Boxing Hideout

Welcome Back from Oblivion
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Author:  moemoney253 [ Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

Vbermensch wrote:
damn MOe. You have always been an asshole, but this is too far.
something is wrong with you that you are this mad...not the other way around.
its why I joke about people like you a Finito being autistic...something is wired wrong in you boys.

What you going to do...make a poster of all the posts. :lol:
Grubs did about the coolest shit ever going through Big B's posts but he is dead now.
Some shit just don't get to go back....its irreversible.
You still got your damn action heroes when you were a kid? if you do...something is wrong.
we move on a grow the fuck up.
Get stronger...not weaker...all that cliche shit because that is what you have to do.
You want put it on a thumb drive and hang it around your neck? is what it is and it is what is in you.

lol,u seem to know me but i dont know u!
and whoever u are i dont give a fuck about u :lol:
your less than nothing to me so ur opinion is irrelevant.
your probably not even an original bho member so whoever u are go suck a fat one!
anyway kaos u already proved u were pussy a long time ago so im not even entertaining your bs.

im upset about this cuz i know all u dudes back in the espn days!
i know nothing is gonna bring it back man i get it,but all im doing is voicing my displeasure.
im a huge part of bho's history than is now gone so i have the right to do that.
jermz acts like i aint shit and he's being a little bitch as usual....
nigga wont even acknowledge me like im some newbie piece of shit who just came here!

really jermz?
dude has never showed me any respect in all the years that ive been here so why should this be any different? but watever man nothing i say is gonna bring the shit back...
but it's a mistake that i never would have made because unlike jermz bitchass im not incompetent :lol: dont know why im surprised cuz jermz is ancient....

nigga probably dont even know how to do a backup he was born in the 60'es :lol:
fucking oldass nigga could barely type he's technology illiterate!
same guy who couldnt do simple arithmetic when we did the football pickem 2 years ago :lol:
to bad i cant prove it no thanks to jermz....

anyway im done man ive said what i had to say....
fuck u jermz and fuck the dude whos calling me out cuz i dont know u :lol:

Author:  Kaos [ Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

Lol @ Moe calling me a pussy when that little bitch made me wait for him at Gleason ' s Gym. I was prepared to bust his fucking mouth while recording it and put it up here for everyone to see me mop the floor with him.

Moe has some stories lol. Nothing panned out for him in life. Not acting. Not boxing. Not the business world. His success lies in the web :lol:

Author:  PrimeTime21335 [ Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

I swear on anything someone mentioned this before and Jermz said he had it all backed up. In fact, I could've sworn I've seen him say he had it backed up multiple times.

Guess not.

Not that big of a deal to me.

Author:  PrimeTime21335 [ Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

Kaos wrote:
Lol @ Moe calling me a pussy when that little bitch made me wait for him at Gleason ' s Gym. I was prepared to bust his fucking mouth while recording it and put it up here for everyone to see me mop the floor with him.

Moe has some stories lol. Nothing panned out for him in life. Not acting. Not boxing. Not the business world. His success lies in the web :lol:

Moe is a cartoon character lol.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

PrimeTime21335 wrote:
I swear on anything someone mentioned this before and Jermz said he had it all backed up. In fact, I could've sworn I've seen him say he had it backed up multiple times.

Guess not.

Not that big of a deal to me.

I have backed it up. I backed it up everytime I made an update. I even had a backup the night before it died. But I was doing small updates, and I saw that the backup was long past outdated, and it would've taken too much time to do a backup, so I deleted the old one since the updates were fine and I was sure that I wasn't going to break the board in the process, and I figured, whats the worst that could happen? If I fuck something up, I'll just fix it, no big deal!

Then a fucking server somewhere that I have no fucking control over decided to die like 7 hours later.

Author:  championsleagueboxin [ Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

Thanks for recovering!

I was this close to starting a Google+ group. Yeah, I was in withdrawal.

Author:  E907777 [ Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

Damn guys, it's good to have you back. You should have seen me at my desk having a panic attack when i thought the site was gone forever!

Author:  Jermzhi [ Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

I don't even think I had access to the database to back it up. I could have backed up the board, but all the posts were outside of my reach.

