exist and the problems still exist.

That is a very good question.

I guess my answer would be that I know what goes on in what command and who is doing what. Some more criminal than others. The fucked up part is that I know some of these guys.

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 Post Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 8:04 pm 
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Thats the thing being a cop
You look into the abyss
And it looks back into you.
Hard to stay gold.

 Post Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 8:30 pm 
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I know this police Captain who is partners with a dude running a numbers ring. Captain makes a killing weekly doing this shit. Its not something that everyone knows just a couple he uses to you know, enforce things when some don't pay up. Nothing more intimidating than someone wearing a badge fucking you up in your own house. To me he is a wannabe mobster with a powerful shield. He has been looked into but nothing was never found. I suspect somebody looked the other way cause the investigation stopped suddenly. I'm not cool with this Cap. We had our runnings into each other. He knows I know what he does on the side so everytime he sees me he gives me that look like he wants to fuck me up somehow on the job. But he knows I chill with a higher up from the IAB unit so wont take action against me.

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 Post Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 9:20 pm 
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Sounds like being part of IAB is a defense from getting fucked with knowing something.
Its like that sometimes. People get friendly or you are in the mix long enough you learn all kinds of information. Doesn't matter if you use it. Those who wish it secret start to run lists of those they know in the know when they get paranoid. AND they ALL get paranoid over enough time especially under stress. Add alcohol, some drugs, the inevitable family problem and then literally you got life and death matters. You have to be affiliated with someone, something, and a supernatural badass get not to get fucked with by the people hiding secrets. Secrets are an acid. They rot fucking everything form the inside out.

 Post Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 9:59 pm 
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Bout to go full Serpico on these niggas

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

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