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What's been Installed, and What's to come...
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Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  What's been Installed, and What's to come...

Just a record of what I've done...and what's in the queue.

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Author:  V [ Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

Good stuff....
The world is right.

TIme to ride.

Author:  E907777 [ Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

Good shit J. Expect mad rep points as soon as that shits up.

Author:  PrimeTime21335 [ Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

Yeah I'll donate some cash.

Author:  intheband02 [ Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

This place looks more legit than every. Awesome work Jermz. :thumbup:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

I'm actually learning a lot about the underlying code from doing all this stuff. Wait till Zooka gets those other decals, shit is gonna look nice!

Author:  Jermzhi [ Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

Lets see how many I can knock off of this list tonight.

Author:  dusouljah [ Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

i need more than 10 posts per page

Author:  Kaos [ Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

I hate the "Cant quote more than 3 post" bullshit. Its annoying. And please extent the page for more than 10 post.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

Done and Done.

Author:  JC8804 [ Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

I agree . 30 post pages.
Rep points?

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

JC8804 wrote:
I agree . 30 post pages.
Rep points?

Rep points arent happening.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

Jermzhi wrote:
JC8804 wrote:
I agree . 30 post pages.
Rep points?

Rep points arent happening.

If I can install an eqivalent, I will.

Author:  E907777 [ Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

Jermzhi wrote:
Jermzhi wrote:
JC8804 wrote:
I agree . 30 post pages.
Rep points?

Rep points arent happening.

If I can install an eqivalent, I will.

you wanna rep someone give them some hard earned cash.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

E907777 wrote:
Jermzhi wrote:
Jermzhi wrote:
JC8804 wrote:
I agree . 30 post pages.
Rep points?

Rep points arent happening.

If I can install an eqivalent, I will.

you wanna rep someone give them some hard earned cash.

what a great idea. im gonna start doing that.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Thu Apr 10, 2014 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

Alright faggots.

There is now a rep point system in place for posts. You'll see the button on every post.

Author:  I used to be nazty [ Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

I hate the "Cant quote more than 3 post" bullshit. Its annoying. And please extent the page for more than 10 post.

That was my favorite mod ever.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

All right, I've achieved what I wanted to achieve tonight.

So I installed

Quote Back: This creates a link in every quote that can be followed back to the original quote.

Topic Preview: I like this one. If you put your mouse cursor over a thread link for a few seconds, a box pops up that will give you a preview of the threads content.

Thanks for Post: This is basically a more advanced version of the rep point system. You can give out thanks. What you give and what you get is added and recorded, and you can actually see a list of thanks given and received.

User Status: Above your avatar you'll see a status. It is set right now to simply show whether a user is online or not. The mod can be switched into a mode where the user can choose from a list of status pictures (that list is blank right now) to represent their current status.

User Avatars on Memberslist: I did this before, but I fucked it up. Fixed it. Now the avatars are small, and when you scroll over them, they become big.

I've tested as much as I could. These additions sometimes cause random problems that I don't see, so if any of you find something, copy the error message, and take note of what you were doing to make it happen and then let me know so I can fix it. I have several backups sitting around so I can easily undo things if I cant pinpoint the problem exactly.

In the meantime, enjoy the new features and give your opinion on them.

This weekend, I'm going to try to put in the big guns, those being the music player, the arcade, and the image resizer.

Author:  Kaos [ Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

Good work Jermzhi. Now just gotta figure out how shit works. :D

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

arcade?? :shock:


Author:  Kaos [ Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

Thanks for Post: This is basically a more advanced version of the rep point system. You can give out thanks. What you give and what you get is added and recorded, and you can actually see a list of thanks given and received.

How about a negative or thumbs down. Motherfuckers be posting stupid shit that needs a fuck you or something. Maybe lose points in the process :D

Author:  Jermzhi [ Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

Thanks for Post: This is basically a more advanced version of the rep point system. You can give out thanks. What you give and what you get is added and recorded, and you can actually see a list of thanks given and received.

How about a negative or thumbs down. Motherfuckers be posting stupid shit that needs a fuck you or something. Maybe lose points in the process :D

lmfao, thats what some of the smilies are for.

Author:  Austinholic_3:16 [ Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

id give Jermz a thumbs down for that gay ass sig of his.

Author:  Kaos [ Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

id give Jermz a thumbs down for that gay ass sig of his.

Thumbs up for that comment. :thumbup:

Author:  Jermzhi [ Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's been Installed, and What's to come...

id give Jermz a thumbs down for that gay ass sig of his.


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