Author:  Jermzhi [ Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

moemoney253 wrote:
Vbermensch wrote:
damn MOe. You have always been an asshole, but this is too far.
something is wrong with you that you are this mad...not the other way around.
its why I joke about people like you a Finito being autistic...something is wired wrong in you boys.

What you going to do...make a poster of all the posts. :lol:
Grubs did about the coolest shit ever going through Big B's posts but he is dead now.
Some shit just don't get to go back....its irreversible.
You still got your damn action heroes when you were a kid? if you do...something is wrong.
we move on a grow the fuck up.
Get stronger...not weaker...all that cliche shit because that is what you have to do.
You want put it on a thumb drive and hang it around your neck? is what it is and it is what is in you.

lol,u seem to know me but i dont know u!
and whoever u are i dont give a fuck about u :lol:
your less than nothing to me so ur opinion is irrelevant.
your probably not even an original bho member so whoever u are go suck a fat one!
anyway kaos u already proved u were pussy a long time ago so im not even entertaining your bs.

im upset about this cuz i know all u dudes back in the espn days!
i know nothing is gonna bring it back man i get it,but all im doing is voicing my displeasure.
im a huge part of bho's history than is now gone so i have the right to do that.
jermz acts like i aint shit and he's being a little bitch as usual....
nigga wont even acknowledge me like im some newbie piece of shit who just came here!

really jermz?
dude has never showed me any respect in all the years that ive been here so why should this be any different? but watever man nothing i say is gonna bring the shit back...
but it's a mistake that i never would have made because unlike jermz bitchass im not incompetent :lol: dont know why im surprised cuz jermz is ancient....

nigga probably dont even know how to do a backup he was born in the 60'es :lol:
fucking oldass nigga could barely type he's technology illiterate!
same guy who couldnt do simple arithmetic when we did the football pickem 2 years ago :lol:
to bad i cant prove it no thanks to jermz....

anyway im done man ive said what i had to say....
fuck u jermz and fuck the dude whos calling me out cuz i dont know u :lol:

Your bullshit rolls right off of my shoulders Moe, you know why? because you don't know shit about what goes on behind the scenes. If I were to give you one thing to add to this board, you wouldn't know the slightest fuck about how to do it, where to start, who to ask, where to educate your ignorant ass, Nothing, you know nothing!!! So why should I be bothered by your bullshit? Simpleton ass nigga. Just stay in your fucking lane, you ungrateful cocksucker, and cry like a bitch!

Author:  gruberisgod [ Mon Apr 07, 2014 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

Moe's just an emotional dude. He'll be alright. A lot of us were disappointed, but I already don't care anymore. Jermz got a new board up in like two days. That's pretty fucking cool.

Author:  I used to be nazty [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

Damn, people be freaking out.

Let me clarify a few things.

The site was put on the cheapest server known to man kind. In hindsight, this was a bad idea, but lets remember how the site started.

ESPN went stupid, I got the site put up in like a day for everyone to talk. More and more people came and I added patchwork code as best I could. I was always kind of a shitty programmer, which is why I don't do it anymore. At the time I was still in college learning a lot of this shit. I was broke as shit and just got a cheap ass server to hold everything. Sure we should have migrated over to a better one at some point, but I don't really do that. Hell, every time I tried to ever back up the database the server would time out on me.

It's frankly a miracle that the site lasted this long before crashing. I'm sorry it did. It sucks. What can you do? In the long term things should run a lot better now, especially with jermzhi updating to the newest software and starting fresh. It will always be kind of a bitch that it happened, but eventually it will just be another old story.

Moemoney -- shut up. We are not a business. There are no ads here. This site has been nothing but a money sink since the day I started it. Jermzhi has not received crap for all the work he has done over the years and what he is doing now. No one actually owes anyone anything. I didn't have to pay for this site for all the years I did, and I don't have to now. Jermzhi doesn't have to put in all the work he has. This isn't some site for growth to become a money making things. It's a small message board that has no business plans.

When you have a site like that it has its ups and down. The ups are a smaller community with few rules and real community. The downside is it may have been set up by college student who only had half an idea what the hell he was doing and used the crappiest server option possible.

