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 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 1:38 am 
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I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 1:52 am 
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I'm not crazy so I can't read that.


 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 4:53 pm 
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I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 4:53 pm 
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National Flag: RussiaRussia
I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 4:53 pm 
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I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 4:55 pm 
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Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:13 pm
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I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 4:56 pm 
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I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 5:10 pm 
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Get this spamming mothafucka outta here

My name is Ice, and I want to sincerely apologize to Matthew Stafford for all of the irrational, unfair, and quite frankly stupid comments I have made about him in the past. Stafford is elite. Stafford is clutch. Stafford is a winner. Stafford is, forever, a Super Bowl Champion. I know this now.

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I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 5:25 pm 
Status: Offline
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Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:13 pm
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Posts: 12129
Location: Trailer Park, Indiana
Has thanked: 20 times
Been thanked: 3 times
National Flag: RussiaRussia
I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 5:25 pm 
Status: Offline
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Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2014 12:13 pm
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Posts: 12129
Location: Trailer Park, Indiana
Has thanked: 20 times
Been thanked: 3 times
National Flag: RussiaRussia
I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

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I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I am Brother Burowz. A black soul with white pride.#MAGA2024

 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 5:27 pm 
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 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 5:28 pm 
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regular posters posting cock and men ass fucking while another is spamming. Must be the excitement of tonight's fights.

 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 5:29 pm 
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I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/boxing/th ... ts-postbox

The old days the glory years of boxing was something to be hold. Those guys always fought each other, they were 15 round fights and they fought once every 3 to four months. Now they fight once a year against bums. May weather would of never beaten Sugar Ray Leonard, Robinson, Duran. Hearn's, Haggler. Pippino Quaves, Bassilio, Lamata, Graziano. and the many more great fighters of that era. Boxing is a dead sport it has been dead now for over 30 years. Nothing will ever fix the controversial decisions, fixed fights, mis-matches over the years . Why is there governing bodies in boxing for? THEY DONT ENFORCE THE TOP FIGHTERS IN EVERY DIVISION TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER TO DECIDE THE BEST IN EVERY WEIGHT DIVISION. The heavy weight division stinks with 2 Russian fighters who cant fight there way out of a paper bag. There is not even a light heavy weight division anymore. It is a corrupt sport with no new rules to prevent mis-matches, fixed fights, fouls that are always committed, and enforcement of who fights who. It is controlled by a money trail of promoters who only look out for themselves and their personal fighters to become rich. There is no integrity of knowing your the best because you fight the top ranked fighters in the world. It should be banned for many more reasons then what I have said alone

Who really cares about boxing now. The fight game is a joke. Boxing has been dead for a long time now. Nothing will be able to fix the wrongs of the last 30 years for boxing. They should ban boxing not for the obvious danger but for the politics, fixed fights, always seemingly controversial decisions that plague every match This is such a joke there is no light heavy weight division anymore. The heavy weight division is useless and pathetic with 2 Russian fighters as champs. They both stink and could not fight there way out of a paper bag. There is no stars not that many great fighters any-way. They fight only once a year or so and with Don rip off King . And bad boy Bob rip off fix any fight at will Arum, what do you have the Ringling brothers circus coming to town. It is dead man.He should have taken the 40 million offer by May-weather. Boxing is a sad excuse for a sport. In the old days they would fight once a month and many had 80, 100 fight careers, Be serious May-weather, Pacquiao. Bradly, Marquez. any top ranked fighter would of been hurt very badly or possible killed against Hearns, Leonard, Durand, Haggler, Pipino ,Cuevas, Mugabe Tony Zale, Rockey Grazia-no, Jake Lamotta. Sugar Ray Robinson,Carmen Basilio, etc etc. those guys were warriors fought 70, 80. 100. 140 , fight careers. They fought 15 round fights. He is so careful who he fights. Has fought absolutely no one good.. It is a filthy dirty, corrupt, sport that always had corrupt gangsters, bookies, corrupt promoters influence tied to it, The government should ban it for the evil twisted, maligned managers, drug cheats, pay per view net works that suck the life from the working man. Boxing today they fight once every year or 2 and the class of fighters like I said early are not even fit to be named with the greats of the past. Manny used to be on steroids, he lost his last 2 because he was off the stuff. Also Marquez was on them when he almost killed Pac man. So now in all sports people cheat with drugs to get the upper hand .
Lets put this in proper perspective. Rios was a slow moving turtle. Rios was a total punching bag. Rios was handpicked to make Pac Man look like he is on his way back. And what we all know is that boxing still sucks. When will we ever see the boxing organizations W.B.C W.B.O.W.B.A AND ALL THE OTHER W what ever force, demand fighters, the top ten fighters in every weight class fight each other to determine the champions? Its not the best way to make the top money for sure. That's why good fighters fight bums, tomato cans, has beens, never will be, Joe Louis used to call it the bum of the month club. They will never risk the best fighting the best unless the good fighters build up their records against stiffs like what we saw tonight in Rios a slow, weak hitting target that anyone with speed could beat. I like Pac Man but they knew to make him marketable again they hand picked an easy pug to make him look good. So what would be the next logical fight for Pac Of course May weather. But wait he has to make much more money with his bum of the month club fights. For May weather HIS BUM OF THE MONTH HAS BEEN HIS WHOLE career. So boxing is a dead sport and no one that understands how it was will not know. Look at the old day fighters they fought each other over and over in every weight class to see who was the best. These guys today would of all been knocked out cold by the yester years guys

