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 Post subject: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 12:02 pm 
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They them boys!!! :smile81: :smile81: :smile81:

This shit spreading everywhere. The truckers is gonna save us!



 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 6:18 pm 
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God bless 'em. It's pretty great that they are doing this. I wish it would catch on in the U.S.

Good for the Canucks.

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 7:42 pm 
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Brother Burowz wrote:
God bless 'em. It's pretty great that they are doing this. I wish it would catch on in the U.S.

Good for the Canucks.

Well our lockdowns and mandates up here are far worse than yours...but stay tuned man....theyll like do it down too from east to west. I hear some US truckers talkin up crossing the border to come join.

Its starting man. :smile81:



 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 9:13 pm 
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Think about how fucked this is tho, the media is trying to paint this as a mess. The Prime Minister and the Ottawa mayor got on the tv and did the same thing decrying the truckers and protesters and saying how they are making a mess and pissing on monuments and all that shit.

But then you get testimony from ppl on the street, they are cleaning up after themselves, the police are bringing the protesters hot food, and the protesters are giving water and supplies to the police. This shit is crazy man, and the media and the politicians are trying to bottle it up, but everywhere you look ppl talkin about camping out and increasing the numbers, and its getting mad funding from outside sources.

They finna say Putin or China is funding this soon enough. Wait for it.



 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 10:57 pm 
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Canada is teaching the world how to peacefully protest, and resist police BS :lol:



 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 4:42 pm 
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I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 1:05 pm 
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So Trudeau set this whole thing off with draconian authoritarian edicts. And then when the convoy was being mouthed he came out the gate saying they were a tiny minority of canadians and shouldn't be appeased, racists, transphobes, sexists, basically called them all deplorable dregs, you could make that minority argument for the trans ppl that he tries to force their pronouns us, but leave that for now.

So his shit talking provoked not only truckers but non truckers into doing mass protests, not only in canada, but all over the fucking world. Then he tries to order the people to stop their protests. Never apologizing for his mis steps, his provocations, while the protests are peaceful mostly and littered with white and non white ppl, men, women, children. Now after this pussy did his best to make all this shit larger than it was going to be, he fucking declares a federal state of emergency in Canada, giving him the most authoritarian powers possible to try to crush all protests, all resistance. Etc.

This guy is as bad as Biden. Joe is old and senile, wtf is Trudeaus excuse, other than being a faggot?



 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 4:56 pm 
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I don't know if Trudeau is worse than Biden but it's a hell of a race to the bottom.

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 5:14 pm 
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Trudeau 'bout to serve up some act right. :hearty-laugh:

 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 5:25 pm 
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Austinholic_3:16 wrote:
Trudeau 'bout to serve up some act right. :hearty-laugh:

He's gonna try. I'd love to see him try. Canada dont have a force like that if ppl are really this pissed. Police Chiefs are quitting, many other ones aren't complying. Tow trucks are refusing work. And people in his own party are one by one being vocal against his decision making. Same dude who was supporting and kneeling about BLM protests and cheered on Indian Farmer Protests in India. Yall aint been locked down like we have, Trudeau gonna make shit worse serve act right, :eusa_snooty:



 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 7:29 pm 
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mostly peaceful. :lol:

https://www.google.com/amp/s/theweek.co ... kade%3famp

 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 7:41 pm 
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Pretty sure they were planted. The country police, Trudeau's most compliant tools found a cache of weapons. Somehow they knew where to find this cache of weapons. And they arrested 13, but nobody knows hide nor hare of who these supposed 13, where they came from, and the details are extremely sparse at best, and they are sharing the exact same table of weapons picture in every establishment rag thats available. So if its 13 against 100s of thousands, then it happens, small extremists faction find their way into literally every protest, but it's an embarrassing percentage to even discuss, but I wont be surprised if these arrests will completely vanish in the aftermath of these protests. Doesn't make the Ottawa protest, or others, any less peaceful.



 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 7:57 pm 
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In fact I have a list of the names now, 3 charges with attempted murder, but I remember 3 guys in a video last week slurring and stuttering about having guns to defend themselves, so it wouldnt surprise me if the RCMP followed that, and raided their spot. And then one guy Colenutt is for some reason not being released despite having the same charge as others who have been released, so he's probably their snitch.

Yeah, they aint goin to jail for murder, a bunch of rowdy rural albertans had weapons. If they dont have anything else on them in discovery all them dudes will walk. But it's doing its job, setting ppl against the protests, even in the slightest.

The Mayor of Coutts isn't helping the narrative though..

Mayor of Coutts Jim Willett said the small town with a population of about 250 people, is now protester free. A stream of tractors, trucks, campers and other vehicles drove out of the town around 10 a.m. Tuesday morning.

