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 Post Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 6:09 pm 
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i love the part about those who are most vocal about wanting the fight to get made are those who are just gonna steal the fight and not pay money to see it. :hearty-laugh:

:hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

Is this true RJ??? Are you gonna steal the fight??? :hearty-laugh: Dont hide from the people!!!! Story up!!!



 Post Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 10:53 pm 
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Look man the bottom line is Crawford is just delusional at this point....arums alot of things but racist ain't one of them.he robs every race he promotes equally always has

:hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

Crawford just clearly is butt hurt, blaming bob for the fact he's not a ppv draw is absurd....
We are clearly seeing the bitch in Crawford now he's blaming everyone and there mother for not getting the swpnce fight yet,and for his pathetic ppv #es :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

It's really sad and pathetic man...
Now he won't even get the Taylor fight.
He's just a horrible business man all around he is clueless in the boardroom real bad

 Post Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 12:09 am 
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He's just a horrible business man all around he is clueless in the boardroom real bad

Bro, the quote doesn't even capture the gravity of it.

This whole thing aint a good look for Bud, lets connect the dots. What some of us been saying all along is Bud dont have the standing to decline 60/40. Some of us here refuse to believe he has ever refused this, despite his own words saying he'd never take it unless he was the 60, but lets leave that there for now.

Bud now suing TR for essentially lack of proper promotion is tantamount to an acknowledgement that his standing isn't what it should be not because of the people on the other side of the street but because of what and who is on HIS side of the street.

Whether or not Bob is racist and mistreats black fighters is all a matter of opinion I suppose, but Bud is the one who opted to reup with bob, and never did anything to promote himself like all elite fighters generally have to do, especially the black ones. Nor did he shop around with other promoters when he had the chance, promoters who do a better job with black fighters, to see if he could get better opportunities.

This is all on Crawford. Bob was happy to see Crawford go because he done said it already, he been losing money on him because Bob dont have the apparatus to maximize the money if he dont have a full stable at a weight class, and cant maximize the money if the fighters aint really tryna promote themselves. Bud been the type from jump to let his fighting do the talking. Someone name me a black american fighter around this era who ever made big paper doing it like that! Mosley is a perfect example of one who did it the way bud been doing....and he even managed to beat the eras cash cow the golden girl TWICE and it didnt translate into big money. Floyd and Hopkins were walking talking minstrels shows, and even with that Hop had to get in bed with Oscar and fight almost to 50 for his paper. Floyd built a whole fucking persona and apparatus to showcase and advert himself and his undefeated streak to the entire fucking country.

I've said it before that black fighters simply have to do more and its shitty, but that dont have anything to do with Bob, he aint the source of that. From a business prospective, Bob should do more to compensate for this, but he is not obligated to over promote his black fighters just because the environment requires them to be promoted more. Hate that im defending Bob, but he's in the fuckin clear here, and all the blame is really on Crawford for bad business decisions.

Crawford outta be paying a PR and Marketing firm to be honest as well as advisors, Black advisors.

Arum poked fun at the concept because it doesn't benefit him to lose black fighters to a Al Haymon, but the reality is, Haymon being a black man, is always going to understand the landscape for black boxers and black businessmen a helluva lot better than Arum would, and would not only promote them but also double up as knowledgeable counsel.

Its not that Al loves black fighters more than non black fighters, and its not that Arum loves or treats his black fighters any different. It's simply one man is black and one aint, and the one who is, is better equipped to help a fighter (due to his own history and business acumen) navigate the experience as a black american fighter, which has always been different from being a british one, or a canadian one, or a PR one, etc.

Crawford been playing checkers over at TR, when he shoulda long been playing Chess under Al. And now he tryna take Bob to court over it? It's fuckin STUPID.



 Post Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 12:19 am 
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I mean shit man, dude could have even went with Eddie Hearn and I promise you Eddie and Dazn could have got Crawford in a better situation than he's in right now.

Thats why Al is just better. I recognized what a wider scale of fighters needed, created the apparatus, and they all get what they need regardless of what they lack. Where as bob just straight equal opportunity, he gonna give them all the same treatment no matter what.

It's like a parent who gives their kids all the exact same lessons, but dont give the one kid extra math lessons who is obviously struggling with addition. Bob expect you to figure it out and make up your own short comings. Al the type to not only sit you down, but he done created a whole program that anticipated you having problems and has solutions for you. Crawford the retarded remedial math kid.