The UFC Doesn't Have to Sign Gina Carano, She's Already Under Contract
Excuse me. I think for people who love to see the beautiful women who God has created to be a help mate to men beat each others brains in with blood splattered all over the floor in a 10 by 15 ring with cages and barb wired fences need to reevaluate our priority's in life. I thing women are very beautiful soft skin beautiful features that God created to compliment their husbands and visa versa. To see them pound fists into each others breasts, faces, legs, eyes, cuts on their lips, eye lids, teeth knocked out . Potential life threating blows to the stomach area , the chance that their reproductive organs can be permanently damaged. To possible see brain damage. Now if that was done outside of the ring and in public there would be such a public outcry for women to be treated this way. But people salivate from the mouth to see beautiful women beating each other to a pulp. Does this mean that people are sexist, not understanding, male chauvinistic, hateful of equal rights. Not at all. It is out of respect, love, care, concern, compassion to want to see no harm come to the most beautiful, loving, smartest, awesome. valuable, loved people on the planet that God has created, his masterpiece other then babies, women
Sterling gets banned for life
Wow no one denies what this guy said was right, Yes it was very wrong and vile to say the least. But why is there a double standard ? When Jesse race pimp Jackson, or Al sharp-shooter bigot Sharpton, plus Louis far left radical Muslim is lamest radical Jew, white hater, racist, Farrakhan say vile things such as honkey, Hemi town, blood sucking Jews, white people were created by black scientist's that experiments went wrong, They get a free pass. Nothing is ever done to their evil race pimping, race hustling , race baiting. race card playing schemes to get people fired, fines, expelled from ever working again for life. While the black racists can become presidents , hosts of T.V. shows, Anchors of news stations. Allowed to be part of the criminal enterprise of the N.A.L.C.P AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Allowed to be part of the wicked black panthers who block voting booths from white people. Allowed to kill, commit crimes way more then any other race in America totally be swept under the rug , Why? When is this going to stop.? Why do they blame us for what happened 200 hundred years ago . I as a Christian love all people God made us all equal. Now I hate the #$%$. AND THEY AND ALL racists GROUPS NEVER DESERVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. But the Black racists groups also never deserve to see the light of day also for the blood shed they have committed against society. In the civil war, 700,000 whites died in that war to free Africans and give them citizenship. That's over 2 billion gallons of white blood spilled Yes many #$%$ suffered, but every-one has suffered in life, Jews, Italians, Irish , Germans Asians, EVERYONE THAT CAME INTO THIS COUNTRY SUFFERED SOME FORM OF DISCRIMINATION. Hate is not limited to one race. White people do not have the market on hate. Hate comes in all colors. Look at the inner cities of America. White people are not killing black people. The killing is done by black on #$%$ all over America. Why not for The Lord Jesus Christ's good name address this. You know why? Because it will not fit the lefts narrative of using the lie of race. 95 Percent of people are not at all racist . People can be bad by nature. We are all sinners and in need of Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins. Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave his only forgotten son that who ever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. We are all one race . We have the same parents Adam and Eve. What the race pimps do is keep people down and insecure. They always play the victim card. Once you feel that way you never move ahead and try to improve your life. You always feel entitled. I can prove race is a big myth. The richest person in the world is Opera Winfrey. #$%$ dominate all professional sports. There is so many black coaches, managers, TV announcers, actors, doctors, nurses, etc., etc. Why are black conservatives always labeled uncle Toms for? Now that is racist. The best woman tennis player in the world is the Williams sisters. Do not play the race card for people who can think for themselves. When I watch a football game and the people in the stands watch a black player score a touchdown they all stand up and clap and applaud. If you see Green bay play when a black player scores they do the lambo leap INTO THE STANDS AND ALL THE WHITE FANS HUG HIM, HOLD HIM, GIVE HIM HIGH FIVES. So do not play the race card with any-one that thinks reasons with them selves. Some of my best friends our black and I love them as I love anyone else, As a Christian we are commanded to love everyone.