“It looked like Ritchie Brothers was having a sale,” Willet said with a laugh.

Willet called the blockade a “peaceful occupation” of Coutts — protesters didn’t harass residents, cause property damage, or leave garbage behind.

News of the RCMP’s weapon seizure on Monday shocked residents he said, but he believes those arrested were not affiliated with the larger protest after speaking with blockade organizers.



 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 8:03 pm 
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Pretty sure they were planted. The country police, Trudeau's most compliant tools found a cache of weapons. Somehow they knew where to find this cache of weapons. And they arrested 13, but nobody knows hide nor hare of who these supposed 13, where they came from, and the details are extremely sparse at best, and they are sharing the exact same table of weapons picture in every establishment rag thats available. So if its 13 against 100s of thousands, then it happens, small extremists faction find their way into literally every protest, but it's an embarrassing percentage to even discuss, but I wont be surprised if these arrests will completely vanish in the aftermath of these protests. Doesn't make the Ottawa protest, or others, any less peaceful.

same as blacks killed by police and mass shootings. :shock:

i dont doubt its mostly peaceful and yes there's always extremists that exist and yes it doesnt make other protests any less peaceful. but if this wasnt planted, then no i dont believe its an embarassing percentage to discuss. not when you consider all the mass shootings we've passionately discussed, which again, represents a minuscule %.

 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 9:10 pm 
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same as blacks killed by police and mass shootings. :shock:

i dont doubt its mostly peaceful and yes there's always extremists that exist and yes it doesnt make other protests any less peaceful. but if this wasnt planted, then no i dont believe its an embarassing percentage to discuss. not when you consider all the mass shootings we've passionately discussed, which again, represents a minuscule %.

But, that's people...actually dying....from an establishment apparatus thats also publicly funded.......that's a terrible comparison to make bro. Anyway i wont dwell on that comment if you dont. I assume maybe you took my small percentage statement for me saying that a group trying to kill police is not an important event to prevent or not be discussed. Thats not even close to where I was taking it.

It's an embarrassing % to mention IF the intent of mentioning is to smear and slander an entire group of peaceful people fighting for their freedoms, so much as 5 or 6 provinces away that have no connection to the criminals, which is exactly what every govt line towing rag up here has been doing, while they havent covered the peaceful elements of these same protests.

It's not embarrassing to mention that they were criminals unconnected who possibly had designs about shooting law enforcement, unless a clear pattern and connection can be demonstrated that the larger group of convoy/protesters is actively generating more of these.



 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 10:10 pm 
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same as blacks killed by police and mass shootings. :shock:

i dont doubt its mostly peaceful and yes there's always extremists that exist and yes it doesnt make other protests any less peaceful. but if this wasnt planted, then no i dont believe its an embarassing percentage to discuss. not when you consider all the mass shootings we've passionately discussed, which again, represents a minuscule %.

But, that's people...actually dying....from an establishment apparatus thats also publicly funded.......that's a terrible comparison to make bro. Anyway i wont dwell on that comment if you dont. I assume maybe you took my small percentage statement for me saying that a group trying to kill police is not an important event to prevent or not be discussed. Thats not even close to where I was taking it.

It's an embarrassing % to mention IF the intent of mentioning is to smear and slander an entire group of peaceful people fighting for their freedoms, so much as 5 or 6 provinces away that have no connection to the criminals, which is exactly what every govt line towing rag up here has been doing, while they havent covered the peaceful elements of these same protests.

It's not embarrassing to mention that they were criminals unconnected who possibly had designs about shooting law enforcement, unless a clear pattern and connection can be demonstrated that the larger group of convoy/protesters is actively generating more of these.

not at all.

 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 6:36 pm 
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An excellent example of the medias bullshit in this. The first day a dude took a swastika to the convoy protests when the people gathered. The media jumped all over this, and every single sheep as friend I know who supports all these lock downs sent me a message trying to tell me how I shouldn't support ppl down there who support swastikas. The prime minister even citing it in his address to disrespect all those ppl.

It has only just got out now, the context of the swastika. A dude with an non german eastern european accent was putting the flag up as an example and shouting "If we let this prime minister carry on with what he's doing, this will be our flag!! Do you all want a continuation of this fascism???". The people down there told this to every single media representative before the scene was maliciously used to call ppl nazi's and racists, and the media themselves were there, every single one of them up in canada, at the beckon call of the govt, left the context out of this, completely.



 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 3:38 pm 
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Trudeau should have his head put on a pike

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post subject: Re: Truckers Convoy
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 5:16 pm 
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Brother Burowz wrote:
Trudeau should have his head put on a pike

Im gonna be looking up Work Visa programs man. I gotta get the hell out of here.



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