 Post Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 1:25 am 
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Jermz u said everything right,and wat me and other ppl also been saying for yrs....
Arum ain't no racist, Crawford is just a bozo as a business man period plain and simple

He's a little nigga with a attitude man he got the Napoleon complex cuz he's like 5'8 :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

He wants all this respect and notoriety but he's not willing to go out and do the work for it....
It's not enough to just be a great fighter man not wen ur black it's not fair but it's true

Leonard and Tyson got away with it cuz mike was the terminator and Leonard was a killer with the million dollar smile u could put on cereal boxes...
Floyd had to do wat he had to do to get paid

Crawford could go the Floyd route,but he never would cuz he doesn't have the balls to have everyone hate him,or he just couldn't pull it off cuz he's to phony and lame

Great fighter but just a horrible business men and never been the sharpest knife in the draw....
And look man Spence is a fucking dumbass to I always knew he was a loser drunk and that would catch up to him

But he has Floyd and haymon watching his back and pbc has all the wws worth a dam....
Crawford knowing arum had nobody for him to fight he should have left yrs ago last time wen he was a free agent that's on his sorry ass

For whatever reason Crawford thinks the sun rises and sets based on his time and that everyone gotta go he porter route and bend over and come to him wen that's far from the case

Bottom line is like I said Crawford has always been fully content to make his money against lesser opponents andfront hard like he wants the big fights wen in reality he's not willing to really do wats necessary to secure then which means totally going out of ur comfort zone sometimes and compromising even wen u feel u shouldn't have to

 Post Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 1:45 am 
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Yea man, all of that. Spence's personality is boring as fuck, and its become even worse now that he's kind of "off" after the car accident, slurring his words and his brain looking like its taking a few extra milliseconds to clock from moment to moment, in addition to his clear alcohol issues which we know full well he still has.

But ya, point is he was at least smart enough to align with people who help him grow his brand without the need for him to actually promote himself. Crawford is just one of those stubborn napolean complex dudes who think he can do it all himself and he dont need nothing fancy and flash, and thats cool, but then you dont go complaining when that shit dont get you what it is you really want. And he already talking about retiring in 2 or 3 fights or something, which i doubt. Maybe he's banking on getting the 10 mil from this lawsuit lol.



 Post Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 4:34 am 
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U know wat man??
I'm tired of all these fucking athletes threatening retirement wen they don't get there way...
If dudes are so thirsty to travel,and do this and do that and live there life quote on quote than fine go do that

This tennis player novak Djokovic clearly broke the rules and now he's suffering and bitching about it cuz he thought he would get away with it cuz of who he is and how great he is

If Crawford wanna go retire now,or 12 months from now man idgaf go retire....I'm not gonna lose a minute of sleep if Crawford or Spence both retire tomorrow man real talk

It's always new and younger stars around the corner to replace u and the show will always go on...
So look man if that's really true and Crawford is financially set for life than God bless dude man go enjoy the fruits of ur labor,all the yrs of hard work he put in and fucking retire than!!

Cuz this shit man I'm tired of it...
And if Spence career gets cut short cuz he got the brain damage and he's not the same well it's his own dam fault.
Drinking was always gonna catch up to his ass I told ya yrs ago he was a loser drunk man I know one wen I see one as I grew up on that

If they got the bread man,and that's really how u feel than go do u and hang it up ....don't let the door hit ur ass on the way out man :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

But all this bitching man,all this dumb shit between Spence and Crawford I'm tired and over it....
Niggas wanna keep dancing around each other that's fine by me to...

Cuz who knows man Thurman and Ennis might just slip in and head crack they ass cuz it's way to many distractions for both of them right now

Spence might be damaged goods,and Crawford is pushing 35 and he's more hittable than ever....
Every fight he looks more vulnerable and u can just see he's slowly declining, reflexes clearly ain't wat they were 3-5 yrs ago,speed ain't wat it was either

So let them both keep dicking around and both there 0es will go before they ever fight each other

 Post Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 1:18 pm 
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Y'all muthafuckaa tripping hard over a lawsuit :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh: It's not the first time Bob's been sued and it won't be the last. :hearty-laugh: This reaction is too much.

Sure, Bud hasn't had the best career like Mayweather, but still its been better than 90% of boxers careers and its the best from his region. He's made millions, such a horrible situation right?

Bottom line is Bob didn't secure him the Spence fight, didn't get him Pacquiao multiple opportunities, trashed him publicly while promoting him, has lost money off Fury and others and didn't expose them like that and didn't secure him 2 fights a year like promised. Crawford's little suit with Bob is just a try, if it works, good for him. Still the real thing with me is Spence doesn't want to fight him. Y'all talk that other shit. It is what it is.

 Post Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 2:20 pm 
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You dont wanna discuss it because its showing how stupid your guy is lmao.



