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 Post subject: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:45 am 
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Anyone been paying attention to this??? I put money in on it!

Basically a reddit investment forum went in heavy on game stop and skyrocketed the stock as a hedgefund was trying to short the stock to make profit. Since the price went up and the hedge was obligated to buy the stocks back, the stock when thru the roof and the hedge fund got crippled.

This movement has since moved onto AMC and NOK and other stocks. Theres dudes who have turned a 6 figure investment into millions in a week. I wish I got on it when I first heard about it. I'm sitting on both right now with a couple thousand dollars, and the tug of war has gone from game to loss back to gain, and im willing to lose my money just to stick it to these hedge funds with these guys. The Exchange and certain platforms all force the stocks to citizens yesterday so those crooked hedge funds could readjust and minimize loss. Its a shit show right now. Those rich muthafuckas are shook that this will move onto other stocks and wealthy ppl are under attack :hearty-laugh: Look out for it, maybe you can turn a couple hundred bucks into several G's over night!



 Post subject: Re: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 8:17 pm 
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Yea man...I'm following it.
It cracks me up listening to this hedge fund billionaires cry about collusion and price manipulation.
Those mother fuckers got beat at the game they rig to win.
It going to be a battle, but I think there was a point to be made in all this....
Its a fucking casino...a joke...a rigged fictional system made up entirely out of speculation with no reflection of actual worth or indicative of success.

These dudes tank businesses to make a fortune regardless of any cause other than to make money.
They do it and other people lose their ass but they sit back in the shadows.

The Robinhood angle is going to be an interesting one to watch and they pissed off the regular folk supposedly standing up for them...setting up the no commision standard since 2019...what they didn't make sense but they have money backing them by a few degrees of separation by big investors and a monster hedge fund named Citadel. The SEC I'm sure is getting pressure to thump someone wheather its fair or legal...they'll make some shit up and most people won't know wtf is going on...its financial lingo.

I'm still getting a laugh at these dudes crying...especially the old fucks claiming the wealthy are being attacked. :lol:

 Post subject: Re: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 8:19 pm 
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Its gonna get dangerous, it's only the start. I'm thinking about putting more money in my account on standby because now that the concept is proven, it's not going to stop at GME AMC and the few they are pushin now! And there is functionally no way to stop it!



 Post subject: Re: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 8:36 pm 
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Oh man...they are already going in on other stocks already. Hedge funds and Wall Street are shitting their pants.

 Post subject: Re: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:00 pm 
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The other point is that trading is not some expert act other than manipulation.
Trading takes less skill than playing good poker. :lol:
But fixing the game to the thing.
Stock trading professionals have institutional advantages and look down on day/retail traders.
You got these bailout babies already talking about something has to be done.
Of all things...they said "regulation" :lol:
All these former Nasdaq and SEC fools sounding the alarm....'we need Yellen to do something and we need investigations.

btw...you probably know J...but Robinhood stopped their users from buying anymore very specific stocks that look like on the surface to save the hedge funds.

Robinhood looks like they are double-dipping too...selling their users activity to the hedge funds.

 Post subject: Re: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:09 pm 
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The other point is that trading is not some expert act other than manipulation.
Trading takes less skill than playing good poker. :lol:
But fixing the game to the thing.
Stock trading professionals have institutional advantages and look down on day/retail traders.
You got these bailout babies already talking about something has to be done.
Of all things...they said "regulation" :lol:
All these former Nasdaq and SEC fools sounding the alarm....'we need Yellen to do something and we need investigations.

btw...you probably know J...but Robinhood stopped their users from buying anymore very specific stocks that look like on the surface to save the hedge funds.

Robinhood looks like they are double-dipping too...selling their users activity to the hedge funds.

Ya I saw it live in real time. I use quest trade in canada and was entirely unaffected.

Theres a class action lawsuit against robinhood, and the app took a beating in ratings. But obviously there was a circle jerk among them all to freeze out stock purchases. I hear the hedge funds were manipulating all day to try to instigate a sale avalanche of the stock. There were wild swings all day, but the short ratios never changed once. So these fucks were selling to each other, low each time to try to simulate regular ppl selling the stock, but it didnt work for shit because the word is out and everyone seems to know what to look for. In fact more ppl are buying.

AMC is a great one to jump on right now because its only 13 per stock. GME is for those who have more paper to play with as its sitting at 325. I had some GME but I sold it and put it all in AMC. Better high side if AMC flies up where they say it will.



 Post subject: Re: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:14 pm 
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I've been following this closely. Wall St caught with their pants down and have spat the dummy. They'll make a movie on this. Just shows how corrupt the system is, that they can shut it down when big money starts losing and bail the fuckers out when they cause the collapse. The SEC needs to come down hard and change the rusle for the big finds who've been allowed free reign for too long shorting companies over the value of the actual stock. Robinhood execs should be prosecuted, they've been stealing from the poor and giving to the rich from day one, selling user data to the high frequency traders and now restricting sales to protect their clients (the big funds).