These days everything is racist. Here we go again when one wants to get what they want use the race card and deal it from the bottom up. It is so used these days to getting people to back off what one wants to believe and disagree with points of view. So if one disagrees with the Obama policies on the evil practice of abortion, gay marriage, the need to protect Israel, investigate Benghazi and find out the truth about why 4 brave Americans were killed you are called a racist. People pimp, bait, sell the race card because they know it will freeze and stop the just questions people have over injustices. So if a person who is a minority commits a crime and in convicted the jury, judge is a racist. So people like Jesse Jackson, Al sharp-shooter sharp- ton and Louis Farrakhan are not? They hate white people and say all kinds of vile things against whites but are allowed to get away with it. They would like to see all whites, Jews, done away with. But society gives them a free pass. I am a Christian and God made all of us the same. We all need Jesus Christ to forgive us from our sins. All people in history have been discriminated against. every group that came to America has gotten picked on been at the bottom of the social ladder. Italians, Germans, Irish, Jews etc. etc. All wars in Africa pit black tribes against black tribes, Muslims kill each other in the middle east, China has killed millions of their own during the evil communist reign of Mao. During the Rwanda war the Hutu's killed a million Tutsi-es. Don't play the race card with people who can reason. If the whole world were one people would murder, rape, crime stop? Why does not the black leaders ever speak out against the black on black crime in the inner cities of most states in America? Chicago for example so sad to see beautiful young black males being killed over drug turf and yet where is Jackson, Sharp ton? Don't play the race card with people who can reason. Do you know we all come from one race we are all related our first parents were Adam and Eve. God loves us all and we all should love each other as Jesus loves us and died for our sins. The use of racism in America has gotten out of hand, the #$%$ wield it like a weapon The gullible are the Americans who voted for "hope and change". the hope is the world's hard left hoping for America to be taken off the table as a world power. the change is the process of destroying America's ability to be a force for good in the world. The reason Romney lost was that the stack was against him regarding the minority vote. The evil Democrats painted him a greedy rich white man who would not care for you. So they made it a contest of Black, Spanish, Asian, etc. etc. against the evil rich white guy who only cares about the rich, wall street, big business. They all bought the lie. The race card lie that's very popular now and it is such a deceptive word to get what one wants these days. When in fact Mitt would of been better for all people. All of America. BUT POOR ROMNEY HE HAS TO GIVE UP THE WONDERFUL DREAM OF HELPING THE COUNTRY HE LOVES BECAUSE THE LIES OF THE LIBERAL HATE MACHINE DESTROYED HIS REPUTATION OF SOME ONE BEING A RACIST

Floyd UD

Even if marcos had no gloves on at all

Everyone has a plan until they
get hit-Tyson

If your undefeated , you didnt fight everyone -Ali

 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 5:31 pm 
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Fuck that :smiley-wagging-his-finger-saying-no-emoticon:

 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 6:19 pm 
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Hahahahahahahahahaha burowz such a douche hahahahahahahahahaha

Jermz gonna have to pull a nazty and give burowz negative money lmao

 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 6:20 pm 
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I just want to say that I did not read all of this, but, I just found it funny that someone would write so much and be all over the place with his thoughts. Maybe it's MoeMoney's daddy or something.

Floyd UD

Even if marcos had no gloves on at all

AND JC ANSWERS THE THREAD SERIOUSLY!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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