 Post Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 2:55 pm 
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You dont wanna discuss it because its showing how stupid your guy is lmao.

:rofl: :rofl:

 Post Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 2:58 pm 
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He may win something. Everybody shits on Bob in a way when they leave him. It's nothing new. At the end of the day, how stupid is it to average 4.5 million per fight against mediocre competition? Bob lost already because he didn't secure Bud the big fights. Bud got his money.

 Post Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 3:01 pm 
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Only people this matters too is Crawford detractors and those within Top Rank.

 Post Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 5:05 pm 
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rj wrote:
Only people this matters too is Crawford detractors and those within Top Rank.

I mean, you mean that to say what exactly? The fact that Errol is fighting in the order where hes putting his money first before crawford only matters to errols detractors, ppl who say they dont care about his money, and other people who steal ppvs instead of paying for them. :hearty-laugh:



 Post Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 6:56 pm 
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At the end of the day man Spence is younger than bud and has less fights,and he's beaten way better xompu than bud in less than 30 fights and made way more money and sold more ppvs

Spence doesn't even have 30 fights yet,while bud had almost 40 fights....so the paperwork is out there and the facts are in.crawford is a content lazy bum like I said before...this dude is a phony that fools his fans he's a great a1 conman

U know wat man since Spence is fighting ugas in April now it's no reason for Crawford not to get Thurman now....so go and beat that man,maybe with Thurman he'll actually do some good ppv #es for once

We should see Thurman Crawford in July or August...
That's the most sensible logic thing for Crawford to do he should beat at the barrios fight watching keef and that should be his main focus instead of wasting time to fight another can

Porter was legit we all know that but he has alot of cans in between

 Post Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 7:29 pm 
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Nah moe you aint heard? He on vacation lmao...he work so hard...

He do so much heavy liftin....he deserve a break til spence is free again lmao.

He on staycation...suin old jewish niggas for the bread he cant seem to make in the ring :hearty-laugh:



 Post Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 1:04 am 
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At the end of the day man Spence is younger than bud and has less fights,and he's beaten way better xompu than bud in less than 30 fights and made way more money and sold more ppvs

Spence doesn't even have 30 fights yet,while bud had almost 40 fights....so the paperwork is out there and the facts are in.crawford is a content lazy bum like I said before...this dude is a phony that fools his fans he's a great a1 conman

U know wat man since Spence is fighting ugas in April now it's no reason for Crawford not to get Thurman now....so go and beat that man,maybe with Thurman he'll actually do some good ppv #es for once

We should see Thurman Crawford in July or August...
That's the most sensible logic thing for Crawford to do he should beat at the barrios fight watching keef and that should be his main focus instead of wasting time to fight another can

Porter was legit we all know that but he has alot of cans in between

At the end of the day :hearty-laugh: Crawford is more accomplished than Spence and most fighters out there. Six world titles to just 2 for Errol, 3 division champion to Errol's one and former undisputed champion. Bud's eyeing his fourth division with a chance at four more titles and a historical 2nd undisputed weight class. That niggas career is legit. Dudes a former lightweight knocking out welterweights.

Younger? Yeah Spence is but he got busted up in sparring, had a retina tear, car crash, and Shawn Porter took him through a war. That nigga might not be the same and it's no guarantee he gets past Ugas.

There you go on Thurman nuts again. This nigga's not a ppv star. Barrios fight will flop. Crawford is already aiming for Charlo/Castana winner. Thurman is the fight Bud will settle for if he can't get Spence or Charlo/Castana.

Yo ass talkin bout tomato cans when Bud beat everyone in 2 divisions and in his 3rd division has the top guys playing keep away at PBC. You're going to pretend that he chose and got to fight the fights he wanted at welterweight? Your agenda is to just hate on this man. :eusa_snooty:

 Post Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 1:30 am 
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Nah moe you aint heard? He on vacation lmao...he work so hard...

He do so much heavy liftin....he deserve a break til spence is free again lmao.

He on staycation...suin old jewish niggas for the bread he cant seem to make in the ring :hearty-laugh:

You're very infatuated with Terence man, I see. No bullshit. Saying with this man deserves and ragging on a man's money who makes 20 times your income is petty.

Of course he deserves to map out his career how he feels :kopfpatsch: He's put in the work. Respect the game. Spence isn't the only fighter who can dictate his career, you be jocking his moves too hard. Crawford has already listed the 3 or 4 fighters he wants before he retires and they all have fights in the first quarter of the year because they haven't been busy..

Respect that man path as a free agent now to fight his wish list like you respect Spence's path to not fight Crawford :hearty-laugh: And please stop co-signing Moe's frail attempts at making points. You're better than this. :hearty-laugh:

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