Wish I was early to the party but it's too hot to handle for me now. One of the reasons I've barely been on this board this last year is I've been addicted to the stocks. When Covid hit my 401K dropped 30%, so I moved it to a SEPIRA and got very lucky with Tesla. I'm no expert but literally have 5x'd my account in a year. I've learned a lot following Chamath Palihapitiya and Cathy Wood (Ark Invest), and recommend getting into $CLOV - they should rise a lot this year with Walmart partnership and Biden's healthcare policies. There's also a chance they get some of the GME effect from Wall St Bets since Robin the hood restricted buying after shareholder Chamath slated them yesterday. $CLOV have also been heavily shorted so could be another short squeeze especially if Wall St Bets decides to pump them next

 Post subject: Re: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 5:52 pm 
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turtles.JPG [ 53.73 KiB | Viewed 4545 times ]

Awesome pic lol because thats exactly who the fuck is driving this Game stop support



 Post subject: Re: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:37 pm 
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Google today or yesterday erased over100,000 1star reviews for the RobinHood app. :lol:

 Post subject: Re: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 9:35 am 
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Google today or yesterday erased over100,000 1star reviews for the RobinHood app. :lol:

Ya that was friday. Heard that one



 Post subject: Re: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:28 pm 
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IN the short term, and as a matter of action, this is a good lesson to hedge funds.
IN the long term, and as a matter of consequence, people will be left holding and losing money.
These stocks are not worth 300-400 bucks a share.
But it seems to me the stock market is conceived as a means to create something out of little.
And the advantage has gone to the institutions created as unattached entities to the business they short.
IT just does make sense except as the ultimate expression of capitalism gone wrong.
IT doesn't have anything to do with "free market" while claiming to be exactly that.
All this nonsense about derivatives and shorts are just another way of gambling but with other people's money.

And we've seen it over and over with bailouts that the gamblers are not responsible for losing when its too big a loss.

 Post subject: Re: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 7:27 pm 
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IN the short term, and as a matter of action, this is a good lesson to hedge funds.
IN the long term, and as a matter of consequence, people will be left holding and losing money.
These stocks are not worth 300-400 bucks a share.
But it seems to me the stock market is conceived as a means to create something out of little.
And the advantage has gone to the institutions created as unattached entities to the business they short.
IT just does make sense except as the ultimate expression of capitalism gone wrong.
IT doesn't have anything to do with "free market" while claiming to be exactly that.
All this nonsense about derivatives and shorts are just another way of gambling but with other people's money.

And we've seen it over and over with bailouts that the gamblers are not responsible for losing when its too big a loss.

Well the hope is that they skyrocket so high that ppl sell timely and arent left holding the bag.

I've been buying and selling them in the breach in violation of the movement because I know me one alone can't wreck it. Ppl just better be smart enough to not be left holding the back, but also gotta remain long enough for us to succeed.



 Post subject: Re: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 10:39 am 
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Aye V, so i told you about how ive been working silver. So I pull from silver to run with AMC, and now Silver takes the fuck off! :kopfpatsch: The theory is that a hedge has been running silver long for a while and to mitigate losses with GME and AMC, they are hitting the reddit forum and trying to artificially start a silver push by the same means, knowing that they already have positions there, and so far it's working, Silver is on the cusp of 30 dollars. missed out on it. But I stand to make just as much if AMC does what it do....but thats probably the next phase, having to sift thru a bunch of misinformation on the next push. Tricking the ppl into pushing the wrong shit that benefits them.

There aint no winning this thing long term. Coordinating the movements of so many ppl was always going to be problematic.



 Post subject: Re: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 4:38 pm 
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I think I saw that Reddit was hitting silver about 2 days ago. It was even a headline on MSM.
The thing is that whoever gets coordinated about this can take any penny stock and bang that drum.
You just have to get on the inside being on the outside will some reg folk with big ass pockets.
Or, you know, lots of sum bitches with enough collectively to make small drums loud.

 Post subject: Re: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:46 am 
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Ohh it is so over. GME and AMC are BOMBING! They did coordinated sells to drop the price, ppl panicked and its all gone to shit! I guess in the end we've learned how many ppl are actually involved with this thing. Tons. Not just the hedgefunds, but their backers, all of the MSM networks, big Tech too. If it went long enough, we'd see that the government is also in their back pocket.

There aint enough private citizens with enough money to fight a battle like this without getting guns and violence involved in a fall out civil war. The reddit board will try no doubt to switch targets, but if the hedgefunds are linking arms now to shut them down, and strategically they should be, this will never happen again.



 Post subject: Re: Game Stop and AMC
 Post Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 3:09 am 
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GME down 84% this week but still up 180% for the year.
Reddit says,"Stop fucking selling!"

What a knot.
I mean when do you sell it?
Keeping it in doesn't fill your pockets.
Dumping it makes you the money.

It really is the clearest illustration of how it all can be manipulated and created out of nothing

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