I will be happy to help restore some things, or even add features if my help is needed. I haven't been on because the stupid bitching -- like moemoney -- got to me and I really don't watch boxing that much anymore. I still watch it some, I ordered the Floyd fight in September, but I'm just busy all the time now. I have a family and a job with crazy hours, and haven't given the site a second thought in years. That was my mistake.

I just hope people remember that all of this has always been done by volunteers who don't actually make anything off any of this.

Author:  E907777 [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

I used to be nazty wrote:
Damn, people be freaking out.

Let me clarify a few things.

The site was put on the cheapest server known to man kind. In hindsight, this was a bad idea, but lets remember how the site started.

ESPN went stupid, I got the site put up in like a day for everyone to talk. More and more people came and I added patchwork code as best I could. I was always kind of a shitty programmer, which is why I don't do it anymore. At the time I was still in college learning a lot of this shit. I was broke as shit and just got a cheap ass server to hold everything. Sure we should have migrated over to a better one at some point, but I don't really do that. Hell, every time I tried to ever back up the database the server would time out on me.

It's frankly a miracle that the site lasted this long before crashing. I'm sorry it did. It sucks. What can you do? In the long term things should run a lot better now, especially with jermzhi updating to the newest software and starting fresh. It will always be kind of a bitch that it happened, but eventually it will just be another old story.

Moemoney -- shut up. We are not a business. There are no ads here. This site has been nothing but a money sink since the day I started it. Jermzhi has not received crap for all the work he has done over the years and what he is doing now. No one actually owes anyone anything. I didn't have to pay for this site for all the years I did, and I don't have to now. Jermzhi doesn't have to put in all the work he has. This isn't some site for growth to become a money making things. It's a small message board that has no business plans.

When you have a site like that it has its ups and down. The ups are a smaller community with few rules and real community. The downside is it may have been set up by college student who only had half an idea what the hell he was doing and used the crappiest server option possible.

I will be happy to help restore some things, or even add features if my help is needed. I haven't been on because the stupid bitching -- like moemoney -- got to me and I really don't watch boxing that much anymore. I still watch it some, I ordered the Floyd fight in September, but I'm just busy all the time now. I have a family and a job with crazy hours, and haven't given the site a second thought in years. That was my mistake.

I just hope people remember that all of this has always been done by volunteers who don't actually make anything off any of this.

This really should be recognized. The work Nazty did to get this thing we love started, and the things J has done since then should be applauded. So it crashed. Shit happens! I;m just glad it's back, and think a proper "thank you" is on order to Nazty and J.

Author:  V [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

I good. Thankful too.
It say it time and time again...nothing last forever as well as it should for reasons beyond us.
Fresh start...its not like anything is different if you can get your mind there.

Author:  intheband02 [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

I'm with E90. I don't have much reason to be upset. I've gotten nothing but enjoyment out of this site. The only issue for me is getting everyone back on board and adding some new guys who aren't lunatics.

Author:  Kaos [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

Only thing I truly care about is that we are back. Isnt that the most important thing anyway? Seems like the majority have found this place again. So that's a good thing. Nazty and Jermzhi don't get a penny from any of us here so who are we to bitch? I thank both of these guys for their service. Its greatly appreciated.

Author:  intheband02 [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

Throw up a new banner and this place looks fresher than it ever has. "Built it and they will come."

Author:  dusouljah [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

the thing is i sit at a computer all day at work....

i like checking in on u guys

Author:  Jermzhi [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

I'm gonna get the banner slogan up later, gotta go to work right now and deal with some audits, them French motherfuckers from Airbus are in town.

Author:  golden eagle [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

as i was telling jermzhi the other day, you did a mitzvah nazty

Author:  E907777 [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

Souljah, that you in your avatar?

Author:  dusouljah [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion


Author:  E907777 [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

dusouljah wrote:

What you smoking up there big dog?

Author:  dusouljah [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

freshly rolled cigar at a beer fest

Author:  E907777 [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

dusouljah wrote:
freshly rolled cigar at a beer fest

My man. Gotta get me a lighter like that.

Author:  intheband02 [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome Back from Oblivion

dusouljah wrote:
freshly rolled cigar at a beer fest

That sounds like a fine day.

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